What will Obama do for our economy? Your life through 2016???
By ladyluna
@ladyluna (7004)
United States
June 19, 2008 10:24pm CST
Hello All,
You all are alot smarter than the media, or the pundits give you credit for being! You've proved yourselves over, and over again over the course of these past 20 months (longer for some of you).
There is a plethora of punditry out there about what Obama's economic policy platform will mean for the U.S.A. and our economy. (Geesh, that was alot of 'p's!)
One avid Obama supporter suggested that I review the Urban Institute/Brookings Institutions assessment to learn how much better Obama's plan will be for the average American.
The problem is that that assessment uses such phrases as "Senator Obama's proposed new tax credits could encourage desireable behavior...". And, "... that no one, not even inside the campaigns - knows exactly what the proposals are."
Hmmm, "desireable behavior" according to whom? And, "no one knows" what is really being presented? Well, wait a second! Obama's economic ideas are listed right on his website!
I will admit that I strongly suspect that this is an enormous part of the extreme divisiveness plaguing our country today. Specifically, people rely on other people's agendized opinions, rather than evaluating 'the source' material for themselves. You folks are smart! Why not just take a looksy, and see what jumps out at you?
It would seem that 'they' have no faith in your ability to read a few written ideas, and evaluate what they will mean to you, your family, your town, state, and of course, the nation.
So, here it is from the source -- Obama's website. Let's put our thinking caps on and perform a bit of punditry ourselves!
While it may seem like a long read -- it's really only one page on the web. And, the following words might just dictate the course of your lives through the year 2016. If you have a child in the fifth grade today, that child will be graduating by the time the next President may be leaving office. Isn't it worth the investment of time to read it?
"Provide a Tax Cut for Working Families: Obama will restore fairness to the tax code and provide 150 million workers the tax relief they need. Obama will create a new "Making Work Pay" tax credit of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. The "Making Work Pay" tax credit will completely eliminate income taxes for 10 million Americans.
Simplify Tax Filings for Middle Class Americans: Obama will dramatically simplify tax filings so that millions of Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than five minutes. Obama will ensure that the IRS uses the information it already gets from banks and employers to give taxpayers the option of pre-filled tax forms to verify, sign and return. Experts estimate that the Obama proposal will save Americans up to 200 million total hours of work and aggravation and up to $2 billion in tax preparer fees.
Obama believes that trade with foreign nations should strengthen the American economy and create more American jobs. He will stand firm against agreements that undermine our economic security.
Fight for Fair Trade: Obama will fight for a trade policy that opens up foreign markets to support good American jobs. He will use trade agreements to spread good labor and environmental standards around the world and stand firm against agreements like the Central American Free Trade Agreement that fail to live up to those important benchmarks. Obama will also pressure the World Trade Organization to enforce trade agreements and stop countries from continuing unfair government subsidies to foreign exporters and nontariff barriers on U.S. exports.
Amend the North American Free Trade Agreement: Obama believes that NAFTA and its potential were oversold to the American people. Obama will work with the leaders of Canada and Mexico to fix NAFTA so that it works for American workers.
Improve Transition Assistance: To help all workers adapt to a rapidly changing economy, Obama would update the existing system of Trade Adjustment Assistance by extending it to service industries, creating flexible education accounts to help workers retrain, and providing retraining assistance for workers in sectors of the economy vulnerable to dislocation before they lose their jobs.
Technology, Innovation and Creating Jobs
Obama will encourage the deployment of the most modern communications infrastructure to reduce the costs of health care, help solve our energy crisis, create new jobs, and fuel our economic growth.
Support Job Creation: Barack Obama believes we need to double federal funding for basic research and make the research and development tax credit permanent to help create high-paying, secure jobs. Obama will also make long-term investments in education, training, and workforce development so that Americans can leverage our strengths - our ingenuity and entrepreneurialism - to create new high-wage jobs and prosper in a world economy.
Invest in U.S. Manufacturing: The Obama comprehensive energy independence and climate change plan will invest in America's highly-skilled manufacturing workforce and manufacturing centers to ensure that American workers have the skills and tools they need to pioneer the first wave of green technologies that will be in high demand throughout the world. Obama will also provide assistance to the domestic auto industry to ensure that new fuel-efficient vehicles are built by American workers.
