money problems

June 23, 2008 4:44pm CST
I am posting this because i feel like I am the last person on the face of the Earth having money problems. I am talking about serious money problems such as not having enough to support yourself: rent, food, bills and some occasional and small hangs out with your friends. I am just sick and tired of worrying about how am I going to pay the rent at the end of the month ... cover all the bills and still have some money for food. Is there some secret? How some people just do it and i can barely do it? Do you all manage to cover all your bills? Get any help? Make a loan? What?
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15 responses
@gtdonna (1738)
23 Jun 08
Sandy you are not alone...I too am in the same boat. What I do is stick to a strict budget. After I get paid and take out for bills, I divide what's left by the number of days in the month and stick to that per day. One time we had a budget of just $40 per day. When it was finished it was finished...if we didnt use the entire $40, what left was saved and we started the next day with $40 again...desperate times calls for desperate measures
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@gemini_rose (16264)
24 Jun 08
That does not seem like a bad idea actually, it is maybe something I might think about doing!
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I think, you are not alone in this problem. There are many people who have bigger problem than you do when it comes to financial. Well, for you, your concern are just your rent, bills and food maybe gas too. did you know that there are many people who have thousands of debts aside from the rent, bills, gas and food? Many people are struggling now. so, just be positive that you can overcome it. Your problem is just very small compared to others. Just pray that God will give you wisdom on how to overcome your situation. Good luck.
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• India
24 Jun 08
hi bebs. you have given a perfect answer. i do really with you lot of people in the world are facing this problem. so i feel this person is lucky to have those necessary now he should strggle how to over come small problems then he can succeed in life.all the best for his future. i think there are no big secrets to over come but only one sutra that is your HARD WORK wil fetch you evry thing. keep posting and enjoy mylotting.
@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I know how you feel. I am thousands and thousands of dollars in dbt. I have my student loan which is $35,000.00 atleast,can't even make the minimum payment on that which is over $500 a month and I don't even have a degree to show for it.I have several credit cards in default. People calling all day and night harrasing me like I have any money at all to pay them. if I did I wouldn't be in this situation.
• United States
24 Jun 08
What is an outing with friends? I haven't been to a movie in 10 years, I don't go out to eat, I can't even go out for lunch with coworkers when I am working (I am a seasonal tax preparer). I can't even go enjoy free outings cause of the gas prices.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
I am also having money problems... to the point that i have to swallow my pride and borrow money form my parents... because i don't have any to pay the bills and buy grocery for my baby's needs... with the current economic crisis world wide... you are not alone in your money problems... the best thing is to be wise on what to spend our money on... and to think of other ways to earn...
• Romania
24 Jun 08
I know how is to swallow your pride. I just borrowed money from my boyfriend to pay the rent. I am struggling to find a place to live cheaper than this one. I haven't slept for days and i am just too stressed out at work. Good luck to you!
• Pakistan
24 Jun 08
you are not the only one facing this problem,ther are many others also. however i think to cash education is the best way to resolve problems....
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
24 Jun 08
Take my solemn word for it, you're not the last, you will never be. I've had this problem for years. I can't really describe how I deal with it except that the first thing that comes out of my pay is the rent, not matter what. I've been tempted to short pay my rent a multitude of times but that is a mistake. You're going to have to make it up anyway and the landlord can ask you to leave. The next thing I do is study the food bill. What's cheaper, how not to buy food outside home, what I like, what I need, etc. Then, there are times when you must have something. Like a decent hang out with friends or a party you really need to go to. The rule with that is to spend the money and go. You need entertainment more than you know. The last rule is to always repay your debts. You build up credit like that. Other than that you can pray. God does help.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
24 Jun 08
i is getting a pinch on every pocket.i also find it hard to make ends meet. i think except very rich people all are facing the heat.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
24 Jun 08
we are in the same boat you are. my hubby just makes enough for us to live on and i used to work, but i have to take some time off due to serious arthritis pain (i am awaiting UI for sick leave and looking into disability). but i have no secret, i am just very careful what i buy.
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
23 Jun 08
So far we are manangeing to get by and are paying our bills we can't get any of the extras though like going out to eat or buyhing a new toy as we have just enough to cover the bills I think theings are doing to get worse though.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jun 08
no real secrets just work and budgeting and planning and a bit of praying to God for help. I have a small social security check plus mylot earning and another twenty from surveys and my son works full time and we just squeeze by. We pay bills as we can as do most others now days. one thing forget very many hangouts with friends or eating out, concentrate first on what has to be paid before using money for pleasure. get the bills and rent and food paid first then tailor what is left by being economical.
• United States
24 Jun 08
there are so many people out there that have money problems! they just like to make it less known is all. what i have found to work best, is saving where i can. with coupons, and such. and eliminating what ever i can. memeberships, going out to eat, and expensive name brand stuff. i dont buy generic everything but somet htings really are the same. i turn off my computer all the time and it has drastically chnaged my electric bill. and so have the energy star light bulbs, walmart brand of course! and you have to pay in order of importance. i bought food over bills before..and food doesnt do so well in the fridge when the power gets turned out on you! so think about what needs to be paid first. gaswise you can save by walkin anywhere u can, especially with prices now, and anysort of public transit if avialable. hope this helps. keep your head up!
• Japan
24 Jun 08
you are certainly not alone in this my only advice right now is make a list of all your expense then control your budget like lets say when you spend money hanging out with your friend average budget is $100 then cut 50-60% and make sure you save your $10 or $50 per month in bank account never take out the money use it only when you are really broke/ for emergency. long story short manage your money.. hope this help :)
• India
24 Jun 08
there are a lot of people who are having these kind of problems. infact majority of the people have such problems. after all how many people are so affluent that they will manage to do all the things go smooth. well i think that taking a loan will not solve all the problems.
• Australia
24 Jun 08
have you heard of the saying "living within your means"? meaning, if you're earning $50 per week, try not to spend $60 for that week. otherwise, you'll soon find yourself neck-deep in debt as you would probably borrow/make loans to cover your shortfalls everytime and by doing so, you're not really solving your problem but instead, you're just widening the gap between your income and expenditures. if you're not in heavy debt yet, better start planning your every spending from now on so as not to go there. and if you already are, then, a little tightening of your belt will be necessary in the next few weeks or months, until you get to re-surface again. have faith in yourself!
• United States
23 Jun 08
I'm a student and I live with my mother. We are having so much problems that you have no idea right now. And I just received a letter from my university that says how much I have to pay after all my scholarships and grants have been sent to them. It's a lot of money but I think that I can get some more loans in there. Everyone is having problems right now and some worse than you. My mother is not really working right now and she has to take care of her three children, me and my grandmother. So it's hard. Everyone is pulling their hair out trying to figure out how to survive. But we just have to take it one day at a time and just be glad that we were able to survive another day.