Why do you think more kids are turning to crime?

United States
June 19, 2008 8:57pm CST
I know this is so controversial but I just sit here and wonder all the time about that. How is it that kids have gotten to this point? They never used to be like this. Even though they got regular strappings and beatings for minor infractions, they didn't turn to violence. Now, do not misread that. I do not at all condone harming children just to keep them in line, but something has changed to make them be more violent? It can't be tv shows. Or music. Those have been violent all along in one form or another. Schools have gotten dopey by cutting potentially saving programs from their curriculum, such as music and some sports. What do you think the change is?
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20 responses
• United States
23 Jun 08
This is an example of something I've been wondering about for sometime. Every generation has people that thinks the new generation has more crime, is more disrespectful etc. I can recall the same and similar phrases said by my grandfater and in old movies. So this idea just may be as old has the hills. Truth is there was crime and street gangs all the way back to Rome and Greece and before. Look at the laws of the time. If there was not crime then there wouldn't have been laws against it. Just look at the laws to see what some society had problems with. I've noticed there are bright kids and good kids and bad kids and rotten kids all through the ages. England once sent some of the bad ones to the new colony in Austrailia. Some families have one child that turns our good and another that turns out bad. If you tried your best to raise them properly, then at least you tried.
• United States
23 Jun 08
This is true, but I haven't heard in centuries past of children going into school and shooting everyone they see just because they had a tough home life and kids picked on them, as what happens today. I think that it comes down to that there are not enough people involved. Back in the day, the towns were smaller and more people were involved in each other's lives. Now, shoot, we barely know our neighbors! And never talk to them. So if my kids are out hanging with the wrong crowd or sneaking out, then no one is going to tell me so I can do something about it like they would back then. I, however, am raising mine up in the church, so hopefully they learn that life and crime is no way to go.
• United States
23 Jun 08
I realize that raising children in cities is a big part of it, but at the same time, there are just as many, if not more children that come from cities, many of them a similar situation, and they don't do that. So what makes them do differently? I would bet it is that there was someone at some point that was able to step in and redirect them onto a better path. Which goes back to neighborhoods looking out for all the kids, not just theirs. The whole thing about a village raising a child and all that.
• United States
23 Jun 08
Ah yes, raising the kinds in a Christian family is the way to go. A lot of the good kinds I've seen did have Christian upbringing. You mention the small town environment. Well, there is more crime in the cities and that's where most of the gangs hanged out in those days. Small towns were generally safer. Trouble is it's getting harder to deliniate a city from a suburb. I guess what got me thinking of this was a movie sometime back. I think it was called, "The gangs of New York' during the early immigration from Europe. But, the decay of moral values has been undermined by what I've always seen as non-religious ideas that man evolved from the ape or spontanious combusion in the primordal ooze of ancient swamps and that man should be modified by behavioral science.
@sparkster (181)
22 Jun 08
I believe it's because government & society make things so difficult for them. For example, here in the UK nobody will employ you unless you have a FULL driving license and a bank account. However, people that can't afford to take their driving test & have lessons cannot prove who they are and can't buy any ID to help them, as they can't get any work BECAUSE they don't have a driving license and therefore have no option but to just go without money. They are then forced into a no-win situation by being left not being able to prove who they are & without a penny to their name.
• United States
23 Jun 08
Wow, I guess I never thought the UK was that bad. We never hear of it over here in America unless it is something really awful.
25 Jun 08
Another problem here in the UK is that the police will automatically assume that you are a criminal if you are under 21. Take my 20 year old friend for example - he has never broken the law in his life but when he was pulled over by the police on a spot-check they didn't believe that he didn't have a criminal record - they said all youngsters in this country have got a criminal record for something - without even bothering to check up on their radio, they just started giving him hassle with no reason or justification.
22 Jun 08
Also if they go into debt then it's likely that banks will not let them open up another account until that debt is cleared. They then have no way of receiving any income and it's impossible for them to pay the debt off or receive any wages in order to try and pay the debt off. In this respect banks are just causing problems for themselves, it's their fault that no-one pays them back!
@ruby222 (4847)
20 Jun 08
It is a good post you have here.But the same as you im floundering trying to think why the world has developed in to such a mess!!every day we are seenig more and more violent crime commited by minors..now I dont know much about this subject at all .my kids are all adult now,but they certainly never got away with stepping to far out of line..I think we need to try to reintroduce old fashioned values and respect!!!without respect we have nothing!!not in my book anyway...and though people may decry the old fashioned values they at least had some impact on how people behaved...its getting to the stage where the parents can be a s bad as the kids now...if the whole thing doesnt turn around soon,the world is going to be a very veryt sad and sorry place to be....there lol ive had my say now..
