Why do so many fear Barack Obama?
By shamsta19
@shamsta19 (3224)
United States
June 19, 2008 3:52am CST
Couldn't leave this one alone. I am not trying to influence anyone's political choices, but it just seems there is a concerted effort to bring this man down. I am all about change in our government right now though it seems our country (USA) isn't ready for that to come about.
Is it his ethnicity? His background? His politics? What are we so afraid of? Is it fear? Why is this man being attacked on so many levels. The guy gave his wife a pound (slap five with the fists, pound it you know?) and the gesture is being scrutinized as a act of terrorism.
What is our problem with this man?
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34 responses
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I don't have any problem with him.
I haven't seen bad things to really have a problem, really.
Anyway, my theory is, there's a few fanatics probably mixed in with the fringe horrible people...and supporters of other candidates, like the former candidate Clinton and then McCain's people. Then it kinda just...spreads...like a fever or a cough, because this country is going through rough times. Sometimes being angry is therapy for people, to have someone who probably even isn't the source and just hate them with everything you have...
Don't ask me to understand it, ^_^' people are irrational as a rule.
I run an alternative news blog, so I kinda have to have integrity. I love dissent and people thinking, but all I've seen is a bunch of smear pushing, and most of it ain't even original...so...you know.
I tell them; give me some evidence and facts and I'll believe you.
But nobody does.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I appreciate your response man. I just think the mudslinging has gone too far. I mean when Lincoln ran for President and the press got a hold that he had some "Black Blood" in him they attacked him too. This has gone to even further lengths with this man. No proof just flagrant slander.
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@yesah65 (157)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Abraham Lincoln's mother was what was known as a Mulungeon(tri-racial) mix, as is my heritage. It was a mixture of American Indian, Black, and possibly Portugese blood(still an unexplained mystery).
If a lot of these Racist types went back a few generations, they might not like what they find. Ha!
Lincoln always referred to himself as being SWARTHY...dark!
As far as Barack Obama is concerned, he is intelligent, new blood, and change, as far as I am concerned. I think our chances with him are better than John McCain. Give the man a chance and forget all the nonsense about the color of his skin.
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@blueandgreen (29)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
Americans (some) are not afraid of Obama. Americans, I believe, are afraid to change the status quo. Obama will be the first (fearless forecast) Afro-American president and they are afraid of that.
It's not Obama, it's the change that he's bringing with him. If Barrack was white, I think none of these people would be afraid of him. I hope I don't sound like a racist, because I am not, but hey, the status quo has always been a Caucasian president. Change in the status quo would scare some people, not only in the US but also in other countries.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Fearless forecast funny. No you don't sound like a racist in fact I think you are absolutely right. I have often said the same thing. If this man was white there wouldn't be so much questioning and negative sentiment about him.
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@mynameismine (771)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I think it is probably a little bit of everything you mentioned and a few other things that were left out that only they know. It is just ridiculous in my opinion. Nobody is perfect in this election by a long shot and the shortcomings of both men are obvious for all to see, but one way or another one of them is going to be in office come January 2009. I just hope that people educate themselves on facts and don't go on assumptions based on misguided opinions or stereotypes. We as a country owe ourselves more than that.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
19 Jun 08
No politician is perfect and that one thing is sure!
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@brhodes31 (11)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Im having trouble believing any politican. They make all sorts of promises and never keep them. We need one to fix the enconomy and fix the mess Bush put us in to.
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Lol, and you think no one is trying to bring McCain down?
We had change in 2006 we voted in an all Democratic Congress. I'm colorblind but I would love to see us with a black man for President I just don't want to see this black man our president. I would love to see a woman, I would love to see change.
If Senator Obama was saying that his main issue is to fight Islamism and close our borders, than he would have my vote. We are living in days where people fly airplanes into buildings killing themselves and thousands innocent people! We need a president male or female, black or white, I don't care if he's purple with polka dots, we need a strong leader who will do his utmost to protect our country and my grandchildren.
