My dog will not poop outside
By dawnmiller
@dawnmiller (76)
United States
June 20, 2008 2:59pm CST
Ok I have a little problem. We have had our dog since he was just 6 weeks old. He has never gotten fully potty trained. We have tried everything from the pads you put on the floor to putting him in a cage while we are not home and then taking him out as soon as we get home. He will go out to pee but not poop he will hold it until no one is around and then go on my carpet. Do you think this could be a medical problem or is he just being defiant? Any suggestions?
9 responses
@ycpgoldberg (807)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 08
I think there is something that can help you in pet accessories shop.
There is some spray that can spray at any place,
which will cause your dog to poop at the place which you spray.
That spray contain some thin smell that only can know by dog,
and cause dog to think it's the place he/she should poop.
@shetland08 (1)
• United States
22 May 09
Where can I get this? My year old Sheltie has decided he will not poop in the backyard when we take him out, HAS to have a walk or not poop. Last night he messed in his crate for the first time because of this. Help!
@wfmonger (1)
• United States
24 Nov 09
my 8 year old great dane is house broken or was I sould say. recently we can take him outside and he will just stand there and look at you like he has no clue what he's supposed to be doing, when you bring him back inside he will wait till your not looking and poop. He also dreams alot and when e starts running in his sleep he will poop, have tried everything any suggestions?
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Does he play in the yard any? A lot of dogs won't go poop in their own yard. Another thing you can do is try giving him a treat when he goes poop outside and not when he is inside. That's how I got my dogs potty trained. Best of luck!
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
22 Jun 08
maybe it is revenge...getting you back for leaving him home all alone...
my late shihtzus used to make a mess in the house when i leave them alone at home to get back at me. so, every time i go out, i get them a little snack or treat so they dont feel bad of being left alone at home, or at least, start to look forward to the treat they will get when i return home.
i think maybe go out with him...either take him on long walks to make sure he does it, or sit outside with him in the backyard and make she he will do it in front of you.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Sounds like my puppy .she would go pee outside and would poop all over my house .it got so bad she picked an area and would just go all in that one area.The vet said we had to catch her in the act(scream no) and then take her poop outside and put it in the grass. This went on for a few weeks but she finally started going when she is outside and for walks.She still sometimes will go in that one spot and it makes me nuts ,but over all she is doing much better over the year.Puppies need time to adjust and learn.Just keep working with the puppie and it shall work out . Working with them is the key.
@mmgood (1)
• Canada
14 Nov 09
I am having the same problem. I have a 12 weeks old great dane and he does poop outside but he waits as long as he can which is over 30 hrs, he poops outside and when we leave him in the crate he poops again. we give him half hour each time he poops incase he has to do more. when he does poop he gets treats outside and praised big time. I am at a lose to and finding myself sooo frustrated with him. I thought dogs were not suppose to poop where they sleep and i can make the crate any smaller or else he wont be able to lay down which is not fair. Anyone got any suggestions cuz i have tried pretty much everything that i have read and can think of.
@mynameismine (771)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Is he going in the same area each time or hit and miss? If he is going in the same area he might be attracted to the smell that he leaves behind.
This is just an idea off the top of my head here but if he goes in the same area, condition that area to make it the same as outside. Cover it with plastic sheeting and cover that sheeting with dirt and leaves from an area in your backyard. Let him get familiar with that area and when he goes take the whole thing outside and dump it where you want him to go. Leave him in that area and see if that triggers him to go outside. Repeat as needed.
Dogs leave scent markers when they go to the bathroom marking their territories and he is marking him, give him a new marker spot and see if he uses it. Also eliminating the markers inside with those products the stores carries can't hurt either.
You could also try to spook him a bit by letting him think you have left the room and if you see him getting ready to go, blow a whistle or a bell or something like that. By making it an unpleasant experience he might wait to go outside if he has a safe area to go.
@heidibur (310)
• United States
20 Jun 08
no not medical. He is getting back at you for leaving him in that crate all day. and yes they do that.
try to notice when he dose it or around what time and then like 10 miniuts before that time take him outside and wait and when he poops make it a giant party right there and give him his favoite treat after a while of this he will get the hint.
@rantingqueen (495)
• United States
20 Jun 08
He is most likely being defiant or doesn't understand that he is expected to poop outside. Is your puppy on a feeding schedule or do you leave food out for him at all times?
I would suggest trying a schedule of feeding him at the same time every day, and then taking him out immediately after he finishes. Take him out 30 minutes later and every 30 minutes until he does his business outside, and then reward him for his behavior.
It shouldn't take long for him to realize that he gets treats and loving every time he poops outside.