training for the minutemen who patrol the border.

United States
June 21, 2008 10:05am CST
I live in a rural area about 25 miles west of Tucson Arizona and some 40 miles from the Mexican border. We have a lot of Border Patrol activity in the area, so much that it sometimes feels as though we're under martial law, with the checkpoints, watchtowers and helicopters. But it's their job and most everyone who lives out here takes everything in stride. It's just when the minutemen get involve there always seems to be problems, such as the minutemen trying to enforce checkpoints of their own (which is illegal according to the Pima Country Deputy I spoke with). I've actually had one of the minutemen follow a Border Patrol agent onto my property during a search for illegal immigrants. The agent was professional and polite (Border agents always are) when asking if I had seen any immigrants, but the minuteman stepped out of his pickup with a rifle in his hands. I had to tell him to leave, it's my land, don't come on it waving a weapon. Of course this guy just losses it and starts screaming that I'm preventing him from doing his job. The Border Patrol agent just looked at him and told him to leave, which he didn't and I ended up calling the Sheriff to get this guy off my land. I believe in the Second Amendment, that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. But just because someone owns a weapon doesn't mean they know how to use it, not to mention, some of the minutemen do not interact well with the residents. Does anyone know if these guys have any type of training because it seems that they don't.
1 response
@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
21 Jun 08
I never heard of them. They are probably some loosely organized militia with no real training, like the minutemen during the revolutionary war days. You are probably not the only one complaining about them. I'd contact your local media outlet maybe they could do a story about them, and you could find out if they get any training.
• United States
21 Jun 08
I just can't believe you've never heard of these guys. They made national news headlines a couple years ago stating that it's their right to take a stand and protect the border since the U.S. Government won't. Anyway, calling the local news is a good idea, I didn't think about that, thanks.