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
21 Jun 08
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Jun 08
This is where you are mistaken. We live in a day in age where our government will sacrifice it's own citizens to start a war for oil profits and where the population is so brainwashed they actually believe 19 SAUDI ARABS flew airplanes into our buildings thus provoking us to attack AFGHANISTAN?? Not Saudi Arabia? Fighting Islamism? Islam is again under attack here for what? You believe we are all terrorists too then? Are you a racist too? Lets start killing muslim then we can move on to N*****s and jews next?
Wonder if the Native American Indian felt that way about the CHRISTIANS who came here and spread disease, raped their women and wiped out the entire nation of people in the name of Christianity. This is not the way of the Muslim and even these radical types so talked about on TV are lone nuts who should not be in the forefront of Islam or be made as the example of what an true Muslim is. When you talk like this you cannot pose any valid argument at all except that you are prejudice. When you can see past your prejudice then you can start speaking intelligently about things.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I am in no way knocking you for your endorsement of John McCain. It's your reasoning I question and the prejudice remarks I take offense to.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I don't know if it's so much fear of him, but more of fear of fear. fear of change, fear of the unknown. fearful thinking is the only thinking most people know. when they can't relate to something they fear it. when they see someone who doesn't look like them they fear them.
what we need to do, is stop worrying what he may or may not do, and focus on what we can do to make this a better country to live it. no matter who becomes president, we need to step up and take responsiblity for what we have and have not done. get busy and make things happen for ourselves.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
19 Jun 08
i think everyone, the whole country wants this man to change the world all on his own. and when you can't because no one person can do everything, then they can stand back and say i told you so. what are we doing to start the change off? what are we doing in our own little world to contribute to the whole world as a whole. until we start doing that, then we are get what we always get, and that is much of nothing.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
19 Jun 08
For me it is his politics plain and simple! I have no qualms with his race, although he proclaims himself to be black but is most assuredly just as white only not in color. The man is so far left he is sitting in the stands beyond the foul line! I believe we need real change in washington also; change that neither of the candidates will bring us! Barack is running on the "change you can believe in" but gives absolutely no clue as to what those changes might be! His website mirrors Hillary Clintons so much, the same person could have scripted it! I also have some serious doubts as to his racial prejudices. How could he attend a church with so much hate (no better word)spewed from the pulpit fo 20+ years and if the Trinity Church is such a loving church, why do they need guards at the door? I'm afraid I just don't trust or respect someone who would shun the people and race that provided him with the opportunities he had as a youth to become what he is today for a heritage of a father who deserted him when he was a baby! Scientists say we learn the largest portion of our learned (book) knowledge between the ages of 0-10 and in those years he was taught the Koran and the Muslim faith. I just don't believe he has deserted that faith!
Finally, I am just as confused as you are but for a very different reason. My confusion stems from the question of; why do so many people blindly follow someone who has never made his mark on anything of any consequence? I mean, really, almost every bill he claims to have sponsored in congress, in actuality he co-sponsored which means someone let him put his name on it!
My reasonings have nothing to do with his race whatsoever although I firmly believe that the answer to my question in the previous paragraph can mostly be answered by the race factor.

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
19 Jun 08
You place so much "faith" in the current system of government. My question is not about race but about a man anyway. He is obviously not been involved in politics as long as some of these other old a**holes, but that is the very thing that attracts me to the man. What have our politicians accomplished that is so fricking great? Gas and oil prices are skyrocketing, unemployment as well. Beside the fact our government has been lying to us and poisoning the population for HUNDREDS OF YEARS while they bleed our pockets dry to make the minority rich. We are suffering without proper healthcare and our schools are in shambles and you place so much faith in that? Or should we blindly follow another Republican leader? Let him keep our boys over there in The Middle East so they can continue to monopolize the oil profit and let our gas price skyrocket to $10 a gallon?
And so what if he attended Rev. Wrights church. I have never heard this mans doctrine but I don't believe we can be racist. After the treatment the Blackman has and is receiving here in Amerikkka, it is no wonder there is an attitude of "hate" or dissent. One should expect no less. We are witnessing the genocide of our population in plain sight and we are supposed to be happy people here? I'd honestly like to hear this man speak and you prove to me he is spewing hate. Maybe I'm wrong but what you may call racism, in some cases is just REACTION.