Create New Job Training Programs for Clean Technologies: The Obama plan will increase funding for federal workforce training programs and direct these programs to incorporate green technologies training, such as advanced manufacturing and weatherization training, into their efforts to help Americans find and retain stable, high-paying jobs. Obama will also create an energy-focused youth jobs program to invest in disconnected and disadvantaged youth.
Boost the Renewable Energy Sector and Create New Jobs: The Obama plan will create new federal policies, and expand existing ones, that have been proven to create new American jobs. Obama will create a federal Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that will require 25 percent of American electricity be derived from renewable sources by 2025, which has the potential to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs on its own. Obama will also extend the Production Tax Credit, a credit used successfully by American farmers and investors to increase renewable energy production and create new local jobs.
Deploy Next-Generation Broadband: Obama believes we can get broadband to every community in America through a combination of reform of the Universal Service Fund, better use of the nation's wireless spectrum, promotion of next-generation facilities, technologies and applications, and new tax and loan incentives.
Protect the Openness of the Internet: Obama supports the basic principle that network providers should not be allowed to charge fees to privilege the content or applications of some web sites and Internet applications over others. This principle will ensure that the new competitors, especially small or nonprofit speakers, have the same opportunity as big companies to innovate and reach large audiences.
Invest in Rural Areas: Obama will invest in rural small businesses and fight to expand high-speed Internet access. He will improve rural schools and attract more doctors to rural areas.
Obama will strengthen the ability of workers to organize unions. He will fight for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Obama will ensure that his labor appointees support workers' rights and will work to ban the permanent replacement of striking workers. Obama will also increase the minimum wage and index it to inflation to ensure it rises every year.
Ensure Freedom to Unionize: Obama believes that workers should have the freedom to choose whether to join a union without harassment or intimidation from their employers. Obama cosponsored and is strong advocate for the Employee Free Choice Act, a bipartisan effort to assure that workers can exercise their right to organize. He will continue to fight for EFCA's passage and sign it into law.
Fight Attacks on Workers' Right to Organize: Obama has fought the Bush National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) efforts to strip workers of their right to organize. He is a cosponsor of legislation to overturn the NLRB's "Kentucky River" decisions classifying hundreds of thousands of nurses, construction, and professional workers as "supervisors" who are not protected by federal labor laws.
Protect Striking Workers: Obama supports the right of workers to bargain collectively and strike if necessary. He will work to ban the permanent replacement of striking workers, so workers can stand up for themselves without worrying about losing their livelihoods.
Raise the Minimum Wage: Barack Obama will raise the minimum wage, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit to make sure that full-time workers earn a living wage that allows them to raise their families and pay for basic needs.
Protect Homeownership and Crack Down on Mortgage Fraud
Obama will crack down on fraudulent brokers and lenders. He will also make sure homebuyers have honest and complete information about their mortgage options, and he will give a tax credit to all middle-class homeowners.
Create a Universal Mortgage Credit: Obama will create a 10 percent universal mortgage credit to provide homeowners who do not itemize tax relief. This credit will provide an average of $500 to 10 million homeowners, the majority of whom earn less than $50,000 per year.
Ensure More Accountability in the Subprime Mortgage Industry: Obama has been closely monitoring the subprime mortgage situation for years, and introduced comprehensive legislation over a year ago to fight mortgage fraud and protect consumers against abusive lending practices. Obama's STOP FRAUD Act provides the
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7 responses
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Is there really a way to know what's right to do in politics, Ladyluna? I wish there were, but we're constantly finding things we didn't know about historical figures as well as living politicians. Unless we're able to bring about a new spirit of honesty and openness, it's just not going to happen. We just need to do the best we can.:(
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Ladyluna,you are definitely a rare jewel!
I'm proud to say that I teach my students a lot about integrity, equality, and the urgency of peace, in addition to the syllabus. I hope they don't realize that I know most of them think I'm just plain crazy. Every year, though, there are a few who pick it up and run with it, and that's amazing! I guess a few at a time is better than nothing, but I wish I could be so much more effective.
The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Dr. Martin Luther King, jr., Center are wonderful sources, as is Character Counts.Living in Miami makes these things a bit more difficult than it might be elsewhere, because of our huge hispanic population (very much teh majority) and their bitterness, which makes them as republican as possible. Even my in-laws, who haven't learned English even though they've been here since way before Castro, are reactionary. Naturally, my husband is a liberal -- he thinks!
