Have you got difficult finding friends?
@chej18 (915)
United States
June 23, 2008 2:36pm CST
They said true friend is hard to find.And a true friends will stay w/ you no matter what?When your down,if everything is falling apart they are still there to support you.if you lost everything,money,house,and you went to a very hard time and very sensitive situations.Are they still w/ you or they are also gone?If that so that means they are not true friends.If you trust your friend you can tell her everything.But if she/he betrayed you how dya feel?Enjoy posting!have a nice day!
Greetings from Che!
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13 responses
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
3 Jul 08
There's a lot of truth to what you've already said in your discussion, and I couldn't agree with you more. I only have a handful of true friends who are there for me no matter what I do; the love me for being myself! It's great to have friends like this because they're there no matter what unconditionally. Friends that are true friends aren't what they call "fair weather friends" because if something goes wrong, they're gone. I don't like these kinds of so-called friends because I don't want my group of buddies to always be dependent on what I do as to whether or not they'll hang out with me. I just like having good, solid friends I can always depend on because anyone who is otherwise isn't a true friend. I just had to back up everything you said because your discussion description is so true!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
7 Jul 08
I don't like gossip either because it tears friendships and other relationships apart. I know you said a lot of people have said not to let anyone become a close friend because if they're too close, then they'll hurt you more deeply when they betray you. My answer for that is that you'll never know a good friend unless you get to know them and share your heart as well. I don't think you have to share too much to where it's dangerous because they know too much about you. I'm not talking about that, but you have to take the time to get to know someone or you won't know what they're like. If you didn't try to be kind and have friends, you wouldn't have anyway to spend time with. So, you see, I don't really agree with that stuff that people always say about not letting people into your heart. If a significant other hurt you at one point in your life, that doesn't mean you wouldn't try to love again. I don't think people should give up just because they had one bad experience with something. It's all about what you make of it and how you move on because of it. It's these things in life that build character in us.
@chej18 (915)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I have a lot of experienced of this kinf of friends so i can said a lot of things.I been betrayed,been left behind,friends only hangout,friends if they see you.
The problem w/ me is i trust people so easily,and i believe all what my eyes can only see but not the things that i cannot see and heared.I dont trust and like people said about my friend ,she said,he said..Or gossip..I rather see it in my own eye.I dont want to judge people in what i heard.They said you can only be betrayed becouse you let that people get into your heart.That is why you feel betrayed if they do something to you that its not acceptable.
And i have a lot of friend who want me becouse o go hang out w/ them.But after a while that you cannot do that anymore, let say you got job and you have something important to do, or something happen to you.And ask them to comeby becouse you miss them.They are gone and telling you a lot of reasons why they cannot go and see you.And i said i should forget this kind of friend,I am not getting younger so i have to choose who is the true to you.
I been also left behind of i though my true friendswhen i been to a lot of problem in life.That makes me more down to know who is real and who is not.But i learned from all this situations..And now i am giving much time to all my true friends who will never leave me no matter what unless for the "God's will"TC my friend
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Hi leo,
I can understand how difficult to hav a new place and new neighbor, and new surrounding.But give it sometimes mybe the very best friend you are looking for is just there in the corner..have a nice day..Take care your self..
Greetings from Che!

@alouconui (120)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
Yes, finding true friends is indeed hard to find. But I guessed on my case I do have a lot of fiends, sSome of them, I haven;t seen for so many years. Now that we are in contact with each other. We start picking up the pieces together and start to where we left. It make us stronger maybe because of tyhe years we 've lost. We still don't see each other often but now we have communication. GRIENDS are like gems you have to treasure too. But the very best friend you can have is your FAMILY. THE BEST EVER FRIEND THAT ONE CAN HAVE!!
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Yes that true!The family stay w/ us no matter what.They are there everytime we need them,and comfort us in the way they can.I remembered when i lost everything i have some of friends who be there for me.All my life i spended my time to a friends going out,even living together w/ all my friend.Trials go sometimes to a people to try, and challenge you.I was lost and stress and upset, and i lost everything,even some of my friends.Then i found out whose true friends and who is not.BUt my family is the first person who help me and give comfort.You take care now!Have a nice day!
Greetings from Che!