And SO WHAT if this man was raised a Muslim? What is your problem with that? I heard there was rumors of his affiliation with Islam and was even MORE WILLING TO VOTE FOR HIM!!! What type of prejudiced thinking is that? Like Christians have been doing that great of a job or something? I'm not attacking anyone's religion but why are you attacking Islam? Again Islam is under attack because narrow minded thinkers want to box all Muslim in a box as "terrorists" when the real terrorism being inflicted upon people has been committed by our own governments.
So many people have embraced Barack because they ARE FED UP WITH LIVING UNDER THIS CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT SYSTEM that lies to its residents and poisons our water supply while pumping chemicals into our air and polluting our beautiful Earth. Im not saying this man is the answer to our prayers but he is everything all these other politicians are not and that's exactly why I have to stand behind him. HOLLA!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I think Obama poses a very real danger to the USA. IMO the danger lies in his close friendship with racists and Muslims. His latest choice to only use personal financial backing is leaving the door open for all our Muslim enemies to fund Obama's presidential campaign and therefore have their puppet as president.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
20 Jun 08
whiteheather, the people in Germany who could still think for themselves feared Hitler when he was coming to power. They didn't understand how people could be blindly led to follow someone who was so blatantly racist and controlling. They say that History repeats itself.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Another Muslim basher anti Muslim! Prejudice speaks again!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
20 Jun 08
BTW as far as give the pound salute. There was a time when many people gave the "Heil Hilter" salute ...look what happened. However I think his salute is the least of our worries he is propably just trying to show that he was aware this has become a new fad and using it makes him one of the guys.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I'm pulling the race card. Not to mention people believe Obama himself is a Muslim. The country is still afraid of Muslims since 9/11 and Bush and his administration have the country brainwashed to believe all Muslim's are bad and out to destroy the country. More often than not, when I enter a discussion bashing Obama, they pull the religion card and bring up his old Pastor. Always, they then complain about how he'll destroy the country and how it's all he wants to do because he's Muslim.
McCains pastor believes Christains are here only to destroy the Muslim people. All of his sermons are on this topic and McCain refuses to stop endorsing him but no one jumps on him. I really think it's because he's black, and because the American people are brainwashed.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I'm sure some people don't know about McCains pastor. If Obama were white no one would question his pastor and his spiritual life. Just like they're not questioning McCain. Probably because most of the people know McCain is Christian and most of the Americans are Christian and what a good, wholesome president because our world is being destroyed by _________ (insert supposed sinful evil here). Christians have this thing about anyone that is different than they are. Anyone they isn't a 'good' religion, always Christianity are evil, evil people that should not be allowed to do anything because we're obviously going to ruin the 'good lives they've built around god'.
You can't have it both ways. You can't call Obama out on his 'evil pastor' and let McCain get away with it. McCains pastor is one hundred times worse than Obama but no one wants to hear it. His race and religion seem to be the only things causing trouble. People get defensive when I suggest they don't want a black president, but they get way too defensive. I don't care what color his skin is! Bull. We're still in the dark ages.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
THANK YOU!!! No one is bashing McCain's pastor!!! Killing Muslim is all right I guess. We have been made to fear Muslim way before 9/11 but that only made the sentiment stronger. It amazes me how many people bring up the fact that he may be Muslim in argument like its a bad thing. THAT IS REALLY OFFENSIVE!!!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
And what ever happened to separation of church and state? What would a man's religion have to do with him running for political office? Why should that matter? Do you see the prejudice here? Should I be in fear for practicing Islam? Am I a terrorist now?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Jun 08
You're so right and I only wish I had the answer to your question. The latest "controversy" about his allegedly fake birth certificate is the last straw! I guess he was born in Kenya, named himself Barack HUSSEIN Obama, then told his mother to sneak into Hawaii and say he was born there because he was going to be President in forty-five years! They said he was a Muslim and falsely accused him of being sworn in with the Kuran - some still say that - and say he wouldn't recite the Pledge or that he wouldn't stand for the Anthem. Then they didn't like his Christian pastor, understandably so, but they swore Obama had to believe in and agree with every word Wright ever said. OK, I got that, except that they ALSO say he believes the Muslim teachings he learned as a toddler because they were his formative years. He's black, he's not black enough, he's more white than black but he's running as a black man (say WHAT???). If you ask me, we have a lot more to fear from McCain who can't remember from one day to the next what he believes!
