Our survey says - not you thanks. Have an entry to the sweepstake instead

@p1kef1sh (45681)
June 24, 2008 7:39am CST
I am a member of a small number of survey sites. They are hangovers from the days when I thought that I might be able to make a few pounds online. One of these, Ciao, send me daily two o three surveys which are billed as things that I need to complete fast. The system invariably gets my name right, but when I submit my age and gender I usually get thrown straight out with the information that I have received one entry to their sweepstake. Not that I know what that is. Is it beyond the wit of these sites to target their panel members correctly. They know more about me than I do myself! Yet they still cannot find me a survey that I can actually complete. Sometimes they even let me spend anything up to 7 or 8 minutes before deciding that I don't fit the profile. I know that this annoys other people. Conversely I belong to another site that send me tailored stuff - and pays too. What does the ideal survey site look like to you please?
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21 responses
@laglen (19759)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Survey spot and greenfield always do that to me. It is very frustrating. What is the site that tailors it to you? My perfect site would pay for every survey, don't waste my time. Asking me the same question 10 times in 6 different ways is not my idea of fun!
• United States
25 Jun 08
Surveyspot I find to be actually pretty good. If you fit the area they're looking for, that is, and even not. You still have chances to win small, and big prizes so why not? I only spend about 10 minutes a day on there. I qualified for one survey I did shortly after I joined, it was for $3.00. Too bad the payout is at $5.00. *siigh*, at least i'm closer! I'm sure i'll qualify for another one down the line sometime!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jun 08
Greenfield hide behind Ciao. They are useless. I am a member if Pinecone and they are excellent.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jun 08
oh greenfield sends me four or five everyday which I just deleted as I have never qualified on any of them. the name makes me want to gnash my teeth. argggh.harris poll is not too bad but your points have to beused for various merchandise. I did get a nice good quality set of headphones so I c an listen to my ownmusic and not drive my son up the wall.
@ellie333 (21016)
24 Jun 08
Hi P1kef1sh, I have exactly the same problem with Ciao and just usually delete their emails and there are a couple of others that annoy me even more as you can spen many minutes before they decide you are not suitable but by that time they have all the answers they require for the market research, grrrr. I just stick to a couple now and have been paid well by them and even won a £50 cheque with one for one of their compettion surveys rather than a cash paid one. This ideal survey site sounds fantastic. Please share on PM if you can as it may be one I am not with yet. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
24 Jun 08
Oh yes I remember you saying about this one. Thanks. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jun 08
I get so frustrated by Ciao. They send more surveys than anyone else. But I qualify for one about once a year! The good one is Pinecone Research. But you can't refer to them and they only recruit occasionally. But it is worth watching out for them.
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@nancyrowina (3850)
25 Jun 08
I get a lot of prize draw entry's from ciao too, they used to be better than they are now but it still takes ages to reach payout from them, i've only ever done it twice and I've been with them for years. The best two survey sites I'm with are ipsos and light speed they really pay, I've had loads of vouchers off ipsos for good shops and light speed pay money into your paypal account. I recently got a cheque from Global test market too but that took years to get the amount of points to receive. Some survey sites I'm a member of keep sending me surveys about working in an office that I can't answer, that is the most annoying thing survey sites do.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
I have a reasonable amount with Ciao but it is mostly over a year old. They are rubbish now. I get a lot of Ipsos stuff but I sometimes find their surveys very tedious. But I have over the minimum amount for payout or whatever it is. Lightspeed come and go for me. These sites say that they are targeting to you, but in my experience they are not.
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@ruby222 (4847)
25 Jun 08
Ive managed to scrape up seventy five pence...am i on a winner yet?
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
You are doing well Ruby. I should put it on a horse, it may be a winner and it'll all be round to Ruby's for Bourbon on the rocks!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
29 Jun 08
I knew what you were on about. But as I've said before. For you there is no charge whatsoever. Take me. I'm yours (and a few others too it would appear).
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@ruby222 (4847)
27 Jun 08
You are losing your grip on these discussions dear Piky..the seventy five pence was for 30 minutes of your time!!!..sadly ive spent it now..so tuff!!
