What happened to this world?
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
United States
November 3, 2006 7:14am CST
I want to know what happened to the people in this world. We have all become selfish, greedy, and just plain mean. Are there any people left out there that know what a real friendship is about? Are there any people left out there that knows what having a family is all about? Are there any people left out there that still know what love really is? Are there any people out there that still know how to be sincere, loving, caring, and giving? Or is everyone lost? Is there not a single person, besides my family, that isn't just about what they can get from a situation? Have we all lost our minds? All the taking, stealing, cheating, fighting, divorcing, easy way outs. What happened to working for things? Instead everyone wants to find easy way outs. Most people only do things for others because they are going to get some sort of payment out of it. What happened to just doing it because of the reward of feeling good about what you did? Just something for people to think about. Did you ever think that maybe you are miserable because of the way you are behaving? Try doing something nice for no reason and see how good it makes you feel. That hobo on the sidewalk may be asking money for beer, but they may be asking for something warm to drink or eat. How do you know for sure? Just give it to him, you aren't his parent, it's just a little bit of change. What harm is it going to do to you?
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12 responses
@AprilRayn (83)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I think the kind, decent people are getting harder and harder to find. Nowadays, you see people who don't smile, who hates their jobs, and who sure wouldn't want to do for others. And even worse I see a generation of children who are being given everything they want WITHOUT having to work for it. When I was a kid, Christmas was something you looked forward to all year long; now, kids have Christmas all year long. I see children telling thier PARENTS what to do and the parents take it. I know this wasn't exactly on topic, but to answer your question, I think people are just getting more selfish. Its all about me me me now.
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Exactly my point! Parents just seem to be giving up on instilling good behavior in their children. All they seem to be consentrating on is being their children's best friend instead of their parents. I am actually having a problem with my 4 year old thinking he is in charge and can tell me what to do and hit me, but I am not just letting it happen or him hawing him about it either. My major problem is the fact that I am a single mom and he is taking advantage of the fact that sometimes it is just too much for me, especially since I have three of them to contend with. He figures that I am busy or I am fed up so he is going to get away with it. Different circumstances cause different behaviors. However, no matter how many difficulties are in your life you should still always instill good manners and a caring heart into your children. You have a choice, live your life being miserable because of everything going wrong in your life or live your life happy for the things going right. Make the best of what you got.
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@yukmizzee (329)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I agree, the media makes it seem so horriable outside that people are scared even to do anything. I mean yes the world has become pretty bad, but when all you hear about is the killings and bombings its a wonder anybody does anything at all. I still am very sincere. Any time I see someone do something mean to someone I just think.... How can someone do that, do they have no feelings of their own inside???
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Those are the people that just don't care about anyone's feelings except for their own. I feel that the media has nothing to do with it. People should not even base their own lives and what they do because of the media. I was just stating something about the people in your lives, not people on T.V. they have nothing to do with what is going on in your life or what you are doing to someone else. I always live by the all to famous saying. Treat others as you would want to be treated. I even try to instill that in my own children and when they don't follow that saying and treat someone horribly than I turn around and ask them if that is how they like to be treated. The next time you see someone treat someone horribly maybe you should ask them if they like it when someone treats them that way. If they say no, than ask them why they are doing it to others. Bet you will stump them.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I was thinking about what ya's just said..and i think some has to do with the fact that it soo damn hard to live anymore..everything is soo expensive..gas, clothes, utilities..rent..food!..its rediculous..back then when everyone was so nice..well they had every reason to be nice, there wasnt as much suffering and wondering how they were gonna make the next bill or where there food would come.And the crime rate was sooooooo much lower.It was just better back in the day..And i think thats why people were so much kinder..BUT....lol..I also dont believe in giving up on being courtious, being nice, helpful.. Im a disabled single mom..of a 4 yr old too..and i barely survive, and i am one that wonders where our next meal will be..or what bills i can cover this mth..social security doesnt pay crap..but I also refuse to be one of those mean..arrogant rude people, noo matter how bad things are for us..I smile at everyone..and will help whoever,..,whatever i can do for them..but ithink people are just losing hope in the world..and are lost..And i feel sorry for those that have to be miserable and make others miserable around them..