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I have to agree with you! I had not heard of the latest "controversy" that you mentioned....do you have a link to more information on it? I would be interested in reading up. I really don't think that McCain is the answer for our country...not if we want things to improve and change!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
And quite frankly John McCain don't look like he's got fours years left to live....
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Quite simply, I don't agree with his viewpoints. I don't agree with him on political issues. I don't think he's experienced enough or really qualified to be the leader of this nation. He has no military experience to bolster his minuscule political experience. I also think he's dishonest and has misled people into believing he associates with the common man when in reality, he has no idea what it's like to be a common man. I doubt his patriotism based on his close association with the racist Reverend Wright who hates America and thinks the government invented AIDS to kill African Americans. The guy has so many red flags that I can't fathom why more people don't realize that he is just not right for the most important job in the country.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Ok, I see you buy into the conspiracy theories. Jack Felder is a joke. The man also believes that Smallpox was invented by the US government to kill off Hawaiians and that virtually all known vaccines are really just a clever way of spreading diseases. Even if AIDS was created by someone, it was first recognized in homosexuals, not African Americans, and was subsequently called GRID and labeled as a Gay Man's Disease. Show me one reputable, authoritative source that backs up Jack Felder and I'll get off your back with that one.
"all the guys who have in the past have failed us miserably"
If that's the case then why are we living in such a great country? The economy may suck now, but obviously we've had some presidents who have done remarkable things for this government to bring us such great technology and prosperity. Not every country has a supermarket ever few miles that is jam packed with food. We have electricity, television, and internet throughout our nation. I fail to see how all our presidents have failed us and yet we have all this.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Jun 08
And whats the deal with the concentration camps being built here in the US? Tell me your answer for that?
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
The government did create AIDS with that very intention! Go to the Library of Congress and pull up the request made in 1968 by military scientists to create the disease. Thought everybody knew that already! Professor Jack Felder, a renowned Biochemist wrote a book about the very subject back in the nineties, where have you been? He even described in his book how it was possible to create the disease in a common laboratory.
I admit he (Obama)has no military or political experience but all the guys who have in the past have failed us miserably. It is time for a new government! Power to the people! Not the rich majority! Who in the past has been the right guy for the job?
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@Crysi23 (515)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I like him and I'm not afraid of him. Republicans like to start rumors about another candidate especially when they are afraid that they could lose the white house.
I like his values and his ideas I really believe that he could bring change to the United States and the United States could be a better country for it.
I've heard alot of rumors about him but I don't let them influence my decision not to vote for him I'm still voting for him in the fall despite all of the negativities he's getting from other people.
I like the fact that he doesn't want tax payers paying for his campaign I like the fact that he asks for public donations. Give if you can if you can't no big deal and I believe that makes him a better person by getting the private people to fund him instead of tax payer money.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Jun 08
And they try to scrutinize that!!! Find a reason to bash him for anything he does down to his playful handshake to his wife. OMG!! They must be terrorists!
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@honeydew82174 (1720)
• United States
21 Jun 08

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Precisely!! I welcome any change as anything would be better than nothing!
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@rantingqueen (495)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Will you pledge allegiance to a man who will not lay his hand over his heart and pledge allegiance to his country?
Will you pledge allegiance to a man who has promised that he will "slow our development of future combat systems" which will inhibit our ability to protect the citizens of the United States?
I won't. And this only touches on my fears of Obama. His politics are questionable, his allegiances are questionable, his support of the country which gave him the right to freedom, an education and the ability to follow his political aspirations are questionable.
Obama has proven that he does not have the ability to follow through on his promises already, by changing his views on campaign funding after vowing to be the first Presidential candidate to not accept any special interest funding. However, this has been all he has done, is accept special interest funding.
If the man cannot stand by his vow, especially that which is in his control to do, what good are his other campaign promises?
We can sling hash, bash Obama all day long, but in the end, his ability to stand by his words and his allegiance are in question for all Americans. Fear of the unknown belongs in the hearts of all of us, as this campaign progresses.