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@ruby222 (4847)
8 Aug 08
As suggested I tried this ere Caio survey site,and im not joking ,every time I tried to fill in a survey on that site it asked me a few things and then waggled two fingers at me!!well im saddened ,deeply saddened ,but lol me and Ciao are over,before anything ever started.
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@Abby123 (261)
8 Aug 08
Hi Rubes n Pike,im just going to join the Yougov site,either of you belong?my lad has a few quid with them,but hes not reached payout yet,but he reckons you do when you get to fifty quid.
@ruby222 (4847)
9 Aug 08
I dont think the survey sites are for me ,now as for Mylot thats a different thing altogether,I enjoy it,but answering endless rubbishy questions..hmm im not at all convinced !..and I have never even heard of Yougov.!
• India
24 Jun 08
Hii there p1kef1sh I am a member of ciao site too and i too feel that i waste my time in their surveys . i complete half of their surveys and when it s almost about to complete i get a message " you didn't fit in the survey criteria. We are sorry. You cannot take this survey.! and i am directed back to ciao site after i spent 10 to 15 minutes of answering their questions!! This makes me feel so angry but i still wait to see if any surveys really come to me and pay.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jun 08
I keep wanting to leave, but I live in hope. Anyway I have over £30 with them. They used to be very good. But now they stink.
3 people like this
• India
26 Jun 08
Yes that has happened to me too for very long time. since i have joined. Every survey i take, i spend 15 to 20 minutes on it and then when it's almost time for payment time,(the last two or three final questions, they say you doesn't qualify for the survey. Sorry we can't continue. All this after we spend answering some repetitive and very long questions..
@pumpkinjam (8859)
• United Kingdom
25 Jun 08
I have surveys like that. Sometimes I have those which say they have an interesting survey which will only take a few minutes but what they actually mean is that you will be taken through loads of adverts which all look the same and then you will be asked precisely the same questions about it and the survey will not only be the most boring I've ever done but then at the end, it will have taken 20 to 30 minutes for me to earn an entry into a sweepstake. And then there are others where no answer is relevant but it won't let you move on if you don't answer or where you have answered a question which would render the next 10 questions irrelevant but you still have to go through them. The kind of survey I like is the kind which takes a few minutes and offers a decent incentive. I mean, I don't expect to get loads of cash for a 5 minute survey but a decent site should offer a small incentive for the survey. There is one that I am on which pays half of the total even if you don't qualify. I think that must be the worst thing when you spend time doing these surveys and you don't qualify, there is no compensation for your time. I think that site is called pureprofiles. They don't send many surveys (which is good for me) but when they do, you know it's in £s and that you will earn 20pence at least for your time. I think survey sites should also make it clear how long the survey is going to be and indicate whether there are to be a ton of adverts or video clips. I get really annoyed with those sort. At least I could choose not to do them if I already knew what they were going to involve. I think a good survey site should give options of the type of survey you want to do, not just the subject but the length, incentive and particulars of the survey as well.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
I think that a good survey is tailored to you, is a reasonable length and not overly tedious with hundreds of identical questions screen after screen. Of course they should pay well and fast too. I have one that does that. But most don't and Ciao is rubbish now.
@mummymo (23706)
29 Jun 08
Oh yeah I know all about that and that is one of the reasons I stopped completing surveys for that particular site. My ideal survey would take about 10 - 15 minutes and probably be about internet use or child care issues! Hugs xx
@p1kef1sh (45681)
29 Jun 08
I've had about 6 of them over the weekend. I've not bothered with any of them.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
25 Jun 08
i am a memeber of Ciao also p1ke,and i had the same problem with them.one day i got really annoyed with them,when i spent 10 minutes doing the survey and then they said i did not fit the criteria.i sent a e-mail to them claiming they were fraudulant etc.they never got back to me,but i have had several surveys from them and they actually paid me every time since my e-mail.so send them a e-mail and complain ,it seems to work.cheers sue
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
I hadn't thought of that. They are also a review site. Maybe I could leave an appropriately worded message there!