• United States
21 Jun 08
This is true. So many adults are not setting the proper example. I think that we need interveners for kids. So many times a parent commits a crime and the kids are just left to deal with it. Sure they might get therapy, but it obviously isn't effective all the time. It is up to another adult to pay attention and determine if it is in fact doing a bit of good. If not, another tactic or approach should be made. Like someone pointed out... You have to keep at them, even if they hate you, because in the end it could save them.
@ruby222 (4847)
21 Jun 08
True comments ..agreed wholeheartedly..
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
20 Jun 08
Well, the parents have a big share. Parent's must train them and lead them to the right way because if parent's will not, then who would? There are bad influences out there, the violence in the TV, the rock music, the bad peers, etc. but if the fear of the Lord is instilled in the heart of children, they will fear doing crimes. A good teaching on what is right and what is wrong will help them become responsible citizens. Prov. 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he shall not depart from it."
• United States
21 Jun 08
Problem with that theory is that churches these days only preach the good. God is good. Our sins are forgiven and we are ok, thanks to Jesus. So no one has that fear anymore. I think it is mostly that we have pulled away from the original ways of religion. It used to be that only a few didn't attend church and now it is more than that.
• United States
22 Jun 08
It is not just regular church. I remember from a young age that all the bible study classes and Sunday schools just taught us about Moses, Jesus and the like. They didn't teach about what happens if you are wicked. And I have been to many churches. This is just a general attitude I feel from them, that because they are saved, they are immune. I know what the bible says. I have read it. There are many passages that tell us to turn from sin and follow His ways. That does not mean to get baptized and then go back to your old ways. It also says to take up our cross and not complain. I really struggle with the no complaining. lol.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
23 Jun 08
I think this has happened because parents are no longer allowed to discipline their children in the way they wish - and schools have also had their disciplinary rights taken away. Students are no longer frightened they'll get 'six of the best' if they muck up in class - the best they'll get is a demerit, and nobody's scared of that! Children now know their rights, and unfortunately, without boundaries, they are now free to do as they please.
• United States
23 Jun 08
Yes, they are rather cocky and annoying these days aren't they?
@momz2gd (295)
• Yucaipa, California
20 Jun 08
We don't get to discipline our kids, like we used to. In some states, you will get your kids taken away if you spank them. Especially when they are little and they need to learn some boundaries. I believe some kids need spankings and others just need a verbal warning. I don't mean abuse- I mean lil tap on the rear with your hand. Some people will agree with me and others won't. If you don't discipline your kids than the juvinile detention facility will. This will lead to wage garnishments for the parents.
• United States
22 Jun 08
I think that there are times and places for a spanking, and certain ways to do it. You want to get their attention and not hurt them. It is just too bad that some parents can't figure out where that line exists. And I would never use a belt or object either, it is just not necessary.
@momz2gd (295)
• Yucaipa, California
20 Jun 08
I have 3 kids range from 6 to 12 and they got lil spankings, now and then. No belts or anything. my kids don't hate me. So far my kids are good. They don't steal or anything. p.s. I have all girls
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
20 Jun 08
I think it is simply the learning of respect for other people, other peoples space and the respect for life which I think is just lost maybe from too much violence in the media and such or just lack of the extra teaching in the home...
• United States
21 Jun 08
Oh man! The lack of respect is totally appalling isn't it?
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
20 Jun 08
To me, the problem with a lot of kids in our society is kids growing up without a strong male influence in their lives. Maybe if they grew up with a man who had strong moral values, and showed them they could make something with their lives, they would.
• United States
22 Jun 08
This is really hard to do when the man won't step up to the plate. And if the woman keeps making the same mistakes, finding the same type of man (as you know people are prone to attract "types") then they are doomed to repeat the bad male influences. Really sad.
@mnflower (1299)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Like if you are asking I will tell you my opinion and it is simply, you are not allowed to parent your kids anymore you can not correct them without welfare being called, so therefore the kids are walking on the parents that is when the parents are home, with everyone having to work so many long hours kids are left to fend for themselves and without guidance this is what is happening to the world kids shooting kids cause they are not being taught at home anymore they learning everything on the streets.