Americans will need to decide if he is the man for the job. The facts are there, waiting for us to read, investigate and understand. We must all view all sides of the coin before making a decision.

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Was not trying to make this a discussion on religion. But idol worship is a sin. That flag the symbol of our country? There should be a picture of a blackman carrying a burden getting whipped and that would make it truly our symbol. Or better yet a man hanging from a noose! I love this country, it is our government I cannot stand for. Yes we have freedoms here denied to people of other countries, never denied that, but I also know there is a dark side to this country. If the Bible or religion has nothing to do with politics then why is the fact that this man has an Islamic background have to do with anything?
Another 9/11 excuse. Prove that was not a massive plot designed by our own government to fuel sentiment for this bogus war? How do airplanes drop of sight from national radar without arousing suspicion? Where were the wreckages of the airplanes that supposedly hit the pentagon and crash landed in Pennsylvania? We need to wake up and realize the wool has been pulled over our eyes and YES our government WILL sacrifice its own citizens for they own greedy purpose. WAKE UP PLEASE!!!!
The last war that we benefited from was The Civil War. What freedom was at stake for us in America WWI and WWII were fought overseas. Our government policies never changed before or after. Hitler was not killing Jews in America. The closest thing America has had to an attack was Pearl Harbor and I bet those Japanese airmen would have never made it to shore in California without being shot down. Now who in there right mind would attack America unprovoked and risk getting destroyed? Are you seriously saying that we are that unsafe? We've been led to believe we are that vulnerable and fear is what is fueling this idea. Even you are motivated by fear as you speak of being attacked. That was no attack that was a cover up.
I don't know Rev Wright's doctrine but I do understand the anti America sentiment as I am a blackman in America. Maybe you cannot relate to that but I don't remember seeing any white men lynched from trees! I don't remember any white males being enslaved while there women and children were snatched from them! Or any white man being denied the right to vote until the 1960's! Or were any White men and women subjected to the Tuskegee Experiments in Alabama? The Global 2000 bill targets non WHITE people for eradication, so of course you may feel safer than we in this country. You may not feel betrayed by the country you live in and love. Are your sons targeted by the police on a constant basis? YOU CANNOT BLAME PEOPLE FOR FEELING THIS WAY AND WE HAVE NO NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT IT? We were stolen from our homelands and robbed of our true culture, so we have no other home but here. I do love this country but I know what it has been built on and whose blood lined the soil.
You speak of losing our rights and I do pray if McCain get in office we don't lose them. It's funny you say "when" Obama takes office as if you believe he will. I still don't think he has a chance....
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
You claim he has no allegiance to this country because he doesn't bow to it's flag? That pledge says nothing of pledging allegiance to this country it says "..pledge allegiance to the FLAG!" Would I stand by a man who doesn't practice in idol worship? Yes! I don't pledge either because I do not bow to anyone except God. Not any graven image and by the way its a sin read the Bible (or Qur'aan).
Would I stand by a man who vows to stop future production of weapons of mass destruction? Absolutely! Why because I a man of peace. Maybe this will start a trend. STOP BUILDING WEAPONS THAT CAN WIPE OUT THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE!!! Umm do you want to be hit with a nuke? I don't and we need to start focusing on peace instead of warmongering. This thinking is spawned from 9/11 when we were led to believe we were attacked. Lies. We were made to believe we are that vulnerable. we can find a dime on the beach from outer space if we wanted to. Send a missile into Bin Ladens toilet bowl by remote control if we wanted to. Cmon we need more weapons?
Either support him or vote for McCain is my argument.
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@rantingqueen (495)
• United States
20 Jun 08
"Would you stand by a man who doesn't practice idol worship?" Obviously you do. And obviously you want to turn this into a discussion of religion, so I will work with ya here. You bow to a God that has not been proven, but you cannot bow to the symbol of our country? The country that, assuming you live here, gives you the freedoms to practice your religion, whatever it may be? If there is a God, which I choose to believe there is, it is one God no matter what you call him or her. Possibly you should think about moving to Iraq. Don't preach the Bible to me, as the Bible has NOTHING to do with politics or who will lead this country.
