Do you believe the Bible?
By ondo1015
@ondo1015 (1884)
46 responses
@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
6 Nov 06
As for history, there are numerous instances of Archeology, Secular History, and the Bible lining up in perfect harmony. If you are studided in this area, you know the instances. If not, look them up :)
Pertaining to people living over 500 years in Old Testament times, this is true. Many scholars and others that study the subject, offer up this explanation. After looking into it myself, I agree.
In Old Testament times (before the flood) it had never rained on the earth from the clouds as it does today. The earth was watered by a mist that srung up from the ground. The earth was surrouned by a high level atmosphere that contained an enomormous amount of water, much like a gigantic cloud, encircling the earth.
This condition raised the air pressure/ oxygen level in the air, making the air more dense and thus sustaining humans easier (it was easier for us to breath and live in an oxygen rich environment). Our bodies were supplied much purer, denser oxygen, and thus were able to last much longer than we do today. Once it rained and the flood happened, all of that water was gone, lowering the air pressure/oxygen ratio to what we have today. The result is shorter life spans for living things like humans.
As for the Nile River, water to blood, and other stories, no we cannot do these things. God, however, can. It takes faith, and the Bible is clear that you must have the simple faith likened to a child in order to understand and trust the things of Christ.
It couldn't be easier honestly. You have faith in Christ and his teachings and life, much like you have faith that you will actually wake up in the morning to live another day, or that there really is wind blowing. We can't see the wind, but we see the effects of that wind. We don't see Christ, but we feel and see his presence all around us everyday.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I dont believe everything that is in the bible but I do believe some of the things. I am a proud Pagan and 1 thing I remember from the bible is to be tollerant of other religins but yet Wiccans and Pagans are considered evil. I understand being tollerant of others is not discriminating them and degrading them but willing to be kind to them even tho your beliefs dont agree. Yet in todays society Wiccans and Pagans have to hide who they are because they would be considered evil in the eyes of Christians. It really bothers me that people make fun of things that they know nothing about nor are they willing to learn to decide for them selves that it is evil or not. That is wrong.
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@toaste (139)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I am a christian and I do not make fun of wiccans. I try to understand everyone's beliefs and I will not change mine but i pray for everyone to find peace. There is a God and I have experienced HIM but I do not throw myself at others to convince them to think my way. I am friends with at least two people who are wiccans and so far I have seen kindness and gentleness towards mother earth from them.
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@joynatarajan (332)
• India
5 Nov 06
Well, the Bible is God's Word and He does not lie.
Earlier, people lived longer because they were closer to creation. People lived longer and were healthier. Now, however, as time passes, mans lifespan has reduced, though we still do see some people living for over 100 years....
Since God is powerful, surely He can do miracles!!! Look at humans today... they can do so many things today, that seemed impissible centuries before.... such as flying in a plane. So surely God can do much more. There is nothing impissible with Him.
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@joynatarajan (332)
• India
6 Nov 06
Well, our facts and theorums are just myths and fantasies to lower forms of life like animals. SO it stands to reason that since God is the highest form of life, His facts and "theorems" and "proof" might seem to be fantasy to us. There were many things written in the Bible - like the fact that the Earth is round, that the Earth stands upon nothing, about DNA and the "Skin" of our teeth - that were not discovered up to senturies after they were written. Those remained as facts. So who knows..... one day man might realise that those miracles were facts and may be able to prove it with a "theorem". Hope we will be around!!!
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@ondo1015 (1884)
• Philippines
7 Nov 06
India has Hindu,Muslims,Christians. Different religion different Holy Scriptures, different beliefs. A Christian Superstar converted to Muslim and now he believes Koran. I mean when you are converted to another religion then you throw away your first belief

@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
6 Nov 06
Yes, I do believe the Bible. I do not believe the pamplet. The Bible is God's inspired word to man. I have faith that it is all true and don't have to have it justified to me how it is all possible.
@vinaykiran28 (5149)
• India
11 Jan 07
i am a hindu and i have not read bible, so i cannot say anyting about it
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@yourgurubuddy (43)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I could write a pamphlet saying all martians are blue, but that doesn't make it true(we all know they are green anyway);) Why would anyone believe what is said in any booklet which is just giving someone's opinion? How could they possibly prove what they are saying.
There are a number of things in the Bible I don't fully understand, but does that make them lies?
I would suggest you check out some of the videos regarding a critical examination of the bible at
Strobel was an atheist for much of his life. He was an investigative reporter who graduated from Yale Law School with a Master of Studies in Law degree. Be sure to also check out his Bio there.
Another site you might check out is . This man was a skeptic who was challenged by a group of students. He took the challenge, feeling certain he could prove Christianity to be false, a religion built on nice stories that couldn't stand up to the test of truth.
Regardless of what anyone tells you here, people's opinions don't make any difference. The real question is Who was/is Jesus? Either He is who He claimed to be, the Son of God, or he is the biggest lier who ever lived. If He is not the Son of God, He can not be considered a prophet, a good teacher, a moral person. If He is who He says He is, we must obey Him, because He said we will spend eternity in Heaven or the lake of fire. Ondo, I challenge you to find out who Jesus really is.
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@mohsin3161 (654)
• Pakistan
13 Jan 07
as muslims we believe in all holy books bible being part of it.
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I do believe the Bible. It is a part of who I am as a person.
I know that there are many religions and beliefs and that is fine with me, but for me this is the right path.
Good question though!
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I believe that the Bible was inspired by God and is 100% truthful. I know it has been translated many times and errors have probably been made while doing so. However, the Bible is still filled with truth and wisdom. Many things that were done were symbolic. Other things were miracles performed by God and Jesus. People who tell you that the Bible is a lie are doing the work of the devil.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
6 Nov 06
Yes, I believe in God and the bible for sure.
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