I find myself giving up
By sturner03
@sturner03 (326)
United States
June 22, 2008 12:38pm CST
MY sister is 18 now and she had a child. She gave that child away to my older sister to adopt. Now that the process is done and over and the child is out of the baby fase she has decided that she wants him back. He is 10 months old, thats almost a year that he's known my sister and her husband as mommy and daddy and there 3 kids as his sisters. MY sister thinks that if she takes him now it will have no affect on him. What do you think? I think the child will have problems from it. Any opinions on how to get through to her?
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14 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Why is it that she wants him back now? If legal documents were filed when he was adopted there is nothing she can do without going to court. She will also have to prove that she can provide a good stable home for this child, which it sounds like he already has one. The child will have problems from this, she needs to understand that after being with that family as his for almost a year, he has emotional connections to them as parents and sisters, he does not know her as his mother, and it would cause so many problems in the years to come, he could eventually come to have many issues with her, for taking him away from this family he knows, and for putting him up for adoption in the first place and then changing her mind. What is she going to do if she gets him back, and then decides it's 'too much' for her to deal with, is she going to change her mind again and give him back. She should just leave well enough alone, go to college or work and get on with her life. She obviously didn't want a child in the first place.
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@sturner03 (326)
• United States
22 Jun 08
She says she gave him up because she didn't think she could handle it, she was only 17 when she got pregnant and she thought he needed a better home. Now it seems like she wants him out of power and convience. I never hear I love him I can't live without him I hear I want him he's mine mine mine my son.
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@sturner03 (326)
• United States
24 Jun 08
This is very hard, because no matter what I say or how it is said she really believes that everyones attacking her. I don't think she will get him back, but this has all been very stressful on the family.
@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Well of course he will have problems with it. He's a baby and he's probably already gotten used to living with your older sister. Your other sister should have thought this out very thoroughly before doing something like this. She should have never given him up for adoption so quickly. She needs to understand that she can't take the baby back. If the papers are filed then what is she going to do?
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@sturner03 (326)
• United States
24 Jun 08
She has filed for custody and there is a hearing going to court next month. She does have the chance to prove herself still. (leave it to Maine to let that happen)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Jun 08
sturnero3 she is still his mom and maybe she has come to realize she wants to raise her son now. I know this is hard for all of you but maybe she need to be given the chance to be his mom.
Will it harm the child I do not know but will it harm her, yes it could. Why not let her see if she can be a good mom now?

@sturner03 (326)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I wish she could be that, but I just don't see it happening. She has a big problem with substance abuse, and sleeping around with men that has always taken priority over her family.
@mountaingirl (12)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Your comments on substance abuse is what worries me the most. Someone with those problems needs help themseves so they can learn to take care of themselves much less an innocent baby.
As much as it would hurt you to have to do so if you have proof of substance abuse you must let the court know. Not only will it help to keep your nephew in a safe home, but it might help your little sister get the help she needs. Sometimes people will listen to an outsider quicker than a family member
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
good day.. that's a possible problem when adoption happened within family members. That's why think the law stated clearly that the information of those people involved in the process are kept confidential. As of this early the child my still forget whose the people around him being 10 mos. but the situation is different with the people who adopted him. In 10 months his "uncle and auntie" and cousins would already bonded with him and really considered him their son and brother. On the part of his real mother why now? Hadn't she under go counseling before going through with this process? Is she really ready and not made the same mistake again the first time? and most importantly Is she ready to support him?
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@sturner03 (326)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I feel like she was brainwashed into making this decision. For 9 months she was surronded by people telling her she couldn't do it. After you hear something long enough you start to believe it. And now she is far from ready.
@gamgee (116)
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
It seems that the adoption process is finished, and the child is now legally your older sister's. I think it will be up to your older sister whether she wants to give him back to his biological mother or not, or else your younger sister could go to court and let them decide. But if she is only 18, how could she possibly take care of a 10 month old baby? What kind of home could she possibly give him? I think your younger sister is not thinking straight right now, maybe its just a phase shes going through. Dont you know of any authority figure whom she would listen to? Just to make her see the consequences of what might be? If she is not willing to listen to anybody, why not let her take care of the child all by herself, for about a week, I dont know if your older sister would agree to this, but it just might make your younger sister realize that taking care of a child is not a joke and should not be taken lightly.
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@trell8402 (274)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I think your sister should have thought long and hard about all of the consequences before she let your other sister adopt him. She will still be able to see him, right? He's still in the family. I know it's not like actually raising him, but... I think it would just be best, legally and morally, to let your older sister to keep him.
@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
23 Jun 08
i undserstand both parties,,,the real mom,,,because she knew her mistake now...it is good for her! it is also good that as early as now, she wants the baby back! it will affect the child yes,,,but only for a few days or moths...she just needs to let the baby know she is her mother and that she cares for her! i also understand the other parents...taking care of a child is hard,,,plus the emotional attachment with them. it will not be easy for them to let go! plus the others children that knew this child is their brother! the best thing is to sit down and talk about this! noone will go anyway..it just the matter of who will take care of the child! they can still see the child anytime each party wants! they are family anyway! good luck!
@patzel88 (3310)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
its not too late for the mother to get the baby, because the baby is in the stage of developing his little mind. as long as she wants and she has love to her baby,and she will try she best to do her part as a mother and give the proper education, nothing wrong with it.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
23 Jun 08
This is the reason the adoption board representatives always go against giving the child to a family member. Is your sister willing to give up that child. Why she didn't take the child until the right mother is ready. The next thing is your sister (the child mother) should know that she give up all her maternal rights to that child. She just has to forget about that child. Handle it as if she had done an abortion. It is sad to say but she has no right to that child and she needs to move on with her life.
This can cause fiction between the two sisters and if the adopted mother is vindictive it can go to the courthouse too. The maternal mother should just continue play the role as an aunt because that is the only role she has towards that child legally.
All the best.
@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I think this babies mother ought to think of what is in his best interests not her own.This baby should stay where he is,is she truly loves him she should see this.Can't she remain in his life and be auntie instead.He will suffer from the separation he has grown with,I don't think anyone could imagine the impact that may have on him.At 18 if she already went so far as to give him away for 10 months,I highly doubt her ability to adequately raise him herself has changed any.
I hope she does the right thing and leaves him where he is,or your older sister has the ability to fight and keep him,.
@jbg45638 (88)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I don't think there will be any problem since he is still too young to remeber anything plus also in my family my cousins daughter adjusted to my aunt without any problem around 6 months age. My cousin and his wife had to move all over the world due to their jobs thats why they left her with my aunt aka her grandmother. I don't know how close your older sister is but I think iwas a good thing it was your older sister who adopted him. What your older sister can do is leave all the legal documents intact and have your 2nd sister live with them for a while she can take care of her baby and they get a free babyistter on top of that. Your older sister can see how much your second sister really means it for a few months if she passes in you older sisters opinion then your older sister can give up legal custody on him to you second sister. If she fails its not like he needs to call your older sister mommy since you guys are technically related by blood. He can still call his mommy mommy and aunty aunty .
@busyboy22 (292)
• India
23 Jun 08
i think surely the baby cannot stay with the actual parents because baby has already has some thing in her mind that he and she is my parents and baby cant stay with them for few days. any way its your personal dicision to make it out .keep posting have fun enjoy mylotting.
@Anniesangels3 (5)
• United States
23 Jun 08
If she wants her son back and is ready than she should do it now before he is older. I give your sister a thumbs up for taking him in . Maybe she knew your sister would want him back one day. Thats what family is all about. The baby will adjust to his new mommy .