Relationships, Love

United States
June 23, 2008 12:38am CST
If a girlfriend buys a boyfrind a gift, and she always brings up how much the gift cost, what is she trying to say? Is she saying you are cheap, you don't care about her or she makes more than you and you are nothing? What? I thought love was free and unconditional. If a man makes less than a woman, and buys his gal a gift that was not as pricy, isn't that what love is, he thought of her. WHAT DOERS A PRICE TAG HAVE TO DO WITH IT? Somebody please help me.... Don't know what love is anymore.... I surrender.
3 responses
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Jun 08
Surrender, huh? Sounds like this chick is a materialistic freak. Niced of her to buy the gift. Period. Love should be free and unconditional. If the relationship you are in is not then move on down the road. Like I always say, Life is too short.
@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
Well, true love can never be given a price tag. A gift that came from the heart with the purpose of making the recipient very happy is what matters. It is the real value and not monetary value that counts. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. What is she had a hard time buying it or went to a great deal to acquire the gift with that particular price tag? If you feel lost in love, just ask yourself and think back. Why are you in love? and why that particular person? When was the first time you felt it with that person and what was the circumstance? Give yourself time to reflect as well as your partner. Let the love flow!!!
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
Love is not about gifts or material things. Actually for me gifts doesn't really matter, you should love each other for each other...know what I mean? and not for the gifts. And if ever you do give each other gifts then you shouldn't really nag about how much it is or something like that...cause thats just so wrong.