Go ahead BRAG!! Tell me all about them!!

@ebsharer (5515)
United States
June 24, 2008 8:14am CST
Alright so heres your chance to brag all about your kid or kids. Tell me what does he or she do that you are so proud of? How old is he or she? Every mom and dad wants to brag but they don't want to sound like they are bragging this I am giving you the okay! Please no "well my kid does this at that age" in comments. Thats just not nice! My biggest brag for now is my daughter at 18 months cleans up after herself!
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14 responses
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
12 Jan 09
I have nothing to brag about my kids. I do not think it is wise to brag about kids. It is good to have a good opinion about them, but bragging, in my opinion, is out of the question. I think those who brag about children are rather feeling insecure about their children.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Thats really sad that you can't brag about your kids. Given the oppertunity I can talk about my kids all day long. Most people don't like to hear about all your childs accomplishments this is every ones chance to do so. I don't feel insecure about my kids I KNOW they are wonderful and in my eyes they are perfection. They may not be what you see as perfect but I know they are the best they can be and to me that is perfection. I hope someday you can BRAG yes BRAG about your kids. BRAG about their accomplishments. BRAG about how they got an A on that math test they never thought they would pass. BRAG about how they walked at one years old. BRAG about how they said Dog for the first time.
@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
12 Jan 09
While what you say is true, I think here the discussion is just to give people an opportunity to share the positive things about their children. "Brag" isn't really the right word, as it's more about being proud than boastful, but "to brag about your kids" is a common saying.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 08
My kids are 11, 5, 5, 2, and 5 months. The 11 year old is going into middle school in the fall. The twins will be starting 1st grade, and both got very good scores on a resent state wide test, my daughter got a perfect score on one part of the test! My toddler is very bright, he can count and has great speech. He always amazes me at how smart he is, although I'm having a heck of a time trying to potty train him. The baby.. well, he's a typical baby, he's rolling and babbling and laughing like crazy. Not quite crawling or trying to sit, but he's just started eating baby food and doing quite well with it.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Wow you must be a really strong person to have 5 kids!!! I don't know that I could ever do that. It is great to hear there are good kids left in the world. Keep up the good work!
• United States
25 Jun 08
They've made me strong. Trust me I didn't envision my life like this, but life is full of surprises.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
12 Jan 09
aww thanks for the opportunity I am pleased with my 13 y/os artistic talents. she drew my Christmas cards for me this year and they were well received by everyone. She also crochets free style some very lovely doll clothing, purses, ipod bags etc... she does many other handy crafts and I think she does a fine job. I am pleased that my 6 year old is gifted with singing, and always has a smile on her face. She loves to make others happy. I am well pleased that our 19 year old is doing well in his studies and is a considerate and gentle man. (now if I can get ANY of them to do what your 18 month old is doing - especially without having to be asked - then I will be REALLY feeling like there is some accomplishment!!!)
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
12 Jan 09
LOL well its been a while since I started this disucssion and let me tell you now at 2 years old she doesn't clean up after herself! HAHA Joke was on me it only lasted a few months. It was nice while it lasted LOL! She will clean up if I tell her to now, but I have to sit with her. That is really neat that your 13 year old made all the Christmas cards!! Thats a really good idea maybe I should start Luann doing ours for 09 now ... they MIGHT get done by then! 6 and singing! Does she put on little shows for you? I rememeber those days I would dress up in all my moms clothing and use a brush to sing into. 19 and doing well in studies! THATS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! Thanks for the brag!!
@neelygal (1022)
• Bahamas
25 Jun 08
These are my brags for the week: 1.My 10 year old son got on the Honor Roll for the second time in his life,lol.His GPA was 3.1. 2.My 6 year old is starting to learn some responsibility and does his chores without eing told to.He too made the Honor Roll again,hes the brainiac in the house,but his GPA dropped from a 3.27 to a 3.06 3.My baby girl is finally trying out walking,she is 11 months old. All in all I am quite proud of their accomplishments.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Smart kids! Thank you for sharing your "brag" I love hearing these stories!