Obama professes that he will "stop the global production of nukes". You believe him? Great. When you get hit by one after we have no way to protect ourselves, you will not be able to cry the blues, thankfully. However, if your family members are the ones that are hit by that same nuke, try not to cry as you wonder where your false, lying candidate is hiding in his protected hovel.
Cutting down our military spending, including weapons research, is what gave us 9/11 in the first place. It is what made us vulnerable. Now you profess that we should vote for a candidate that does not support our military? Maybe the next time we get attacked, we should invite the killers to lunch and talk about it. Because that is what Obama will do. And while he does, over 3000 Americans, men, women, children of our country will be lying in their graves with more joining them daily.
We should vote for a man who cannot stand the thought of his true roots, we should vote for a man who supports people such as Reverend White who blatantly damns the existence of America while living in our country, taking advantage of our freedoms and making an earning with his blasphemous words? We should vote for a man who has no way of understanding what it means to send your loved one off to war and hope that he or she returns, or to lose that loved one?
"Man of Peace" or not, you enjoy daily the freedoms those wars have given you over the many years of our history. Can't pledge allegiance to a symbol of your country? The country that gives you those rights?
I will vote for McCain, and hope that people such as you, with your blind faith in a man that does not deserve it, do not put a man into office who doesn't support our RIGHTS as AMERICANS.
Regardless of race, religion or color, we all celebrate, enjoy and use our rights on a daily basis. Pray to your God, whomever that is, that you do not lose them when Obama takes office.
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@fafinette79 (943)
• United States
20 Jun 08
This is a good question! I'm not even sure. I think he'll do a great job as president. He could really bring this country to be back to what it should be. People should forget skin color and listen to his words. His plans are for a better country for all of us. I don't want to influence anyone's political views or choices, but don't be blinded by all the hype that is given to us. We have been screwed over for the past seven years and should be looking at more than who a person is associated with.

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
23 Jun 08
And more power to you sister! I know our brothers in the military are just doing there job and I have no qualms with any of them. It is the government they work for I question. I wish every troop out there a safe passage. Thanks for responding.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Thank you for that. Blinded by the hype is right!
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@fafinette79 (943)
• United States
22 Jun 08
You are very welcome! I like a place where I can speak my mind and actually have freedom of speech. I'm a military spouse so I have to mostly smile and take it almost everyday.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
20 Jun 08
People fear what they don't understand, they fear that which is different from them, they fear the unknown. AND the whole campaign mentality these days is to attack the candidates.
I'd really rather know more about them, what they believe, what they intend to do if elected, and how they intend to do it.
I really question the whole election process these days.

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Even the process is corrupt! I can't help but to think that after all this debate, John McCain is going to be our next president anyway.
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@tanniebabe78 (2934)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I vote for Mitch Daniels! lol. He is Indiana's Governor and he is doing a great job of getting this state together. We have a complete balanced budget and many other good things including a new affordable health plan for everyone.
So, I guess until Mitch runs for office, I am going to have to do a lot of research. I admit to being behind Obama, but that was in the democratic races. It is what I was telling my hubby, I will vote for the one with the lies I like best.
Which is it turning out that Obama has the best sounding lies. I may change my mind, but I just don't like McCain plain and simple.
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@tanniebabe78 (2934)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I would run. If I had anything in politics, I would so run. And I would do it with dignity and honor. My campaign would go something like this:
"I will TRY my best to work on world peace, hunger and the environment. I will promise to never lie to you because my momma taught me right from wrong. I will try to get the good bills passed and create a better health plan for everyone. I will do all this as long as my damn cabinet members don't vote down every damn bit of good I try to do for this country.
As for world peace, nations will hate us always because we are the least oppressed and can do more with our lives. That is not our fault, but I will urge them to remember all the help with food and money expenses that we are trillions of dollars out of just to help them get back on their feet after wars and disasters. That alone should stand for something good in this world, because without our freedoms to help, they would be much worse off I would think.
And in conclusion, I will not be changing anything we have in place in this country that our forefathers hashed out. And further more, Guantanamo Bay would cease to exist. There is enough crap in the world without adding dinky joints like that.
Oh, and I promise never to cheat on my spouse so that I have to kill over 100 people to cover up the extent of my sins."
