who is more sinful, lesbians or gays???
By sendoh_07
@sendoh_07 (221)
23 responses
@hello_cancer (183)
• United States
22 Jun 08
neither. in fact, i think they are just as sinful as you or i.
did you know according to Christianity, eating shellfish is an abomination? its right in there with that whole man lying with man thing.
pretty interesting eh?
@dragonstar1 (330)
21 Jun 08
Hi there, my question is why sinful? All mammals do this why should we be any different just because we speak and have thumbs? I think a lot of these thoughts come from mis education from religious backgrounds. Women were written out of the bible and have been slammed ever since. I think this is the same process with gays and lesbians. Did you know also that once upon a time celibacy wasn't inforced on members of the cloth, the church figured this a good way to preach to us, lead by example so to speak. The consideration before this was that ths person should be aware and experienced in order to minister. Which seems more logical that a person not able to carry out something natural to them.
@dragonstar1 (330)
21 Jun 08
Sorry didnt check for spelling mistake I meant "enforced" not inforced.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
6 Jul 08
I believe both are sins but lesbians seem to be lesser in gravity as compared to sodomy or gays.We also find that the whole gay nation of Prophet Luth or Lot(pbuh)was destroyed by God Almighty for this un-natural sin.But we donot find such punishment for the lesbians.......This is my personal view and I may be wrong.
@deviousthoughts (6)
• Philippines
12 Jul 08
i say gy men are more sinful than lsbians ....=)
if ever a gy men read this... i will say whatever...
@knight_rlc26 (362)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
We are all sinners whatever our preference. I have no right to judge others because i am a sinner too. Making generalization is a fallacy for me. We are all different from each other and not because others are commiting mistakes then the entire clan has to suffer. With this, we should see the person individually...
@fiona08 (454)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Well, that would depend on what sins they commit. Did they murder, rob, cheat, what???? Being a homosexual is not sinful in my book. It is the way a person is born. Not a sin, not a choice. If a person is a good human being, his or her sexuality does not matter.
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Jun 08
I do not think that either is sinful. I also do not believe that any God I would want to worship would find these people sinful. What I find to be really sinful is these women i have seen on the beaches or in New Orleans for Maudi Gra partying and thinking it so cool to kiss one another and play around. This is what I find sinful. I do not find sinful the people who are born with both type genitalia or that are born feeling like the opposite gender. This is a mishap of nature, not sinful. I admire gays and lesbians their strength to follow who they are rather than pretend for social sake.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
21 Jun 08
I think neither one is a sin....people are people. Some people like the color blue, some like red...one is no better than the other. Homosexual people are gay because that is who they born to be...I believe that if you are a true "Christian" then you should follow what was taught to you and love EVERYONE!!! The world would be a much happier and more unified place if people were just a little more accepting of one another.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Jun 08
though I am completely baffled at this question..I'm going to reply regardless...
NEITHER...in fact neither are sinful PERIOD..
@traci7may (18)
• Australia
21 Jun 08
What a stupid question! What two consenting adults do is really no-one else's business!
The fact that you're asking it makes me really curious about why you need to know.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
21 Jun 08
if i were looking at this from a religious point of view i would say we are all born sinners.. but in my beliefs we are all equal.. not because of the bible but because i see nothing wrong with other peoples sexuality
@flatlander (45)
• United States
20 Jun 08
In this case I would have to say sin is sin. How bad a sin? I don't really know, but I think I can say that when push comes to shove God, Allah, Buddah or who ever does not have a sliding scale!! I do not condone or condem,it's not my job. Out of curiousity tho I would like to be a fly on the wall when explaining time comes!!!!