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
24 Jun 08
I just have to say this. My youngest sister, who is the most diligent mother I've ever known ( she's like her grandmother ) told me in response to the obvious enquiry as to why she is so much onto her three kids, that a real joy is when other people compliment her kids. She said to me : " You don't know what a joy it is when people tell you how well behaved your children are. " With those words I can understand you. Its not how attractive they are, its when all your work shows up in results that come to you in compliments from others. The world is yours, lady, with those cute kids you've got !
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Great response! I love that it is soo very true when some one tells you how well behaved your child is it makes you feel so good as a parent.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
12 Jan 09
your sister is right about that! I think it is wonderful also, the way you speak of her... most diligent... what a nice thing to say. When others compliment your raising of your children or your childs accomplishments it is an affirmation of doing your job correctly. Hopefully the mark I leave upon this earth will be proved by the characters of those Children the Good God placed in my charge. Therein lie my treasures and riches.
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• United States
25 Jun 08
My oldest son is going to be 8 in a couple of weeks and just finished 1st grade. He is reading at a 5th grade level and doing wonderful in school. He is caring and passionate about life. He love science and football and is taking an enrichment class in science this summer. He came home the other day and was telling me about Newton's 1st law of motion. It is always amazing to me how much they learn at that age. My youngest son is going to be 2 in September. Right now I am proud of him for sleeping in his big boy bed the past week and for learning how to clean up after himself.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Jun 08
What's Newton's 1st law of motion!?!!? LOL Its been TOO long! I can't wait till my kids are older and can teach me all these things again. Big boy bed! How cool is that! I can't wait I have a few more months of the crib and we will be chaning over to the toddler bed. Teaching him now to clean up after himself will only help you more when hes older! Good luck and thank you for sharing your "brag"!
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I have 4 children. I 'll hit the highlights so as to not bore you! Ha! My oldest, age 28, has graduated college and has an awesome job (making more than both myself and my hubby!). He never fails to remember a birthday or mother's/father's day. Even when he was a dirt-poor college kid, he managed to call or send a card. He cares deeply about his younger siblings and stays in close contact with them as they are now in college. The next oldest, age 26, has given me my only grandchild! She is beautiful and so very loving and intelligent. The third child, age 19, was an honor graduate from high school and got all of her college except her books paid for with scholarships. She is excellent in time management and manages to receive top grades in college while being involved in marching band and an honor's fraternity. The youngest, age 18, graduated high school this year. He was number one in his class and received a college scholarship that pays for EVERYTHING...even books. He played soccer and was president of a youth leadership group in our county. All four of my children are great kids who have never given me any trouble what-so-ever. They are model citizens and just all-around good people! Sorry to bend your ear...but you said to brag! Ha!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
24 Jun 08
NO! I loved your story!!! It is sooo nice to hear that there are still good kids in this world. It is SO nice to hear that parents reconize it! I know so many parents that only focus on the bad in there kids it makes me smile when I hear about the good. You are an extreamly lucky mother to have such great kids. Good luck to you and them!
@fiarby (105)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
My eldest is girl and is turning 8 this October, she loves Science and I am proud of her as she is very good in school. My 2nd will be 5 this September, he just started school this June and I can see that he too is doing good. I really hope though that they'll continue to be good until they grow up as adults...Now, my youngest is 3 and she is the artist in the family...her antics surely makes her grandparents smile and laugh. Being a single parent, I am so proud, that for almost 4 years I was able to care and give my children their needs and can send them to a good school. I know that I have intelligent children and I thank God for that because they know when and what to ask and always find ways on how to make me smile after a hard day of work. Love my children dearly...really thank God for their gift of life.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Its hard being a single mom and raising good kids. I know its soo much easier to just let them do what they want you are doing things the hard way which is the RIGHT way by teaching them. Keep up the good work!
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
25 Jun 08
My son is almost 2 and a half, and he is incredibly sweet. He likes to help me out around the house, and he even likes to share. Recently, he was sharing cookies with my husband, and my husband got to the last cookie, and asked my son if he could have it. My son looked really sad, but said Daddy could have it. Of course my husband gave him over half of it, and it made them both so happy! My son is also really good with our pets. He knows how to pet them gently, and even knows where their favorite spots to be scratched are.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Jun 08
What a cute story!! Thank you for sharing your "brag" it is much appreciated!
