Should the school have the right to ban mobile phones?
@rainbow2007star (920)
37 responses
@jannijanni (866)
20 Jun 08
i agree with you on's very impolite to use your phone during class discussions...
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@rainbow2007star (920)
23 Jun 08
I would like to thank every friend in my lot that have expressed their opinion for this topic. I appreciated all your thoughts and most of the time I think the same as you. I hope that the future will be better then this moment. Good luck to you all.
@rainbow2007star (920)
11 Jul 08
What about work colleague? I think that even in work there are people that talk to their mobile too loud, this way they interrump your work.
@jannijanni (866)
12 Jul 08
at work too, it can be pretty annoying. i guess the best way to prevent these kinds of situation is just excuse yourself when you're about to take a call. ^_^
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@CelticSoulSister (1640)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
20 Jun 08
I agree with you. I think the most mis-used and irritating item that's so far been invented in the whole of mankind's technological history. Of course a mobile phone is convenient, and great in an emergency and if used properly, but so many people hae become desperately addicted to them and can't seem to function without them. They seem to have lost all memory and sense of what life was like before mobile phones were invented - I have news for them.....we coped fine, probably better than now.
As for kids using them in schools, it's no wonder they aren't learning anything if they're sitting texting when they should be paying attention to their lessons. I personally would like to see a ruling that every child who possesses a mobile phone, must keep it switched off during all lessons, and for that rule to be very strictly enforced.
I'd also like to see a regular and probably fairly short, but compulsory lesson held in all schools, nationwide - say for 10 minutes twice a week - where children are taught how to use mobile phones sensibly, efficiently and correctly. I want to see people learn how to communicate properly again as that is an art which is being lost. So many people under a certain age are unable to read or write in any language other than "text-talk" and I find this quite shameful.
I don't think mobile phones are increasing our levels and effectiveness of communication - I truly believe they are eroding them.
@CelticSoulSister (1640)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
20 Jun 08
I'm sorry - the odd word here & there dropped out of my above message, as my phone (landline LOL) rung twice whilst I was typing it, and I lost my concentration.
Maybe that is a brilliant example of how much a phone ringing, mobile or otherwise, can interfere with and deteriorate our communication abilities.
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@tennis_boy (102)
• Pakistan
8 Jul 08
no way dude.....why should they......mob phones are not just for chit chatting it is also a very important asset and has got mnay
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@srpkinja (375)
• Canada
8 Jul 08
i am a highschool student. they have recently banned to use of PEDs (Personal electronic devices). the teachers are now allowed to take the students phone if they hear it ring or see them on the cell phone during class hours. most students in the school find this ban ridiculous but only because they would rather be txting their friends than learning that day's class lesson. ill admit, i do text during class sometimes, but i try to avoid using my phone during school. i think schools do have a right to ban cell phones. students are neglecting their school work enough, cell phones can only make it worse. personally, if i was trying to teach a lesson and there were students on texting on their cell phones, i would take their cell phones and make them come back to get it at the end of the week. if youre going to waste my time, ill waste yours. how much will a class lesson help you in your future? a lot. how many brain cells will you lose by texting, "lol im so cool" to a friend? a lot. thank God for rules because i think my fellow high school peers should spend more time listening in class than texting and counting down the minutes until lunch time or the end of the day. i mean, if youre going to wake up at 7am and go to school for 7 hours. why not listen? oh right, you could be texting and making your cell phone bill higher (that your parents have to pay) please! get a clue...
@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
5 Jul 08
Students are coming to school for studying and not for chatting over the cell phone.It should be banned in the class rooms.
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• India
5 Jul 08
yes schools should ban mobiles bcoz mobiles are a big disturbance to kidsss
@mariechin (426)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
nope... They could have some rules and regulations but not ban... It's against our right..
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• United States
5 Jul 08
yes, they do have the right to ban them. i think they would be very distracting . i also think they should ban alot more things that goes on the schools nowadays.
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@excellence7 (3655)
• Mauritius
4 Jul 08
I think have the right to ban mobile phones...because it disturbs their objectives as knowledge can't be transferred where there is disturbances and lack of interest. Mobiles can have an effect in diverting students' minds from learning..
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@babyfirefighter (568)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I agree with you. Students using cell phones in class ie texting of doing what ever is ditracting to their education. If the students need to use the phone go to the office ask to use one there. School is where you go to learn at not to be text messageing someone.
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@babyfirefighter (568)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I agree with banning cell phone from school. It is highly disruptive during the class time if a students cell goes off. If they need to use the phone the school has got one in all the classrooms and office that they can ise if it is an emergency. I personally think that text messageing distracts the student from learning. So should cell phones be banned from school absoultly.
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@xxgarnetxx (18)
• Ireland
5 Jul 08
I agree with what youre saying but I dont think schools should ban them altogether. When I when is school they used to take them off people just for having them in school which isnt fair
• United States
4 Jul 08
i don't think they should be allowed to have them in school. they are not going to concentrate on the lesson if they are texting etc. that's about like my son's teacher told him in the 3rd grade they could bring calculators to do their are they going to learn basic math w/a calculator?? needless to say i wouldn't let him carry one. that was jusy the lazy teacher not wanting to teach.
@Matt_85max (236)
• India
24 Jun 08
I totally agree with you , i also believe that school children are too young to use cellphones.
I have heard in news that cellphones are harmful to kids especially in the age group 7-12.
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@oo0kulasa0oo (260)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
I certainly agree with you. It's about time schools should seriously implement the ban on cellphones inside the classrooms or during class hours. Aside from the sounds of phones ringing and message alert tones can be quite disturbing to the whole class, it also shows disrespect to everyone who really comes to school for the sole purpose of learning.
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@chocolateiscreams (138)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
I agree that's it;s very rude for students to use their mobile phones during class discussions. Especially if it rings, and then the student would disturb the whole class before excusing himself. But it's also way out of the line for school's to ban them since mobile phone are a means of communication, for example, between a parent and his child during an emergency.
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