Calling all teenage parents...
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
June 23, 2008 7:13pm CST
I became a mom at the age of 17. For some reason I thought it would be cool and fun to have a baby. Although I didn't get pregnant on purpose, when I found out I was pregnant, I was thrilled. The fear didn't hit until labor did.
Although we had a few rough years, we are doing okay for ourselves now. The child I had that young is now eleven years old.
Today my views on teenage parenting has completely changed. I guess you can call me a hipocrit. I believe teenage parents are a strain on the economy, as most of them cannot provide for themselves and end up living off the government in some form. I was one. I was not on welfare but I did recieve food stamps for a few years.
I view teenage parents as irresponsible and immature, and many times I feel very badly for the child.
Were you a teenage parent who has since changed your views, or do you feel the same?
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15 responses
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Don't feel bad everyone is entitled to a mistake, at least you did not go on to have another one right after and another one, I started a discussion about this and they come down on me bad that it is a persons right to have as many kids as they want with out being married.
I wonder how those kids live, who supports them other than welfare. It is hard being a single mom, and I think the ones we see on the talk show have no idea as to what it takes to care for a baby. And I guess they think the diapers and food just comes with the child. You done a good things letting them know it is not a bed of roses being a single parent. I agree with you 100 percent.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Well I do have 5 children now, but the younger 4 came after I was married, and my husband supports us. I have not recieved government help or help from any person aside from myself and my husband.
I also agree that single parenting is hard, not only on the parent but the child too. These children are put through more than they deserve, and a decision to raise a child alone should not be made lightly.
Of course there are exceptions such as an addict or abusive parent among other things, then the child is better off without them and better off in a single parent home.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
24 Jun 08
I am so glad you brought this up. I hear of so many teenagers becoming pregnant without a clue as to what they would do next. Many of them do not have support of family and end up far worse without husband, home or family. Needless to say, the child is has little hope for a bright future. For the guys too, those who are ready to shoulder the responsibility, it’s a tough life juggling between family, fun and a regular job. Most end up having not completed the formal education and hence have little chance of getting proper jobs in later life. And for parents, many are supportive enough to allow the teen and her child to stay with them but even they are stretched hard on many counts. And then comes the govt and its exchequer. So it’s a no-win situation for everybody.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
This is so true, thanks for your response and understanding.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
24 Jun 08
i consider myself a teenage mom i got married at 18 plus and deliver a child on the same year!! i guess im so lucky that my marriage did not turn out to be bad..since my husband is responsible enough and got some permanent job..and well i had moral support back then with my family and first born is 27 years old now and im still married to the same man..
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
That is awesome, I am so happy for you. That is truly inspirational that you are still with the same man so many years later!
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@jenlynw (41)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I also became a mother at 17 and my son had a very hard time, he was premature and very small, 3 lbs and 11 ounces. luckily he pulled through, however he is now hearing impaired in both ears and has mild cerebral palsy, he's 14 years old. I have since tried to talk to teenagers about how hard it is to be a teenage mother and all the risks involved to both the baby and the mother. I see on talk shows, young girls wanting a baby JUST so they can dress them up in designer clothes and carry them around like accessories or something! They will just put them off on their parents when they figure out how hard it really is!! Luckily, my children's father stuck with me, we have been together almost 20 years now, I KNOW I wouldn't have been able to do it on my own... I totaly agree with you. Thanks for starting such a good discussion! Sorry my response is so long, it's a subject I feel strongly about. :)
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
That is exactly my point! Kids think it's COOL to have a baby. Problem is they don't understand they can't afford designer clothes once the baby is born.
I saw a Dr. Phil show one time about a girl who wanted a baby. They had a bunch of teenage moms talk to the girl, and I just got so annoyed. These girls are like "It's so hard to remember that diapers and formula have to come before my shoes and make up and hand bags" OMG I wanted to smack them!
I too feel strongly about it.
Good for you that everything has turned out okay for your family. I wish you all the best.
@gemini_rose (16264)
25 Jun 08
I had my first child at eighteen, and it was rough from the start. I was on my own with him until he was eight and I never had anything no matter how many hours a week I worked. He is 16 now.
I feel sad when I see young parents, sad because they are throwing their lives away. I sometimes think about going to the schools and asking them to let me talk to teenagers to try and get through to them how hard and miserable it can be having a baby so young, especially if they end up on their own.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
25 Jun 08
But your boy turned out pretty good. And look where you are now. Look at all of your beautiful children and the decent life you made for yourself. It's been a long road, yes, as has mine... but as I said in another discussion.. sometimes you have to travel through hell to find heaven.
@gemini_rose (16264)
25 Jun 08
Sometimes, just sometimes I think that I am still travelling it! But yes out of it all I love the kids.
@anex08 (868)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
I am not a teenage parent. I married when I was already 25 years old and we are in happy family for 2 years period of time but I do not have a child yet. I am planning to have one but it is not yet given to me. Maybe you are right, teenage parent may grow irresponsible at the time because they do not undergo proper nurturing of life on how it is to be free, to be a woman and to have the preparation for having a family. I hope more moms should be preparing their children and communication should be open, guidance should be well practiced, this way it could help teenager to be more responsible rather than giving in to their excitement.
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@deedles88 (297)
• Australia
24 Jun 08
I think that is very hypocritical. I dont see how you can be judging the girls, who did the same thing as you did. Its like the pot calling the kettle black. You think they are irresponsible and immature, but like you said, you were a young mum too!
I was/am a teenage mum. I had my daughter at 17 and am 19 now, my partner and I brought a house, we both work and our daughter is gorgeous. The only time I think negatively of young mums is when they spend the baby bonus on a plasma tv, or when they dont look after their kids properly. I dont ever think negatively of them because of their age.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
You are still young, and as you get older your views may change, you are basically still in the situation. My views didn't really change until I hit my mid 20's. I'm now 28, and I'm sure my views will only get stronger with age.