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
25 Jun 08
My daughter has just gone 2 but she's been so good for a very long time now, she was an early walker & talker so it's been a while now & i am happy with the job we have done in raising her - especially since she was our first! She has impecible manners, everything is followed by Please, Thank You or Ta. You will never give her something without her saying it. She has recently discovered the bin & after finishing dinner, her scraps go in there or her empty packets, she also helps with the tidying, hanging clothes on the inside airer & stuff like that. I guess we have done ok so far & with baby #2 due in about 2 weeks, i can only hope we'll do as well with him as we have with our daughter!
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Congrats on your new baby! I'm sure you will do great with your second too! Thanks for sharing your "brag"!
@sturner03 (326)
• United States
24 Jun 08
My oldest will be 2 in august. She is amazing in every way. I know everyone thinks there children are beautiful but she is lol. She loves to clean, sweep with her sweeping sam broom (it talks) and she likes to try and vacum and wiping things with the baby wipes. She is learning to talk and starting to prounonce her words so much clearer. Everyday that goes by I am more and more proud of having her. My youngest is 4 months. About a week ago she started rolling her on her own. Within a week she learned to roll onto her belly, crawl, and roll back to her back. Amazing! Her precious laugh and smile light up my life.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
24 Jun 08
LOL I say the same thing about the beautiful thing! Its soooo cute when they help clean! I just wish it lasted forever!!! I'll take it while I can get it LOL. Rolling around - Have fun Mommy!!! It is absoulty amazing when they discover new things or ways to get around! I love hearing the good things about kids!!
• United States
24 Jun 08
My daughter is 16 almost 17.She is going to be a senior.I can brag that she has always been an excellent student,honor roll,and has won many an award for different things at school.She is taking two college credit classes next year and going into law.She has taken a class at our local police station and earned a certificate. Besides academically she has always been a trustworthy kid.If she has lied to me,she can't sleep that night and has to fess up.She always stayed in her boundaries,doesn't lie cheat or steal.She is good to her family helps her cousin with her children .She once may have saved her friends life when they were 10.The friend was scared because she felt someone in a van had been following her for several days.She didn't want to tell her parents because then she wouldn't be allowed out of the house.The reasoning of a ten year old.So they were at the playground and her friend pointed out the van as it slowly went by them,my daughter remembered the license plate and told this kids mother about it.Sure enough a week later they caught him looking in this little girls bedroom window,and because of my daughter they had his plate number.They found he did live only a few houses away and had been in trouble for indecent exposure on a minor.So yes I am proud she did the right thing.Too often kids wouldn't have done anything for fear of losing their friendship.She thought nope better to keep her safe.Today they are both still very good friends. Jas
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Your daughter seems like a great kid! You are lucky to have her!
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
24 Jun 08
My daughter is 8 years old and she is making straight A's all year round. She is very well mannered and learning to be proper. She has good morals and is very bright.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Very good! Don't you just love it! I would go on all day if I could LOL I am such a proud mommy. Have a good day!
• United States
25 Jun 08
I have a 7 year old son. He is teaching me a lot! He is so smart and does very well in school. We hear comments all the time about what a great kid he is...makes us very proud. He plays soccer and baseball. I love going to his games and watching him have fun. I also have a 4 year old daughter. She is also teaching me a lot...especially about patience...LOL. She is so beautiful and full of attitude. She also does very well in school and makes us very proud. She plays soccer too, although is still learning, but is a ton of fun to watch.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Jun 08
7 years old and teaching mom! I know all about that. It remides me of that show are you smarter then a 5th grader! As much as I would like to think I am I don't know half the answers!! I guess its beacuase its book stuff. Stuff that you don't really apply to life. Sorry back on subject... 4 year old and teaching you patience why would you need those! LOL my daughter is 18 months and teaching me patience too. I can just imagine a 4 year old playing soccer how much FUN that would be to watch! Thanks for the response!!!