I know there's hope for us, but it's going to bubble up slowly from among students at the universities, as it does everywhere. WHEN???
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Let's remember, we're electing a president, not a dictator. Our president can do very little alone. Congress and the courts must uphold most decisions. W has shown us that some people can get things through that violate our constitution because they're willing to lie, cheat and steal. Now that our country is going rapidly down the tubes, Obama would be well aware that everyone is watching with a very critical eye, so he has to watch his step. Honesty and openness are so urgently needed!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Hello Cobrateacher,
Thank you, Cobrateacher!
I definitely agree that the vagueness is troublesome. In fact, what we've been given to inspect, and subsequently decide based upon is more in line with vagaries! There seems to be an obvious lack of pragmatism. Sorry! My mind tends to reach for words linearly. But, I digress ...
Unfortunately, those divergent viewpoints cannot help but fall into the trap of 'how might this fit into my, or our, agenda. Hence, the reason to bring it straight to the people. Omit the floral, and hopeful 'spin', and judge for ourselves, with our own wit & wisdom.
The problem with allowing time to unravel the mystery is that we have a scant 4 1/2 months to decide which will be better for our lives, wallets, ideals, and nation.
Fortunately, the pundits will not be entering the voting booths for us in November. Well, hopefully they won't! So, we as voters have to sift through the possible ramifications of the candidates proposals, and decide for ourselves. Else, we allow the pundits to pilfer our right to choose!
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Hello Cobrateacher,
First, please allow me to welcome you to MyLot. I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your time here!
You make an excellent point, Cobrateacher! The U.S. President is definitely subject to the will of both the Congress, and our international brethren.
I would think that it would give any American voter pause to consider Senator Obama's statement about hedging our jobs growth to convincing the World Trade Organization to convince other nations to sacrifice their trade advantage to satisy Senator Obama's requests!
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
21 Jun 08
It's wonderful and rare to find someone so well versed. However, I'm not so sure we have reliable sources of information. Additionally, it's quite clear that a number of things are open to cosideration from a number of divergent viewpoints. It will probably be quite some time before we really know Obama's stance on issues. I don't think a statement, or even a speech, can be taken out of context and interpreted with much accuracy. As much as I wish it were not true, I believe we'll have to wait-and-see.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Reading through this I see a lot of increased taxes through these government plans to aid all of these companies.
I also see problems for unionized businesses if they can't replace striking employees. Not only will business be unduly damaged, it will also further socialism with the union expansion.
I consider unions to be socialist organizations... of course Obama would be all for that, as would any liberal.
While there are many things that I don't agree with in his plans, this one is the most blatantly stupid....
"Raise the Minimum Wage: Barack Obama will raise the minimum wage, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit to make sure that full-time workers earn a living wage that allows them to raise their families and pay for basic needs."
Disregarding the fact that the minimum wage is designed to be an entry level training wage.... Indexing the minimum wage to inflation is going to drive prices up to pay for the wage, which is going to drive inflation up in response, which is going to again drive the minimum wage up in a vicious never ending cycle which will eventually collapse our entire economy.
I don't know what idiot has been advising Obama , or who wrote this for him... or if he wrote it himself... Whatever the source.... it has no idea about basic economics.
At best the individual is completely stupid, and at worst they are trying to deliberately destroy our economy.
It is my considered opinion that Obama is an idiot, however I fear that might make idiots look bad.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I think outsourcing will be worse, if it can get worse. I cannot even get a pair of shoes that were not made in China. With all the products that have hurt and killed people coming from China, you would think someone would do something about this. And it is not just shoes....it is everything. Even the upscale stores are selling very expensive things from China. Give those jobs to people here. Go by American standards. Will that happen if he gets in? I don't that it will. I don't think it is at the top of his list. There are plenty of people who don't care because they don't know any better.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Hello Yestheypayme2dothis,
Interesting openning remark! Many recent business periodicals have referenced the trend toward returning outsourced call center & high tech jobs back to our shores. The businesses are recognizing their lost customer loyalty, a highly valuable asset, and are responding the customer disatisfaction. Just this morning, I initiated a discussion about one such business who plans to bring 1300 high tech jobs to my state.
Though, your point is frighteningly valid! If there is not some relief to our 35% corporate tax rate, then businesses will keep outsourcing -- despite the high cost of shipping.
