Big Brother and Giving Your Word

United States
June 19, 2008 10:46am CST
How many of you get angry when the houseguests give their word and go back on it? And on the other hand, how many of you get angry when someone gives there word and you really, really want them to get that its Big Brother and they need to go back on their word?
1 response
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
20 Jun 08
i know what you mean. i get so involved when i'm watching. i think though that more happens then what i see because i only watch what is on tv, i don't get the live feeds or anything. i think that they just do what they think will get them farther in the game. and sometimes we know stuff that they don't because we see all the private conversations between other players that they don't know about lol. i can't wait till the new one starts in july!
• United States
20 Jun 08
I watch the live feeds people have posted on youtube so I see a lot more. You're totally right about knowing more and that changes our judgement. I can't wait although I hate being so addicted to youtube around that time.:)