Bad owners...
By Emma30587
@Emma30587 (402)
June 19, 2008 12:59pm CST
I have to say im getting really fed up with all the newspapers reporting Rottiweilers has nasty, evil dogs. Im sick to death of owners treating them just as guard dogs and giving them that nasty side.
We have 3 rottis and they are one of the nicest, most loving dogs ive ever come across. Just because they are so big and powerfull doesnt mean people can treat them like they are there just to scare people away!
There! I got that off my chest!! lol!!!
4 responses
@MrsFrick (17)
• United States
24 Nov 08
Emma, I completely agree with you!!! It pisses me off to no end, when my dogs were still alive, ppl would see me out with them and pull their children away, give me the dirtiest looks. My male was in the frost seat of my van one day and a woman refused to get out of her vehicle (parked next to mine) until I left. Needless to stay I killed as much time as possible. :)
Rotts, as you thankfully know, are (in my opinion) one of the sweetest breeds of dogs there is. They were originally bred to heard cattle and protect their herd & their masters. They are not meant to fight, and actually do not do that well against dogs w/ locking jaws, it's murder.
My male rotti was a service dog, my seizure alert dog, so many people were so frightened of him for NO reason! He was 11 years old when he passed away and had NEVER EVER bitten anyone! Even at 10 years old when my 2 year old twin girls would woller the bejeezus out of him he never even growled! Now, if a person was to lay a hand on me or the kids that would be a completely dif matter. I HATE how so many think that Rottiweilers & Pits are just evil evil dogs. No, the breeds are wonderful breeds (we bred German Rotts for 10 years and our friends breed pits). Some people just shouldn't be allowd to have pets or to breed either but that's just my opinion. I'm also sick and tired of stupid people ruining the name of an amazing breed of dog.
Ok, I'll stop my ranting sorry.
@kimmyc30 (15)
• United States
11 Sep 08
lol i had to respond to this because i totally agree with you..
it's funny! when i found out i was pregnant with my daughter my fiance was working nights. So we decided that we needed a dog. My main reason for getting a Rottweiller was because of size and looks, i think they are beautiful animals and i figured that because of thier bad reputation people would not try anything stupid when i was home alone. After ownig my dog for 10yrs now it turns out that i would probly be just as quick to protect her if needed than she is to protect my family. I think they are the best dog in the world. I am a dog lover and i hate it that people are so fast to blame the animal for it's behaivior. Animals act on instinct and what they are taught or in some cases not taught. they are like children. I always say that my dog is my 1st baby. whew!!! well thank you respond.
@kianwa87 (25)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Yes alot of people think that way, i dont like it either. our Romeo is the sweetest thing there is. he is actually a big scardy
@luvinu617 (185)
• United States
24 Jun 08
It really upsets me too how they stereotype certain dog breeds. Here in Ohio I've seen some of the suburbs in Columbus are trying to ban pit bulls. It's not the dog, it's the owner. It's how the dog is raised that determines how the dog is. It upsets me to no end. I had a rottweiler named Dooney, and yes, she was VERY protective over those she loved, but she was an amazing dog, she was so loving, well behaved. I miss her so much, I actually have a framed picture of her that I keep in my living room so I will never forget her. I know how you feel, it's ridiculous that they blame the breed, they blame the dog, not the horrible people that turn these poor animals into vicious beasts. They are not born that way, they are forced to be that way by people. It's sad that people are so ignorant that they turn sweet animals into vicious beasts and then blame the beast for being vicious instead of blaming the people that cause this.