@startstop123 (435)
• India
24 Jun 08
I never felt difficult in finding friends. Friends are like god's gift for us and we can have it as much as we can. We don't have to search for friends because, if we are having good qualities of being a good friend, the people feel us as their friend and we can get more friends eventually. the key to get more friends is to be friendly with everyone.
@chej18 (915)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Thats right! I am totally agree w/ you Startstop123.Friend is a gift of God just like loveones,child.God giving all this person to us.For us to feel not alone.Since the beginning of Adan and Eve God think about companionship.He mad Eve to give happiness and to acompanion to Adan.This is what they call cycle of life,that we all need friends to be there for us.Sometimes betrayal is there becouse we let our friend in our heart.They said Betrayal can only happen if you if you love.And if you been betrayed it is hard to trust somebody again.Thats why there is this difficulties finding true friends.So, you have to keep and treasure the true frienship what you got.Have a nice day! takecare....
Greetings from Che!

@ann61285 (60)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
For me...its easy to find friends but real friends who are always supporting you in whatever state of life you are experiencing are really hard to find. Since, there are friends that are for good terms only but when you experience the bad times in life, you can see whose the real one.
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Your absolutely right i agree 100% w/ you!Finding friends is easy but finding truee freinds is difficult.I have many friends but only becouse i can give them what they want.But i been in trials before and all the friends that i thoght is there for me is all gone but i found out whos real and not.But there is always somebody who care about you.Have a nice day.
Greetings from Che!

@superapple (7)
• China
25 Jun 08
I have a lot of friends but a true friend is difficult to find .I think nobody can achieve the thing as you said.you can not make a chance to test you friend .they will disappiont you .so I donot expect a true friend .
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Yes same here i have lots of friend but true friends i got only few of them.I dont trust people that easily after what happened to my last old friend.I trust her completely w/ my heart and she just blew it like that.I feel so sad about it.But i move on i think she doesn't deserve me as friend.I been true to her and be there for her.But thanks God it is over now.Takecare your self and have a nice day!
Greetings from Che!

@alokn99 (5717)
• India
24 Jun 08
If you have been true as a friend then you will find true friends. I say this out of my own experience. When every thing was down in my life and I mean everything, the support i got was from friends . They came forward to help me in terms of financial support, work, listened and understood my problems, suggested ways of appraching and solving them.
If a friend betrays you they may have done it in thier own interest. That is the way the world is. See if you can forgive and revive the friend ship . It will mean a lot. If not there will be another friend who will come along. Life has no meaning without friends.
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I agree that life w/out friends is no meaning.thats good if you have friends that can help you w/ everything.You have to treasure all your true friends.I have also bestfriend that help me w/ eaverything and i love them all.They all always there helping w/ everything,finacial,makes me happy,help me to move-on.I cannot thanks them a lot of doing that kind of thing.You can only see your ture friends in the time that you are in trials.Have a nice day!
Greetings from Che!

@bdugas (3578)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I have one truly good friend, you can call her and ask her anything she is there on the spot for you, no matter what it is if she can do it. I have 2 who are great friends until you get into trouble or need a buck and they can make more excuses than you can imagine, both are very well to do and could help if they wanted, so I kind of mention it to them then move on, and you know what as soon as whatever you need is fixed or over, they are right there telling you they could of helped it just never entered their minds at the time, how convientant for them.
Friends true friends are ones that will sit with you while you are at the hospital for days with a sick or dying person, and never complain just there in case you need them, to listen to you rant when something is wrong, to help you out of a bind if they can. I found who my true friends were when we lost our home to a tornado and while trying to clear out what we could save, our landlord at 71 years of age and he daughter was the only ones there to help, his family never came by, my family 1000 miles away, I hope I am that kind of friend that if you in trouble and need help you come to me and if I can I will.
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
It is a treasure if you got friends that stays w/ you no matter what.Specially it comes that you are down and having a lots of trials in life.Some other friends just stay or be w/ you becouse you can help them,or you can give them happiness but then if you cant give that kind of happiness and help anymore they are just gone.You have to treasure the friendship that your landlord and his daugther.They are the sample of friendship that you can keep forever.I hope.Friends who have a lot of excuses is not a real friend.I always be there if my friends need me.I wish you all the best.Hoping that you can find more better friend.Take care yourself.Have a nice day!
Greetings from Che!