@snowy22315 (186985)
• United States
25 Jun 08
My survey is a pretty good survey site. They seem to actually send surveys that you can do. Opinion Outpost is another survey site that I like. I dont know if they take members from the UK or not though.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
I have a good one too. But they are very few and far between.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Opinion Outpost is the worst one for me... I qualify for 1 out of every 7 surveys.. drives me nuts!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I think they should accept everyone's opinions, unless it's a gender issue. Most of those sites have surveys that are too long as well. Your eyes just start crossing after awhile. That's why I gave up on them.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
They are all predominately a pain in the Harris Skinny. Yes I agree with the length, well the complexity. All those boxes and buttons.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
25 Jun 08
One that tells me they are going to pay me real money instead of a sweepstakes entry whether I complete it or not. Sadly, I don't see many of those, although there is a site for Canadians that does. I just don't hear from them often. LOL
• Regina, Saskatchewan
25 Jun 08
I used to belong to a lot of survey sites. A net newbie and all that! LOL I've learned since that they are time consuming, frustrating and not really worth it. There are few high profile sites I'm still a member of, and I enjoy them. I get a lot of free stuff from them to which is cool - testing products and such. Web Perspectives is one of the best for sending only surveys that I actually qualify for and always pays in cash and on it time. Rare thing that! lol
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
Ain't that the truth Sparky. I seem to have a never ending stream of useless surveys sent to me. I have to watch that I don't delete the one or two good ones.
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• Canada
24 Jun 08
I don't know. But while we are on the subject, I would go to the one you say tailors the surveys to you and actually pays. What is it? Pretty please?
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jun 08
I am a member of Pinecone Annie. You can only join at certain times and they recruit men and women at different times. There is no referral system that I am aware of with them.
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@ruby222 (4847)
25 Jun 08
I dont know a lot about surveys..except when people try to stop me in the street for market research and ive got to take on the role of a dodgem car trying to avoid them!!So you get paid..real spondulicks for these ere surveys then???my ears are now standing to attention....a bit like Spock...what do these surveys talk about??...the only thing that maybe would be a bit of a bother or a worry to me is that they may want to know everything but the colour of yesterdays undies..but then again meebe I could live with that too...or that they would keep phoning you up and bothering you at home!!....but my nose is twitching here...like Thumper...so if you have any good ones that are reliable pm me Piky...many ta`s..Oh ive just found 50p in my pocket...is that any good ..will it get me 10 minutes????lmso
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
Nope. 50p is no good. You are on my list of freebies. Of course you could pay me not to respond! Now, what colour were yesterday's undies? I don't know how to put this delicately Ruby. The more mature person (i.e. over about 30) tends to be deemed as "not in the profile our client is looking for". I do one, Pincone Reasearch that is good, but they only recruit occasionally and you have to keep visiting their website to find out if today is the day.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
29 Jun 08
P1key sits down beside Ruby. Hands over his own, monogrammed hanky and offers her a plate of bourbons, a doughnut and a strawberry fancy. This is quite a good bus shelter, not too draughty and the glass is intact. We've got as long as we like. There's not been a bus past here since 1978.......
@ruby222 (4847)
27 Jun 08
OMGG...are you trying to tell me im past it Piky??!!!..and there i was saving my money up ,for a half an hour...but im not too sure of what im past..but if its it..as in it..you know what...Im shocked to the core....by the way they were pink....and b*gg*r the surveys ..if im too old for it..thenim too old to be asked my opinion !! Ruby now sits in the corner and wipes her tears from her eyes delicately..with her lawn hanky..no tissues here you know...and wonders about the meaning of life.....
