What tricks does your pets do?

June 21, 2008 10:09am CST
For example: If I am loosing socks on my way to the washing machine my dog Jazzy -yes the one in the picture- is catching them and bringing them to the wasching machine without any wholes. I never ever show her how to do this. And when the wasching machine finished her job and I didnĀ“t recognize it, Jazzy get to me and stubbs her nose on my knee. Does your pet knows any tricks or helpful things?
2 responses
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
good day.. No my dog knows no trick, she's just a spoiled pet and yet we love her all the same. Oh, there is something but I'm not sure you can call it a trick, when she's already hungry she'll step on her food plate and scratch it on the floor making annoying screeching sound. That's her way of calling our attention.
@selece (2357)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
Wow! Cool pet. I wish I had something nice to share but my pets' tricks are basically running around, eating, and sleeping. LoL. Well, I don't actually consider it as a trick or what but I'm very much delighted with my dog, Yoshii. I throw some food in the air and he catches it with his mouth. Hehe.