I believe having been in the situation makes it even easier for me to have these views, because I know hands on as to why it was a bad decision. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. Having been so young with no job and no education, I was not able to provide my son with the life he deserved. His father didn't start paying child support until he was 7. Your baby is lucky that both parents are still in her life, many teenage parents don't have that luxury.
Perhaps you are different from the majority of teenage parents who are still too immature to raise a child themselves, because you work and do what's best for your child. My statement was quite generalized because there are a lot of young parents who don't belong in the role of parenting, and it's not fair to anyone involved, most especially the child.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I wasn't a teen mom. I was 22 when I got pregnant, and my husband was 20. People told us we were too young, but I think that's dumb. We've always paid for everything ourselves and never received handouts. The only money we've ever got from the government is the money that my husband works hard for (he's active duty USAF).
I do think that a lot of teen parents are irresponsible, and rely way too much on the government. One of my sister's friends has a 2 year old. She's only 17, and doesn't work, and never has. She gets food stamps and housing money. She takes her baby to the doctor over every little thing. I do think that these programs are good for someone who is struggling, but I think there are way too many people taking advantage of the system. I think too many teen moms think it's their right to stay home with their child, and let someone else support them, and that just isn't fair. Part of being a parent is doing what is right for your child, and that sometimes includes going to work, especially if you don't have a husband or boyfriend who is willing to work hard to support you!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Well at least she's taking care of her child. Some young moms don't even do that much. They dump the child on a friend or relative all the time so they can continue to live their teenage life which was taken away due to having the child so young.
I don't really think 20 or 22 is too young. It's a bit young, but not TOO young. I think anything before 18 is too young, because you really can't work and go to school and care for your child properly.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
i will be a teenage parent soon. i'm now 18 years old and so is my boyfriend. im turning 19 on august and my boyfriend on september. i'm already 5 months pregnant this month. we're both so excited for the baby and lucky 'cause our parents is supporting us, while my boyfriend is still looking for a job. we're planning to get married next year.
at first i was scared. we both are, me and my boyfriend, and we actually tried to get rid of the baby but decided not to. so we told his family first and they understood. then we told my mom a few weeks later. she cried but she understood too. i am so lucky to have a mom like her...
and my mom is excited about my baby too.
@aninspiration (346)
• United States
24 Jun 08
im not a teen parent but my daughter is Tho she has worked since she knew she was pregnant she still struggles to get by I know othjers tho that are teen parents also and they totaly relye on there parents and the state to take care of them tho i think that it is also happening with alot of the kids growing up and having kids and not just teens Kids now dont have the same values as before
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
That's true, all of society has changed and it's becoming more and more accepted. It's unfortunate.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I was on old lady of 33 when my son was born.. I don't like to sound mean but teens and pregnancy do not need to go together.. Teens are still babies themselves and do not need all of this extra responsiblity that they bring on for themselves.. It is irresponsible and immature to have a child when you are a child yourself, but it is something that has to be dealt with and you have to grow up way too fast when you have a teen pregnancy.. I am so glad that even with help, you took care of your child and raised him.. I think that everyone needs help occasionally, but when you keep trying and don't give up, you are more mature than most people.. Good going for you, hope all things go well..
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
That's how I feel about teen moms now too...
I guess you just have to be the right age to feel that way, because obviously I didn't at that time.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
24 Jun 08
No I am was not a teenage mother neither am I a mother. I don't think that was a wise views point. There are alot of independent teenage parents who acknowledge the consequences of their action and is working to provide a solid environment for their child. There are also some proud grandparents who are willing to help with their children mistakes. It is not all of them who are only surviving because of the government and I think that was very wrong to say.
People do makes mistakes and when one does it is for that person to acknowledge their action and work on it so that it would not happen again. So yes it is not advisable to encourage teenagers pregnancy but in the same instance it is not good to talk negative against another human being.
All the best.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Well I did say many and most... not all. And having been in that situation myself, I am more knowledgable of it. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. I wouldn't change my past for anything, but I do know that had I waited, I would have been able to provide my son a better life. It wasn't fair to him for me to put him in that situation, and MANY (not all) young moms are the same as I was, or worse.
@kristineclaireiida (211)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
I got pregnant when i was 19 and gave birth when i was 20. i know im still young during that time but i didn't think of myself as an irresponsible and immature parent. It made me more mature and responsible. I handled it well, being a mom and i'm just proud of it. Now my baby is turning two and im looking forward to many more. :)
Im just happy being a young mom and im doing my best not to be a very good mom but also a very good wife.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
That is about how I felt at the time too. Having my son made me grow up quicker. I missed a few teenage things, but raising my child was more important.
Some teenagers don't look at it like that. Good for you that you are doing your best. Good Luck.
@mountaingirl (12)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I was also a teen mom. My pregnancy was totally unplanned (we thought we'd taken every precaution). Unlike you I wasn't thrilled I thought my whole life had just ended. I love my son with all my heart, but then I just a scared kid myself.
I don't necessarily share your views today though. I still have alot of sympathy for young girls who find themselves in this predicament. I think we a society need to offer the help that these girls need to get a good education so they can eventually be in a position to give back to society.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I think my statement and views are more towards girls who were like me and seem to think it's cool to have a baby. Like this alleged pact that was made in Massachusettes. I think girls like that are immature and selfish, and are ruining their lives and the lives of the children they have.
My views and statements exclude the moms who did not mean to get pregnant, or did not realize they could, but who did their best regardless.
@mikexsandy (22)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Oh man, that's horrible. You lose a lot of positives and gain a lot of negatives when you become pregnant at such a young age.