@LouieWpHs04 (4555)
• United States
25 Jun 08
The ideal survey site would be one that sends me the surveys I actually qualify for. I have a few that actually do that, and i've earned on each one i've completed but they don't send them that often. I mean, I like the whole entering into all these sweepstakes thingers but for the most part in the end it's just not worth it. I mean I stick with some of them because i've actually received payout from them before, but if i'm stuck doing surveys on-end for about 2-3 weeks and I don't make anything, it kind of makes me run off and search for a better one. and by "anything" I dont necessarily mean payout, just that i'm earning something worthwhile. The most I spend on survey sites is about 25-40 minutes on any given day that I do them. I won't give them anything more then that because then it starts getting to the point of not being worth it.. and well, let's just say, even with that time I put into it, it's still almost not worth it! If it wasn't for my pure enjoyment of just doing some of the surveys that some of the sites send me, I probably wouldn't even waste my time! Hope this is a good enough answer for ya, :P. Oh, and what's this site that you speak of that actually pays? the more the merrier! Send it my way, =O
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
That's it. You build up some credit and then are reluctant to leave. It's very frustrating. The good one is Pinecone Research. But they only recruit occasionally.
@gemini_rose (16264)
24 Jun 08
Do you know what I think Ciao are rubbish! I have been a member with them for months and do you know how much I have made? 10p yep a whole 10p, why? same as you, I am never compatible for them I never get to finish a survey. I get offered loads of them, but they only offer me 10p and I just got to the point with them that I thought " I cannot be bothered with it now!" I have joined hundreds of survey sites over the last few months, most of them are rubbish, but I reckon that I have a handful that are actually really good. I get a regular amount of surveys from them and it works quite well. But Ciao is definately not one of them!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jun 08
I have been a member of at least 3 years Gemini and I have over £30 with them. But I have never given them my bank details. If they'd pay into Paypal I might give them then. As I grow older they become more and more useless. I may well start being someone else. A 25 year old girl appeals for some reason. That seems to be the target audience. That and senior IT managers!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jun 08
hi pikefish I did belong to a lot of surveys and found once I entered my real age zap no you do not qualify. and this after ten or twenty minutes of answering questions so now i deleted most of them and have mysurvey which faithfully qualifies me on all my surverys and after one thousand points which is ten dollars i cash in my ten dollars and in three weeks I get my ten dollars. i have constantly been able to cash in ten dollars every time I make payoff here on mylot so with both these nice bonuses added to my small social security check I do okay.Also I do surveyspot which ocassionally sends me another five or ten dollars. these two I never fail to qualify in while the other twenty I always failed to qualify. lol and lol some more.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jun 08
Isn't is just so frustrating Hatley? I hate to think how many hours of my life have been spent wasting time filling in details only to be rejected. I'm thinking about becoming a 25 year old girl! LOL. They seem to be the target range.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
24 Jun 08
The truth, pal, is that there is no ideal site. They are all making money for the owners. I know a gambling site that sends out these things in a torrent telling you that you won. When you fill out the form they say its only for new entrees, not for you, you're registered already, however you can try our lottery etc. and win a million instead. I believe its the old throw out strings with bait and you'll get fish, if not today, tomorrow, and at the end of your bevvy of strings, you'll be rich. Don't doubt it. There's no ideal site, there are people making money.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jun 08
I don't mind people making money, just don't let them waste my time whilst neither of us makes anything!
@paid2write (5201)
25 Jun 08
I have given up on all survey sites except OnePoll and YouGov. These two don't have many product or consumer surveys and they do have more lifestyle and opinion polls. All the other survey sites I joined seem to want people who spend a lot of money on entertainment, shopping, fashion, holidays etc. I don't do any of those things and I don't have a family, nor am I a houseowner, so I really don't qualify for their surveys. I have been paid £50 by YouGov and I am half way towards the £40 payout at OnePoll. I think between them I can get paid £90 in one year. I don't think surveys are a reliable source of income, just something to do with a chance to win money prizes and get an occasional payout.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
I absolutely agree with you. I am a member of both those and Pincone Research. I have to say that I tire of YouGov a little but soldier on. I only have about £7 I think there.
• United States
25 Jun 08
I used to do the online survey thing, too. I've given up. It seemed to me that there were very few that actually paid. I also remember going through the frustration of doing the majority of the questions and then being kicked out after wasting about ten minutes answering demographics qualification questions.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Jun 08
It is so frustrating to go through all those questions just to be kicked out. I delete most of mine now.