to young for cell phones?

cell phone - cell phone for verizon wireless
United States
June 22, 2008 12:52pm CST
how young is too young for a cell phone? my daughter is 10 and wants a cell phone. Almost all the kids at school have them and I just dont see the point. If she goes out w/her friends the parents have cell phones and she can call me. So would you let your 10 yr old child have a cell phone?
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8 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I can't think of a single good reason why a 10 year old needs a cell phone to carry around all the time. My s/o's daughter tried for 2 years to get him to get her a cell phone, and he told her she didn't need one. At 13 her mother got her one, 2 months ago, she was grounded for a month when she ran up a $1000 bill and used up all the shared minutes. Part of that bill was because she was connecting to the internet via her cell phone, not free! So, now she is back to not having a cell phone. I don't think any kid under 16 or 17 needs a cell phone. What do they need one for? that big 'business deal' they are going to make on the school bus ride?
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Who ever told you this must have been confused because you can limit the phone's and you have to subscribe to internet access.It sounds like you are saying that it was not a prepaid phone.With billed cell phones the account holder has to subscribe to the internet connection.And anyone under the age of 18 cannot get a billed cell phone only prepaid one's.When my son was 17 he was going to get a cell and couldn't because he was under 18.I had to get the phone bill in my name and he paid me.When he wanted to change,add or drop a feature he called me and I had to call the cell phone company.You can get pre paid,limited and only able to call your parent/s.
• United States
22 Jun 08
No, they weren't confused, I don't have internet listed on my cell phone bill, however, I can access the internet from my cell phone and the charge for it will show up on my next bill. Her mother had a family plan, with shared minutes for her, her daughter (my s/o's daughter) and her son. It was not a pre-paid phone, it was a regular cell phone service. It was a family plan with each one having their own cell phone and number with one bill coming to her mother. As I stated, her mother got it for her, I know you have to be 18 to get one for yourself.
@syeryn (573)
• United States
22 Jun 08
My children all had cell phones at age 10. They received a prepaid trakphone and their minutes were part of their allowance. Not only does it give you a teaching opportunity with your children but it can be a wise decision too. Sure, her friends parents may have cell phones with them but if they were driving while intoxicated do you think they would allow your child to use their phone so they could tell you about it and ask you to come and get them because they were firghtened? I don't think so. If you set the boundaries, give them a prepaid phone so they cannot rack up a huge bill for you and teach them how to use it wisely, I do not see a thing wrong with a 10 year old having a cell phone.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I totally agree with you.Just because the other parent has a cell phone doesn't mean your child can use it.There are adults also that don't have cell phones.My mom doesn't.For instance,lets say my daughter was with my mom and they ran off the road in a ditch or something,where they weren't seen (I know it sounds farfetched,but it has happened here twice in the last 6 months) and then my daughter can at least hill the button's 911.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
23 Jun 08
I have been so against cell phones, especially for kids. The only reason I purchased 3 cell phones last month was because my girls travel to play soccer. I like to keep in touch with them. My 11 year old (12 in August) is not allowed to take her phone to school. I went to a soccer tournament with both my girls. They were both playing at the same time at different fields. I was able to keep in touch with my younger daughter through text messaging, knowing where she was going after her game, where I would meet up with her, etc. This is the ONLY reason we got the phones. I wouldn't have gotten them otherwise. They went a little crazy on them the first week we had them but have slowed down now. They only take the phone out of the house if they are going somewhere where I can't reach them by regular phone - soccer, playing in the park, the movies, etc. Any extra charges they make they will have to pay for and they know that. I don't think young kids need cell phones.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
23 Jun 08
i wouldn't. i don't think they need a cell phone at that age. i figure not atleast till they will be going out with their friends alone. when there won't be an adult there with a phone. but even then, there are still pay phones and places you can use the phone if needed. i would start with a trac phone that they have to buy the minutes for too. i can't afford a phone for myself let alone a teenager.
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I have a ten year old son. He has a prepaid cell phone. there is only ten dollars on it at a time. he only takes it with him when he is staying with a friend or going on a field trip. He knows that it is only for emergencies. or else he'll run out of money on it. I only put ten dollars on it about every two months. He understands the responsibility of having it and thats why I let him have it.
@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
23 Jun 08
it depends..if you think she can handle responsibility then yes...cellphone is also responsibility! for sure you are the one who will pay the phonebill, would it be used for chitchat and some girltalk. if it gets lost, what now???would be it be more convinient for you and for her in terms of communication when outside the house????this are just some questions you can ask yourself before deciding!
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I got a cell phone for my daughter when she was 8 for security purposes.I can limit her actions including minutes she uses,numbers she calls,whether or not she can make text calls or use the internet.She is now 11 and 2 of her friends that are 8 and 9 years old have cell phones where you can only call your parent's or 911.At this day and age you cannot be too careful.
22 Jun 08
In all honesty i do think that having a mobile / cell phone at that age is a litle unnesicary but then again it all depends on the person in question. If your daughter is away from you at times then i woudlnt see anything wrong with her having one then at least you know she can always contact you if needs be, but if she doesnt stay away from you then i cant see the point. Children all want mobile phones tho, they want to keep up with the latest trends and their friends, its not like it is a dangerous item so i cant see the harm in letting her have one if you all agree to certain terms of use etc. im just gratefull mine are still toddlers lol!