Let us review Obama's plan to bolster US jobs:
Conspicuously missing is any reference to easing the unfriendly corporate tax structure (the 2nd highest in the world!), or a denunciation of certain members of Congress, who have become surprisingly outspoken about their desire to take over U.S. businesses! Grrr!
Though in examining Obama's web-site proposal in this regard:
[i]"Obama will also pressure the World Trade Organization to enforce trade agreements and stop countries from continuing unfair government subsidies to foreign exporters and nontariff barriers on U.S. exports.
Obama believes that NAFTA and its potential were oversold to the American people. Obama will work with the leaders of Canada and Mexico to fix NAFTA so that it works for American workers.
Improve Transition Assistance: To help all workers adapt to a rapidly changing economy, Obama would update the existing system of Trade Adjustment Assistance by extending it to service industries, creating flexible education accounts to help workers retrain, and providing retraining assistance for workers in sectors of the economy vulnerable to dislocation before they lose their jobs."[/i]
OK, so Obama is going to get the World Trade Organization to acquiesce to his will? That's quite a lofty goal! The US has been fighting to level the tariff playing field since the trade imbalances with Japan in the 1970s.
Below is a fair assesment of NAFTA. What is interesting is that Obama is vocally opposed to CAFTA because he claims that it doesn't do enough for environmental concerns. Yet, environmental concerns, as well as Union demands, and plenty of other special interests are what turned NAFTA into 'shackled trade' as opposed to 'free trade'. How does Senator Obama suggest to reconcile these impediments?
"... This inconsistency is consistent with the confusion that is NAFTA. The concept of NAFTA was originally "free trade". But after labor unions, corporations, environmentalists and dozens of other special interests and campaign contributors in all three countries were done, there was nothing left in it that was "free trade" except the name.
It became "managed trade". For example, the Democrat Senators from WA, MT, SD, MN and led by ND created a very expensive process for Canada to ship its vast energy resources to the USA. This hurt both Canada and the USA when the free market would have been in the best interest of both countries. But it served the special interests of those Senators along the Canadian border and their campaign contributors.
Numerous other examples exist. It is understandable that NAFTA critics on the left would not understand the realities of economics. But it is frustrating that NAFTA critics on the right accept the mislabeling of this managed trade agreement and unfairly malign it for the wrong reasons."
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Let us not forget this:
For the Canadians, a key point of concern was Obama's sharp criticism of the North American Free Trade Agreement. DeMora wrote Wilson that in the Chicago meeting, Goolsbee "candidly acknowledged the protectionist sentiment that has emerged, particularly in the Midwest, during the primary campaign" but reassured Rioux that Obama's NAFTA-bashing "should be viewed as more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans." Three weeks later, Canada's CTV News reported that a "senior member" of Obama's campaign had phoned Wilson personally to advise him to "not be worried about what Obama says about NAFTA." The Obama campaign denied that story, which (if you believe DeMora's account) was only slightly off the mark, and declined to elaborate. On March 3 the Associated Press released the DeMora memo, which by then had circulated widely within the Canadian government. Asked once again to comment, Obama said his campaign provided Canada no such reassurance while Goolsbee maintained that DeMora "misinterpreted" his comments. For its part, the Chicago consulate smoothed things over with a statement saying, "there was no intention to convey, in any way, that Senator Obama and his campaign team were taking a different position in public from views expressed in private." It looks like President Obama may owe one to our friendly neighbors to the north.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Hello Yestheypayme2dothis,
Thank you! Your point exemplifies the shortcoming of the 24x7 media cycle. Had our media not succumbed to A.D.D., this story would have been much more thoroughly investigated, and discussed by 'We The People'.
It wasn't so very many years ago that this kind of contradictory press release would have resulted in a rabidly public Congressional Hearing.
Let us remember that Richard Nixon fell on his own sword for trying to find out what the competition was up to.
Today, we have 'plants' at rallies informing on the competition's every movement, campaign staff hunting down records from thirty years ago, audio and visual equipment spying on every candidates every move, people from government lackeys independently spying on sensitive personal information of the candidates, campaigns turned into wholesale, manipulated marketing campaigns, and yet, there is no clammor for investigation, resignation, or retribution!
Yup, we've sure "come a long way, baby" haven't we???
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Again, a great discussion!