• United States
21 Jun 08
I definitely believe that a lot of it is because we cannot parent the way we choose. I admit, there are boundaries that should never be crossed when disciplining a child, but there needs to be something else I think. I also believe in what the other poster said about marriage. We are not setting very good examples by marrying, divorcing, marrying again and all over again. Letting stars be the heroes our kids worship is just wrong! We need to begin at home, by setting a different example.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Jun 08
Hi tanniebabe, Every generation seems to have the same problem, they all wonder what's happening with the kids growing up today. I remember hearing similar discussions forty years ago. Now I'm not saying that there aren't some big problems out there today, but society is always changing, and kids have more to cope with. The fact is most kids are doing very well, even if the percentage of those committing violent crimes have gone up. I would never advocate going back to the old days of corporate punishment, fear is a very poor teacher. The majority of parents are doing a very good job, and many of those who aren't may have had problems themselves when they were younger. Poverty is another reason for kids getting into trouble, and while it has always existed seems to be on the increase. Blessings.
• United States
22 Jun 08
I guess this is true, but to see things now a days, it just is appalling. True things happened back in the day, but even you have to admit the world's children are totally out of hand.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Because they see others dong it.. They caught up in peer pressure.. They may be angry about something that is going on at home.. It is sad.. Kids are supposed to be the future.. This is all turning into bad areas in their lives..
• United States
22 Jun 08
I guess it all comes down to, how can we make this better? If we don't do something, the future is just going to be more of the same, only worse and worse.
• Philippines
20 Jun 08
I think it's just the way how the kids are brought up. when kids are taught the right thing when they are yet very young, parents spend more time with them and keep them surrounded with love and respect, they will also learn how to respect and love others. With this, they will not harm others or do bad things against them. When we start to train children when they are already old? it's too late..the have already gotten more influence outside and it's hard to fix it when they are already old. I would say, that if kids grow up with love, respect and understanding in the home, wherever they will go they will know how to love and respect others too. No violent things happened.
• United States
22 Jun 08
I don't believe that older kids are necessarily bad. It is much tougher, but saying that is like saying many orphans and the like are all too late to train. True, they have more outside influence, but it all goes back to love and respect.
@newsince (52)
21 Jun 08
Violence means more now adays, then it probably used to. Everyone wants to be top dog nowadays. Also some kids aren't taught morals or anything of value, so they just turned to what is natural.
• United States
22 Jun 08
I am not so sure about natural when you are talking about killing, but I guess it would depend on the neighborhood they grew up in.
• United States
21 Jun 08
parents are unwilling to scold their children and children do not see a negitive consiquence to their actions so they believe it doesn't matter what they do
• United States
22 Jun 08
I think they need more than a little scolding. Time outs don't work and taking stuff away only works for so long.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
20 Jun 08
Dear friend, I hope more of values added life is vanished with those materialistic and selfish motives. May be more of violence is also expanded through medias and other agencies were the education and social structures changes all these might have given them the rise in crime in kids all those negative impact on them molded them to be criminals. Hope a better generation is awaited.
• United States
21 Jun 08
Well if media and other venues like that are to blame, then it will only get worse. Shoot, a few years ago they bleeped out everything. Now they are allowing certain cuss words into every show possible. I guess this is why I stick to PBS and TCT most of the time.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
20 Jun 08
The economy has gotten to the point where both parents have to work. We also live in a time where divorce is continually rising. Kids get caught in the middle of a nasty divorce, they are forced to choose one parent over the other.. both parents may bash the other in front of the kids. The kids harbor resentment and anger towards one or both of the parents for "ruining my life". The children don't know how to deal with it, so they act out in anger. The parents are too caught up in their lives they don't see how things are affecting the child until its too late Parents often don't have time to spend with their children, help them with their homework, teach them right from wrong. And/or they just stopped giving a d@mn about their kids. The village doesn't raise the child anymore, they are afraid of retaliation. So everyone minds their own business. (not like when you and I were being raised) THAT'S a SHAME Power has been taken away from the teachers and the parents to punish a child when they are out of hand. The kids have all of the power and they know it. This is how they take advantage of all these factors. Yes, I think a parent ought to be able to spank (not beat) their children. Yes, I think corporal punishment should be brought back to our schools. Kids WANT and NEED love, discipline, attention, affection, love and respect from both parents and teachers and all adult figures. When they can't have it, they don't know what else to do to get the attention they crave. So they do bad things to get the wrong kind of attention. The parents may or may not come to bail them out, but if they do, some parents don't care again. They don't help them to see that what they did was wrong, they don't help understand that there are consequences for their actions. When this doesn't happen, the whole system fails and the vicious cycle starts all over again. I am by no means the perfect parent, however, I have raised my kids to be respectful (most of the time), they have a conscious. They are GOOD teenagers 17 and 16. Was it easy? NO. But both my husband and I were raised the same way, we parent like we were parented and the fruits of opur labor paid off! Sorry for the long reply (this was don at 6:30 in the morning with NO caffeine But I am very passionate about this issue.