@carrotcake14 (361)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
I don't have any difficulties in making friends with everybody however what makes it complicated is that I have a difficulty in finding who are my real friends are. I felt betrayed by a friend many times and I think it's a lesson for me not to give my 100% trust to somebody unless she's not a fake.
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Yes that right i been betrayed also by my bestfriends and that feel so wrong.trusting people who doesnt deserve your trust.But i learned from my mistake so i said after that day i will never give up that kind of trust anymore.And now i have a few bestfriends but i am doing the same again.I guess i trust bestfriends so easily.But as far as i know my bestfriend i think they are true to me.And i just hope that it will stay like that forever.Have a nice day carrotcake14!
Greetings from Che!

@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
23 Jun 08
It is hard to find a true friend. Right now I am only talking to like two of my friends from high school. After high school everyone has their own lives to live. But now one of my friend is in Virginia and we just email each other whenever we can. The other one lives like ten blocks from me and is leaving soon so I am hoping to spend some time with her before she leaves. But these are really good friends that I have and I love them.
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I dont like saying goodbye to a friend.I will be upset and incredible sad.I remember when i move here in Netherlands the last few weeks i spent all the times i have to my family and friends.Hanging out ,going somewhere w/ friends,I feel really bad.Its not that i dont like to go but i feel bad becouse i have to leave them.And missing them is is too hard to think.I love my friends too.We are kucky to have true friends.Cheers w/ that!Have a nice day ayumitakashi!
Greetings from Che!

@lenkajyoti (249)
• India
24 Jun 08
UR absolutely right. But choosing a best friend not by chance or by a day. It is very hard to choose a best friend.So far my knowledge is concern I have 4 to 5 best friends . I call them best friend because they give their best at the time of my adversity.And it is being tested numbers of time.
Best friend always give their best.
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I have many friends but bestfriends i have only few bestfriend that i can talk everything.Serious or nonsense,I love my bestfriend.I treat them as one of my family.I cant live w/out them too.Since my old best friend betrayed me.I am choosing a friend who can only be trust.Have a nice day!
Greetings from Che!

@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
23 Jun 08
Greetings to you Che. Good friends are like pocket money hard to fine. I use to have alot of friends but circumstances makes me realize that there are alot of different friends. The story of Judas is a wonder lesson for me. I am now with only people I talk with but no close friends. I enjoy it better this way because I won't have to share what I don't have.
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I like that what "pocket money"
thats a good one!I have the same situation as you.I trust so quickly to a person i thought its my friend.But i learned my lesson becouse of that.I trust her 100% w/ everything,money,love,family even my life.When i move here in netherlands i gave that trust,help her as long as i can.And something is bothering me afterward.So i went back home to find out what is it.At first she was so uneasy if she is talking to me.But if you are always around w/ the person you will find out that there is something happened coz of thier reaction and behaviour.She betrayed me big time that day.But i still forgive her but i less contact w/ her.Its better this way.But the problem is even she knows what she did is wrong she the one who get mad more than me.I find that funny!
.But what can we do?This is life.so i move on.Have a nice day to you Kerriannc!
Greetings from Che!

@chej18 (915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Well holdenxue your not the only one.A lot of people in the universe got that.have a nice day too.
Greetings from Che!