do you drink any idea? any opinion?

@qwe123 (253)
June 22, 2008 7:57pm CST
do you drink? china has a long histry of wine culture so let us talk about wine and drinking today do you drink or not/ what do you drink? do you ever get drunk? what is it like when you are drunk? also some light on the wine cluture and drinking culture of east and west.. i like drink for example, while vino, wine my favourite is beer especially in summer the feeling is very very good but sometimes i were get drunk and very uncomfortable so i will sleeping i like it i used to drink a lot but never get drubnk from my prospective\ proper way of drinking can release the stress on our shoulder in our daily life i like drinking but i am not indulgled in it ii prefer wine i only drinkwith my good friends and afamiles th culture of alcohol i china is abut 5000 years since the earliest ancestor called Dukang inthe history of china alcohol is not only a exist be drunk but also a symbol of cuture when people getting married the wine is called wedding fest whci can being god luck to the people as the aproach of hte new lunar year the wine isnecessary and big family will be around the table eating dumpling and toasting each other to adieuxing te old year and accepting new year expressing their best wishes to the coming year
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