On eating EGGS

June 21, 2008 12:04am CST
Recently I had some qualms or fears about what would be its effect to my health eating more or less 2 eggs everyday, since it is usually the food being served every morning at our mess hall. I made a research about the benefits or the outcome of eating eggs and I found these facts, most are contrary to what we think about it and its calorie content: The study says that the people who consumed one or more eggs a day do not have any risk of cardiovascular disease than those who are non-egg eaters. The egg yolks contain cholesterol. This cholesterol is saturated fats, not dietary cholesterol that raises blood cholesterol levels. The online edition of Daily Mail has reported the benefits of eggs. # Egg’s yolk contains thirteen essential nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin. It helps to prevent or even reverse the age-related eye problem macular degeneration (MD). # Egg whites contain albumen that is a major source of protein. It contains no fat. # Egg is a good source of Vitamin B that needs for essential functions of the body. # Egg has sufficient quantities of Vitamin A that needs for growth of the body. # Egg contains Vitamin E that prevents against heart disease and some cancers. # Egg contains Vitamin D. It increases mineral absorption and bone health. # Egg has sufficient amount of iodine. It makes thyroid hormones and phosphorus in the body. # Egg may protect teenage girls against breast cancer in later life. # Egg has low calories. It may help you to reduce weight. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
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7 responses
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
21 Jun 08
Hi longbangod, I think it's best to treat any dietary information on eggs or any other mass-produced foods with a healthy degree of skepticism until you're quite sure of the credentials of the advice. Vested interests will always try to promote their products over the competition, and the competition will always try to debunk any beneficial claims. Anyway, to be honest, I don't really think there's too much risk from eating eggs occasionally. The same problems will result from eating too many eggs as for any other high protein food, namely an acid metabolism which burdens the internal organs with toxic metabolites, leaches material from bones, and promotes anaerobic mitosis which ultimately leads to cancers. So don't go pigging out on eggs every day of the week. I'd expect that eating three or four eggs a week, in concert with an active and healthy lifestyle and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, shouldn't cause too many problems. But going much beyond that will attract the same long-term, chronic degenerative symptoms as any other dietary abuse.
• Malaysia
21 Jun 08
Hie everyone. Yes, I do agree with dododguy. It should be taken in moderation, not too excessively or none at all. And same too applies to other food that is a favorite. In fact I have read an article saying that taking eggs is good for the heart and it allows to be taken everyday! But does it make sense with all the consumption with no conscious and then lack of exercises eventually a person will get some cardiovascular disease or some other ailments. There are also other food with hidden eggs ingredients like in cakes, desserts,cookies, etc and should be taken in consideration in the daily intake of eggs. No doubt eggs are good but all comes to the portion that is taken to maintain our good health. Cheers and thank you for sharing
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
Thanks to booth of you. I didn't really realize the disadvantage of eating too much egg until I got sick and develop and allergy by which I suspect due to my consumption of eggs daily. Since I am working abroad and foods are served free at our mess hall, we don't have any choice but to eat what the caterer serve us, and normally they have eggs every morning. And when we don't like the food at lunch or dinner time, we also are allowed to request eggs as replacement, so more or less, I consumed about 4-5 eggs a day. Those were the days, this time I cease from eating eggs even one every day.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
as a practicing medical profession, i do agree with what you got about eggs and it has a lot of benefit too as long as you're NOT eating the yellow portion or the yolk. another thing that needs to be considered is how the egg being prepared, like cooking it high cholesterol oils then it has no benefit at all.
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@DudaYLen (219)
• Philippines
21 Jun 08
Yes ! Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can eat.But one egg Long contains 212mg of cholesterol. Eating more than two that’s a lot considering that the daily upper limit of cholesterol consumption is just 300mg a day. If you are healthy and your cholesterol level is normal, eat as many eggs as you like. However, reduce your intake of saturated fats (bacon, red meat, whole milk and other dairy products) and avoid the trans-fatty acids in fried foods. Remember that cholesterol level is an over rated factor in most illnesses, especially cardio-vascular problems.
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
Hi Malen, maybe its the reason why my cholesterol level was high, at first I got 280 mg/dl which is already at high risk of having a heart attack. This time it lowers to 216 but I'm still taking pills to bring it down to normal.
@teena22 (422)
• Italy
21 Jun 08
obviously im not an egg fanatic hahaha! i only eat once a week i guess. i guess egg yolks are good for the body...but also you have to limit yourself eating eggs everyday...or else you might grow some wings Long. hahaha!
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
Hi Teena, beware or don't eat too much chicken wings also. I received an email that its also hazardous to human health especially for women. I think its because of the steroids they inject to chicken to make them grow faster. Anyway if eating too much eggs would give me wings to fly, then I won't mind those allergies anymore what is important for me is I could fly back to Philippines without the need to buy a ticket.
• South Korea
21 Jun 08
Thanks for the info. My husband don't eat egg. But me and my son, we usually eat one egg a day. That is during breakfast. Thanks for posting.
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
I think one egg a day is safe and beneficial. You are welcome Arlene!
@leateagee (3667)
• China
21 Jun 08
EGGS!!! I love to eat eggs too. And guess what that is what is being served in our kitchen almost everyday too. Wow, living abroad is really like this. The only food they love to served to foreigners are eggs. Hahahahahahah...
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
You mean also in China? hehe This made me smile. You know its the easiest to prepare, and perhaps the cheapest? Thats why they are fond of serving eggs to workers abroad every day.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
21 Jun 08
Whether you eat one egg or two, your body will only register the first one and the others will only give you boils. Because of this doctors recommend that you one eat one daily. But you have egg lovers who will eat all a dozen becomes sick afterwards. So it is best you eat one per day.
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
I think one egg per day is safe.