Do you believe that there is 12th planet called Nibiru? Share us what you know
By gicarlo
@gicarlo (131)
7 responses
@MinamiKesh (527)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
wot.......sounds new to me that is indeed one of a kind...I didn't know that..~~
by the way...if that would happen that our planet would have added a new planet welll what else can we do if its, what the people concerning the evolution of our solar system in the galaxies is planning or have discovered.......Surely we would support it...if it doesn't affects Life....and it's for the good of all living things...
~live life~ keep it simple -.-
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
30 Jan 09
I know this is an old discussion but I stubled on it and had to respond. No, there is no Nibiru. A planet the size of Nibiru could not possibly have the eliptical orbit it is suposed to have, the law of escape velocity would not allow it. It would eventuly either settle in to a circular orbit or be ejected from the solar system. Also, if there were such a planet visting our solar system every 3600 years, the orbits of the other planets weould be drasticly different than we observe. And if such a planet existed and was where it is perported to be, every amature astronomer in the southern hemishpere would be able to see it with even a modest tellescope, in fact, it would be visable to the naked eye. So, no, this is only a muyth created by an author using faulty astronomy and faulty interpretations of sumarian texts. It made for a great scince fiction read, but it simply isn't true.
@VKXY62 (1605)
• Australia
21 Dec 08
Nibiru is legend only people and if you think you have seen NASA pics and videos of it, you are mistaken.
They are all creations to put their point forward.
Put the links here and I will de-bunk them.
Not saying it is impossible, but, if something like a large planet were only several years away, we would already be seeing a starlike object in our skies.
If Saturn moved out of its orbit and headed toward Earth at say 100,000 miles an hour, it would take more than 5 years to get here.
Our solar system may have very remote members not in a normal orbit, small dwarf planets are being found beyond Pluto, that are bigger than Pluto.
I have proposed a similar thing myself, as it is logical to assume, if other star systems can have 2, 3 or more major members, such as Alpha Centauri, 3 members, why not our own system? I am thinking the failed binary star, a brown dwarf/jupiter object.
Others have proposed this also, hundreds and thousands of years ago.
But, there IS NO evidence, where are the records.
Perhaps any of you that know the author Velikovsky will know that this has been batted around for a long time.
(Worlds in Collision)
But, you know, the bus is supposed to be nearly here and I can't see it coming down the road yet.
I wonder how many will go over board and all sit together for the end of the world after selling all their worldly possesions, only to be seriously dissapointed by the Sun coming up the next day, and the realisation that, oops I have nothing anymore?
Several religious groups have gone through this one.
@DeborahGalasso (275)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I dont know if its real but it looks real cant believe everything you see)i saw on youtube a nasa video i them seeing nibiru saying how beautiful it was and "this is so amazing" It was weird and neat. They seemed shock. It looks so much closer, apparently in the south of the world or us i dont remember you take a pic or video of the sun and you can see nibiru next to it. that planet is screwing up every planet it passes causing planet destruction (gravitatinal pull,atmosphere ect) and i think we are next. It suppose to pass between the sun and us. happens every...2400 years?? something like that.
@lou1982 (122)
4 Jul 08
well that is amazing i wonder why its not shown on our charts thou, maybe another government conspiracy maybe they have scientists living on there and its all top secret you never know anything now a days they keep everything a secret i would mind but its us paying them to make all decisions and basically control our life we have to ask permission to breathe half the time!
@prajnith (941)
• India
29 Sep 08
Well Nibiru doesnt belong to our solar system, its from black dwarf star system, even it has planets,this system comes almost in perpendicular with our solar system ..well Nibiru (planet-X as named by NASA) has been passing through our solar system every 2000 years, previously one of its moons collided with Planet TIAMAT(2-3 times size of EARTH) and now it has endedup as astroid belt.
TIAMAT belonged to our solar system.
its calculated that saturn will be destroyed this time and SIZE of NIBIRU is 5 times that of Jupiter!!! :-)