• United States
21 Jun 08
I agree with this to a point. I cannot condone belts or caning though. Rulers on my kids hand, no. I think that discipline should come from the parent, but that it should be up to us as parents unless it is hazardous to the child.
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Jun 08
I think we are seeing alot more young people doing crimes because of several reasons. The media has something to do with it. It didn't use to be such a story grabber. Also, I think that kids now days have alot more freedom than they used to have. And, they run with kids that are bored, have little or no family ties, and have no directioning. Kids are frustrated and angry at their parents seperating and life goes skee gawed with little help from family members. It used to be that grandparents played a roll in the whole family sceem. Not so much any more. Structure is no longer in the mix either. I think it is mostly because of a branking down of the family structure.
• United States
22 Jun 08
Yeah, these days it is really hard to keep a family together. Speaking from experience. My hubby and I have split so many times! Now, I have just given up. lol. I am here to stay. Might as well, if I keep coming back.
• United States
20 Jun 08
I think several issues contribute to the fact that our children are turning more towards violence and/or crime. Parental involvement in my mind, is the biggest factor. In an economy where more and more parents are forced to work overtime or another job to make ends meet, or both parents are forced to work two or three jobs, it does not leave much time for them to raise their children with the morals or values that we were given as children. I do think that television shows and music contributes indirectly. Those same parents are not around to watch the show with their children and explain the rights, wrongs and entertainment value of the piece. Worse yet, there are many parents in this world who use the television, the computer and the game console to babysit their kids. Instead of playing with them or spending time with them, they tell them to go play their game or watch tv. This ends in the child not having the attention and the teaching that is needed from a parent to guide their children down the right path. Other factors must also be considered, such as the schools themselves. Our school's insist on teaching the same things they did years ago, when in fact they should be teaching things that a child will use when they grow up. Courses need to be updated to show recent events, cause and effect, instead of teaching who the Turkish king was in the 1800's. Teachers are another cause to our kids and their choices. What teacher do you know that will actually take the time to listen to a child or a parents concerns? I know many who will, as long as it is on their time schedule, meaning that hour they are all given to prep for their classes. But ask a teacher to meet with you after your work schedule, and you will find that many do not care or will not make an appointment for you after 3:30 P.M. And last but not least, the blame lays on every one of us. How many of us take the time to volunteer to run an after school program, or a weekend basketball or baseball game in our communities? If all of us cared enough to give some time to our younger generation, we would find that the occurrences of kids committing a crime would lessen. Just my 2 cents...
• United States
22 Jun 08
These are all very good points. I am not sure so much that history plays much of a part of it, but I do think you have good points. I guard my kids' game play, tv shows and whatnot. I may let them be babysat by the machines once in awhile to get a break, but I know I am leaving them with games that are rated properly and appropriate cartoons.
@ken5254 (18)
• Philippines
20 Jun 08
Poverty is one of the contributor why our kids today turn into crime. Medias, whether we accept it or not is a big factor too. Violent Video games that sometimes kids still fantasizing that they are the characters they are playing. Lack of attention from busy parents that their kids searching from "friends". It's not matter to them if they had a bad influence chums, all they want was there were ears who listen to them.
• United States
21 Jun 08
Poverty is some of it. Lack of attention is a terrible thing. I make sure to spend time with my kids everyday. Of course I am a stay at home mom, but even when I was working, my son and I played and had fun no matter how tired I was or what else I wanted to do. You just HAVE to make them a priority.
@robehren (86)
• United States
20 Jun 08
As someone who is involved in law enforcement I can tell you the main factors I have seen contribute to the demise of our children, I am also a parent. The main factor is a lack of parent participation at all levels. Most parents don't bother to take a part of thier childrends lives. They simply don't know who they are with or what they are doing. You have to know what they watch on tv, what games they play and what they are doing on the internet. You have to filter thier input. The outside world, especially Hollywood and popular culture are poison to our youth. I can not overstate this enough. These sources glamorize everything that we teach our children not to do. It is not enough to tell them not to do it, you have to be a role model as well. Parenting is terribly inconvenient because you have to be a model citizen to teach your children to do so. I have also noted that a lot of juvenile offenders come from broken homes. This one is tough to fix because family is so vilified by the popular hedonistic culture. People want to be free to do what they want without consequences. This is also galmorized. So as a good moral parent you are fighting against almost insurmountable odds. Parents just have to be dilligent. We are fighting against so many bad influences we cannot aford to let our attention lapse. The cost is too high.
• United States
22 Jun 08
I totally agree with you about the Hollywood influences. I have become greatly disappointed with show biz since I had my kids.