I would like to preface my reply with; I don't believe there is a snowba11s chance in he11 that Obama will get even 50% of these proposals passed!
That said, his proposals, by themselves, sound great to the poor and destitute of our country! But they can't be evaluated by themselves because they all have to work together and this is an absolute impossibility! I totally agree with Destiny when he says that only an idiot or someone trying to disrupt and collapse our economy would come up with these proposals and believe they would work together!
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Hello Sir Rodney,
Thanks! I hope that a sincere evaluation of the proposals, on merit, will help to debunk some of the myth that is out there.
For example:
"Obama will create a new "Making Work Pay" tax credit of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. The "Making Work Pay" tax credit will completely eliminate income taxes for 10 million Americans."
OK, so which 10 million people will this eliminate income taxes for? If one bothers to research the IRS statistics on income tax paid, they will see that
[i][b]"Taxes and Income
December 17, 2007
Every Democrat running for President wants to raise taxes on "the rich," but they will have to do something miraculous to outtax President Bush. Based on the latest available tax data, no Administration in modern history has done more to pry tax revenue from the wealthy.
Last week the Congressional Budget Office joined the IRS in releasing tax numbers for 2005, and part of the news is that the richest 1% paid about 39% of all income taxes that year. The richest 5% paid a tad less than 60%, and the richest 10% paid 70%. These tax shares are all up substantially since 1990, and even somewhat since 2000.
Meanwhile, Americans with an income below the median -- half of all households -- paid a mere 3% of all income taxes in 2005.
The richest 1.3 million tax-filers -- those Americans with adjusted gross incomes of more than $365,000 in 2005 -- paid more income tax than all of the 66 million American tax filers below the median in income. Ten times more.
For the political left and most of the media, this means only that the rich are getting richer, so of course they're paying more taxes. And it is true that the top earners have increased their share of total income. Yet, as the nearby table shows, the rich showed more rapid gains in reported income shares in the 1990s than in the first half of this decade. The share of the richest 1% jumped to 20.8% of total income in 2000, from 14% in 1990, but increased only slightly to 21.2% in 2005. This makes it hard to pin their claim of "rising inequality" on the Bush tax cuts, though the income redistributionists are trying. By this measure, the Clinton years were far worse for "inequality."[/b][/i]
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Fantastic Article! Although I dont't believe I am in that top 5% (yet) I do believe my wife and I are above the median since we earned well above the 100 thousand mark for the last 4 years! I just don't know who these liberals hope to still fool with their rhetoric about the republicans only being for the interests of the rich! What the republicans are for is people, ALL people keeping more of what they earn. What these numbers tell me is that the Bush tax cuts stimulated economic growth and what has become a nightmare in our economy has nothing to do with the tax cuts but rather shady mortgage companies and overinflated gas and oil prices due to the lax regulations in the commodity markets!
What would be a utopia to the liberals would be for every man, woman, child and corporation in America to turn over ALL of their assets to the Obamassiah and let the DNC redistribute all of that wealth in a fair manner!!
Trouble with that is, and what the liberals refuse to understand, in about five years the same people who were in power financially when you "redistributed" the wealth would be wealthy once again! WHY?? Because they know how!! Because they don't sit back and whine about what they don't have and figure out ways to get it!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Hello Sir Rodney,
Yup, this article is of a rare breed! I have referenced it many times because it is so well researched and presented.
You're right, the article clearly presents actual IRS statistics, which clearly demonstrates that:
[b]Under the Clinton administration, the rich paid less taxes than under the Bush administration.
- And -
That the 'Middle-class' and 'Poor' paid more taxes under the Clinton administration than under the Bush administration.[/b]
It also demonstrates that when the 'rich' are allowed to make their living, without intrusive 'Big Brother', that they don't mind paying more taxes!!! What they mind is having under-informed, bully legislators mandate how, where, and when they can make that living.
You're also correct in pointing out that if all wealth was equally re-distributed tomorrow, that one year later there would again be disparity.
A young man recently wrote a book (sorry, I do not remember his name) about his voluntary experiment with poverty. He voluntarily submitted to being relocated to a new city, with no savings, no credit cards, no job prospects, no car, nor a place to live. He got a job at a fast food restaurant. And, after one year had purchased a car, furnished an apartment, and had money saved in the bank.
What's truly sad is that I do not remember his name! He should have been the talk of the nation. Yet, his 'story' received virtually no coverage.
