Child labour,India,Primark.
By Gollywog
@Gollywog (1092)
June 23, 2008 4:00pm CST
I have just been watching a TV programe on BBC1 9.35pm. I am stunned. Chidren as young as 11 are sewing beads and seaquins on garments for Primark, there is 107 Refugee Camps and they are all working for a representative who brings them work. To sew beads and other preety thing on clothing. One of the places is Tirruper the children are earning 2p an item up to 12p per day? That is so terrible? How can they do this to young children they should be out playing! Primark was not aware of how there items were finished off by children they know of the factories with working adults and that was all? Primark was horrified when they found out? The articals of clothing are finished off lovely by the children, very attractive for the customers! Would you still buy these items now you know they are using child labour??????? Primark has now cut and run leaving thousands of people without an income as they have pulled out of 3 buisnesses. They should of helped to improve the way they work so people can still earn without using child labour? There is a website were you can see other stories its called Thread.
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13 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I can not believe that this stuff is going on. It's disgusting to find out that children are going out and working, when they should be playing or in school. I am glad that the company did pull out a few of their businesses, and I hope that this will cease the child labor. I am sure that the parents of these children have no say in what there children do when it pertains to this labor. Have a Great day.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I know that there are many more companies out there who are willing to exploit children. I wish that a stop could be put to this, as it really needs to .
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
This type of exploitation has gone on for years. The Indians have tried to grip it I think, but half heartedly in some places and there has been some talk of corruption of officials too. Primark had to know or at least suspect. I can't stand the store, the ones I have been in all look like huge jumble sales, but this is clearly one of the ways that they keep the prices down to "pocket money" levels. Most of my teenage daughter's friends (and her) love the place. Personally I think that Primark should be obliged to pay for a rehabilitation system for the children and yes, invest in a proper sewing business that the people could benefit from. But then when did compassion ever have anything to do with big business. Even the Body Shop have been shown to not be quite as holy as they would have us believe.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Jun 08
this is nothing new! several years ago they showed where kids from alot of places werer being used this way and supporting the family I figured by now they ( people of other countryies would have woke up by now ) The brand name they found at that time was Nike
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@ruby222 (4847)
25 Jun 08
A very difficult post to reply to Golly...the thing being that now that Primark have taken the work away from these children they have no means of making an income at all now...its a case of between the devil and the deep blue sea ...either they are allowed to do these tasks and earn this meagre amount of money..or they earn nothing and starve...Yes I wholeheartedly agree that its most terribly ought to be sorted out...its exploitation...but the reverse side to all of this is that its survival....rightly or wrongly...We are sending all of our work overseas in order to get it done for peanuts and Primark are by no means the only guilty party in this...Look at all the companies that are featuring in the news for exploiting the poor countries...It is dreadful...but it is for them a way of survival...
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@Gollywog (1092)
25 Jun 08
Primark and all big companies pass the buck to the middle man? That middle man causes all the problems for the families by not paying them a fare wage, they get caught and then the big companies shut all the works down? They should be making improvements paying more money to adult workers then the children can have a childs life and the family will not starve?
@masterdw (90)
• China
24 Jun 08
I have heard about something linke this,and I feel it terrible,.But to som extent,I can understand why their parents send them out to work.Perhaps you just live in a developped country without hunger and poverty,I come from china,a developping country,and there are some poor distict which you can never imagine.a friend of mine once told me that she was volunteer to develop the education in a poor country.there ,che child didn't know what a car looked like,and the must go to bed when tha dack came down just because ther was no electricity,and the just ate twice or less a such a hard situation ,maybe some litter income is so important for them.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
24 Jun 08
As an Indian, my first thought on reading this article in my local newspaper was ‘what will these children do without this income’..??? child labour is nothing new to us Indians and wish as much as we may, it is here to stay. The reasons are many. Child labour is one of the prime reasons why India’s family planning strategy is not such a success… the more children the more income hands for poor families. Education is least on their minds when one square meal a day is a distant dream. Putting their children to work is their most viable option. And unskilled unorganised child labour comes real cheap so the business houses laugh all the way to the banks too. Why should they discontinue with child labour when its more profitable for them and force the Govt to do something and stir a hornet’s nest in the process?
Primark may have set an example for the international community but it has also cut off valuable source of income for many more families than you can imagine. And don’t be fooled that our Govt will sit up and take notice and do something about it…there are many more hawks out there diving in to fill up the space left by Primark or worst still these children will soon be employed in more sickening conditions and professions.
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@Gollywog (1092)
24 Jun 08
They are paid so little for the lovely hand sewn work on these garments? The companys should improve working conditions not punish the people? These little children earn 2pence an item and maybe 12pence for a full 12hour working day? How can parents justify having more children to make them work in filthy conditions like that? These children dont see the light of day they are prisoners its horrifick they should be playing and learning at school? I should have realised that the government like all governments will not help others when they are in need they just pass the buck? I am very sorry this happens in your country it must make you very sad and angry. Thank you for your responce.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Your right. Primark should of just found a way to improve working conditions w/o child labor instead of pulling out and leaving a lot of adult workers w/o jobs.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
23 Jun 08
Hi Gollywog, I know that this is happening in many parts of the world, and I agree it is terrible. It is very sad to treat children like this, but how is it to be stopped? I wouldn't buy those items if I knew the story behind it. We all know that the answer lies in the adults being paid more so that the children don't have to work, but the companies make a bigger profit when they pay less. How do we convince big business that in the long run it would be best for everyone. That's the only way that we can make a difference. Blessings.
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@Gollywog (1092)
23 Jun 08
This issue needs to be looked at by people in higher places! We are just the little fish? But how can we make it change? I wish I hade the answers I would do anything to put a stop to child labor. Big buisnesses just wants to make big bucks! They deny any knowledge of whats going on? Thanks Im glad you care.
@paid2write (5201)
24 Jun 08
It's not just Primark, many of the big name stores sell products made by children, or by people working for very little money in sweatshops. That's why the price of clothing is now so low that supermarkets can sell jeans and suits so cheaply.
Children have been made to work for very little money for a long time. What worries me is when the company stops buying from the people who employ them, these poor children and their family lose their income. What happens to them then?
There is urgent need for more free education and welfare assistance so these children can be educated, and get better jobs when they are older. While they are in education there has to be some other means provided for the family to survive without the little money those children were earning.
@Gollywog (1092)
24 Jun 08
The thing is Primark got caught? The other big companys havent yet! maybe they will look into where the clothes are being made and make improvements then the poor people will still have work and money to feed their families. The Government should subsadise pay and then the children will be able to go to school like you say and have a future? thanks
@nareshreddy68 (628)
• India
24 Jun 08
It is said that A child, did not even grown fully in their life had made them to work like a daily wage labour my opinion is first we have to punish their parents and the persons who made them work
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
24 Jun 08
Hello Gollywog,
Yes I just saw a little bit of the programme,did catch the rest,
I did see a programme like that, the childre had to work all night sawing and just on the floor where work. The toilet were just unmentionable and they cramed in a small space.I thoughy child labour was a thing of the past, how wrong can I be.
I don't shop at primark. Oxfam is just as good,
Best regards
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@Gollywog (1092)
24 Jun 08
We are still living in the dark ages? I cant believe this is allowed to go on, I thought they had stoped using children under 15yrs and made conditions better for them to work in. They should be at school untill 16yrs and not allowed to work to many hours at weekends, but I dont think this will ever happen. Thanks