My presidential speech
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
23 Jun 08
LOL the best sounding lies. I have said before it is important to remember we are dealing with politicians the corrupt kind of animal out there....
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Jun 08
Hi shamsta, Some people are afraid of change, and he is the first black man who has a real chance of being president. There are people who don't like that. It was the same thing with JFK, because he was Catholic. Some people were even saying at the time that the pope would be running the country. I don't believe the majority of people will be taken in by this kind of thing. Blessings.
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@kilani123 (864)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Jun 08
i do like Obama even iam not a resident of The US
and actually i did hear one time in the news that someone in Sudan named his newly born son Obama ,see even Obama is loved world-wide and i do pray for him to go for the white house
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
And I believe it is that sentiment that will change foriegn relations worldwide just having this man as the new "face" of America.
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@vicneedscoffee (1259)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I think the problem with him is many tiered. There are those who do not like the color of his skin. There are others who think he is inexperienced in a time when we need to mend fences with our foreign diplomacy. There are those who don't like his politics.
Then there are those like me who keep hearing him say how we need change and that he is going to change things, but are still waiting to hear exactly what and how he is going to change. It's great to say we need change. We all know we need change. I want to know what he has in mind, though BEFORE he gets my vote.
As for the personal attacks on him and his wife, that is just politics. If someone doesn't like you they will attack every little thing you do that they don't like or see as out of the norm.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
20 Jun 08
A lot of people keep saying he is not letting anyone in on his intentions when he says "change" but you know what? I think he plan may be so radical maybe some things are better left unsaid and thusly cannot be destroyed before they get a chance to be implemented. This man may change the entire structure of our government or maybe at least get the ball rolling. It's what I'd do. Maybe I'm out on a limb with that one, but I am willing to take a chance on the man
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Terrorist ha! Nowadays what does that even mean?
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
24 Jun 08
"Then there are those like me who keep hearing him say how we need change and that he is going to change things, but are still waiting to hear exactly what and how he is going to change. It's great to say we need change. We all know we need change. I want to know what he has in mind, though BEFORE he gets my vote."
In answer to your comment about not knowing what Obama has in mind when he says "CHANGE", here is the link to his blueprint for change: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/
It is located on his website, and can be downloaded from the above link. I am not trying to defend him, rather give you the information you seek. I have been supporting him since reading this document. I truly believe that - if he actually means what is said in this document - that his politics are the best for our nation at this time.
However, I do have some serious misgivings about him and his character. Some of this stems from the preachings of Rev. Wright that Obama has listened to for 20 years, and some of it is just plain gut instincts. I do agree with his stance on most issues, but I also wonder if he will stand behind them. I realize that a President is only as good as his senate, congress, etc will let him be, but so many politicians lie to the American people at election time, that we really do not know who to trust.
I know that I do not want another 4 (or possibly 8) years of failed Bush policies. We do need change, desperately....but it needs to be the right kind of change, and it needs to be well planed and thought out. No matter Who gets elected in November, it will be a long time before we see any real change. Things have gotten so bad that it will take a long time to fix them. I am afraid that people will vote for Obama looking for a "quick fix" for our nation's problems, and then will not re-elect him because he could not produce these quick solutions.
While I do have doubts about him, some that I cannot even explain - just a feeling, I do believe that out of our given choices he is the best option for our nation at this point. Ron Paul would have been the best choice, but I don't see that happening, at least not now. I do not have a problem with either race or gender in this election season (or any other for that matter) - I did not think that Hillary was the right woman for the job, however. With the choices that we have left the best candidate - at least in my opinion - is Obama.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
23 Jun 08
McCain has gotten crappy treatment too. There have even been morons here on this forum claiming he's not an American citizen and shouldn't be allowed to run for president. Their excuse is that he wasn't born in the continental United States. He was born on a naval base in Panama a US territory at the time. He's also been accused of being a racist, a traitor, and many other ridiculous things. One person on these forums even compared him to the Manchurian Candidate because he was a POW.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I don't doubt McCain is receiving this type of treatment too. But the main argument I hear about McCain is about his age and his health. Can John McCain hold out for four more years? He isn't under constant attack at every step. It is obvious there is "fear" of this man (Obama).
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