@robehren (86)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I noticed a great deal of proposed spending. The glaring question is how he intends to fund them. I know the answer but I am afraid that others will overlook the obvious to chase after theier piece of the socialist hadouts. So let me state it for all the good it will do; He will tax us into oblivion. He is a liberal socialist. He is not planning on cutting any spending in the government, on the contrary all of his proposed ideas are huge increases in spending. There is only one way to pay for it and that is on the backs of the "rich". Unfortunately, class envy aside, the liberal definition of rich is a bit scary. I can tell you that almost anyone earning more than 30,000 will se a tax increase. With the minimum wage issue and the "green" initiatives you will see a substantial increase in the cost of goods. If they manage to push through this cap and trade atrosity your gas will go up another dollar plus a gallon. This figure comes for the government accounting office. That in and off itself is horrifying because I'm sure they have low balled the figure. I disagree that he will not have a chance of passing thesse measures, on the contrary he will be working with a liberal controlled congress. I have serious doubts as to the stability of our nation under these circumstances and I have not even contemplated what he will do on immigration or national security. All I can do is pray and vote my conscience.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Hello Robehren,
Yes, I've noticed the same. Though, if we look at just the first few spending (or investment) initiatives, we begin to see some very murky waters.
For example:
“double federal funding for basic research”
Being a science buff, I love the idea of R&D. But, what will get funded? And, how will it get funded?
“Obama will also make long-term investments in education, training, and workforce development.”
Is this supposed to be some new objective? The federal government has been funding the Department of Workforce Development for many, many years. Moreover, the federal government has been funding ‘displacement’ work force development since the early 2000s to address those who have been unemployed because of jobs having been outsourced overseas.
But wait, the trend is for US companies to begin re-opening their high-tech facilities right here, in the USA. In fact, I just initiated a discussion this morning about how Hewlett Packard has contracted to open to high tech support centers in Arkansas and New Mexico.
So, what is the long-term investment? And, is it necessary if businesses are voluntarily bringing our jobs back home, because they’ve gotten ‘hammered’ over their outsourcing policies???
“Obama will also provide assistance to the domestic auto industry”
Am I reading that correctly? Obama is going to get the ‘anti-auto industry’ Congress to provide assistance to US auto makers? Are we talking another bail-out (remember Lee Iacocca)? Or are we talking about Obama offering ‘corporate welfare’ to the auto industry ….
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Jun 08
It seems like your post got cut off at the end. Clearly there will be disagreements with these proposals coming from the right but no one can say he hasn't laid his plans out there now, can they? A side-by-side comparison between Obama's economic plan and that of McCain, compliments of big-time big-banking lobbyist Phil Gramm. I think that would be quite eye-opening.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Hello Annie,
Yes, that dreaded maximum word cap got me again!
Although, Senator Obama's economic policy platform is listed on one page on his website, which can be found here:
You will see that I copied the text verbatim. Well, at least to that point where it was cut off -- grrr!
Annie, as you can see from the above responses and replies, I am not addressing anyone's sarcasm in this post. Frankly, I would rather focus on the issues, and their respective 'horses mouth' sources. As I mentioned in my original post, I sincerely believe that much of the divisiveness in our great nation stems from far too many people relying on other people's opinions about those issues.
As we all know from our personal experiences -- 'second hand' information is very often unreliable. That is why I initiated this discussion. To open an honest dialogue about what Obama has put forth as his own economic platform -- not what Tom, D_ick, or Harry thinks, or hopes it will mean. We are a community who have much more in common than our differences in personal politics. There is so very much at stake!
So, please review the economic issues, and share what impresses you as significant, or worthy of discussion.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Jun 08
It's too bad thee can't be some kind of indicator or warning when you're running out of letters or whatever. Anyway, I appreciated your post because too few people take the time to look these things up themselves. I also appreciate that there was no sarcasm from you and I couldn't agree more, it's serious discussion on the issues that's needed both here and in general. Heck, there are those of us who may have big differences of opinion but I know we all want what's best for our country and for our families when it comes right down to it.
I honestly agree with many of Obama's proposals although I know few Presidents ever get everything they propose made into law and he will probably be no exception if he's elected. I agree with you about just signing off on our tax returns. I don't have that much trust for the IRS or banks, employers, etc. to do that with no confirmation.
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