I'm new here

June 21, 2008 8:06am CST
since i'm new here I don't get what I have to do here. what are the do's and don't. Is there a rating system here. Please can you clarify this for me. THANK YOU
2 responses
• United States
21 Jun 08
Welcome to mylot Do have fun and make friends. Do reply to others post and create your own. Do try to enjoy the social aspect of mylot. Do not post links for referrals they will get deleted. Do not start post or reply to post with referral links or how to improve your earnings on mylot or other make money sites. They usually get deleted and you lose some money for that. Do not expect this to be easy money. If you are here just for the money you will soon become discouraged and want to quit. If you are here enjoying yourself the money becomes easier and easier the more you enjoy the social part of it and the longer you are on here. It seems like the better quality of post and replies you put, good rating, and best responses help with your earnings. The rating system is for others to rate your remarks and what not I am not sure as to what it specifically does. Enjoy mylot and have a great time.
21 Jun 08
Thats great thanks for that i will keep your comments in mind every time I come on here. THANK YOU
• United States
21 Jun 08
Glad I could help. Have a great weekend.
• Indonesia
21 Jun 08
well, for the dos and donts, the best reference is mylot's terms. just read it and you will get ideas what to do here. welcome to mylot. happy posting...
21 Jun 08