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Well I give you much credit for being one of the very few people that don't allow themselves to be miserable and treat people horribly just because you are struggling and there are a few things going wrong in your life because there is no reason for it. There are others in this world who are much worse off than you are and you should be happy for the good things in your life, like the gift the Lord gave you; your 4 year old. I wish you much luck and I am sure if you keep that good heart of yours that he will reward you again by making things a little bit easier for you. If you need anything just let me know. I have been struggling for quite awhile trying to raise my three on my own, so I have quite a few ideas of how to make it by.
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
• United States
5 Nov 06
There was a point long long ago where people did things out of the goodness of their heart. Not saying that there weren't a bunch of people that weren't doing anything, but it wasn't as bad as it has gotten these days. Yes, we have always had very selfish people, but I feel that it is worse now than it was way back when, like before we were even thought of. I was just stating that those people are becoming harder and harder to find, we are becoming a rare breed in this day in age.
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@ladysun (635)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Just couldn't resist responding to your post. My husband and I are of the opinion that maybe this all goes back to the generation behind ours...our parents generation (or grandparents for the younger crowd ;) We hit a point as a nation both World Wars were behind us...the Great Depression had past etc.. For the first time people were on their feet enugh en mass they no longer had to work long, hard days just to keep themselves fed. The older generation was well intended I think, but suddenly things began to shift...kids were suddenly being given lots more than just their basic needs...they no longer had to work hard for the things they did get, it was all being handed to them, and it created a selfish, more self-centered, self-absorbed individual (think about how many middle aged folks you may know of who still are dependant on many ways on their elderly parents etc..., rather then being the givers as once was the case)...then amplify that by a second or even third generation now...work ethics have all but dissappeared form many people's way of thinking...The "ME" generation has further encouraged putting #1 above all else and will justify wrecking an entire family, or throwing away everything because it's what "I" want in the moment...so that justifies it...I mean I am being true to myself seems to be the refrain.
I agree whole heartedly with your post...I mean the guy who is asking for help on the corner...my blessing is in the giving of the gift....what he does or does not do with a gift I hand to him...that's his responsibility and something he has to answer for in the grand scheme of things.
I also concur that the way people choose to live and behave is directly connected with just why there are so many unhapy, miserable people in the world. I donate in excess of 30+ hours per week as a volunteer..not to get patted on the back or to make points with this one or that one ...but because it feels right...it is deeply satisfing to give back to the world I live in. I could take a full time job for the hours I put in as a volunteer each week and have more money in my household...but it's not a factor...I live by what I beleive in...and never once has my family been homeless...never have my children gone hungry...our needs have always been met. Personally I beleive that as long as we live true to what we beleive to be right and give from a willing heart whenever possible, our family will always be ok
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Right on!! Thanks for this post. I think you should put your two cents in to one of the other people that posted to my discussion. That person seems to need their spirits lifted and have a new perspective about things. I feel that that person is definitely heading in the wrong direction, in the direction of misery with all the negative thinking. Thank you again and continue the awesome work.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I know a lot of good people.. but we're all sort of old fashioned.. I think life is so fast paced, people don't have time to be friendly or good friends, etc.. We don't see our friends often, just once or twice a year, maybe three.. so it's not close involvement.. same with our families.. We love our families, dearly.. and our friends.. but it's not close day to day living.. so when we see each other we very much appreciate it and love to see each other.. and no time to get on each other's nerves maybe..
I used to fear people, way back years ago, before I found the Lord.. but after that, I began to really love people.. Also, I'm not in the rat race.. So not much tension there either.. But I better knock on wood!! We've known our friends for thirty years.. or more..
@ahalapia (942)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I have been asking myself the same question for some time now. My family and I have been in a difficult situation, and we have never seen so many doors shut on us, and we step back and think these are the same people who come to us time and time again asking for help which we glady gave, and now that we are in a rough spot, they shut the door and act like they have forgotten what we did for them. It's so easy to say no, I think they are afraid of loosing something if they help out, the whole thing is they don't even offer to.
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I am right there with you. I am always doing things for others, but the minute I need help if they aren't going to get anything in return; right away, than they don't want to help me and give me all kinds of excuses why they can't help me. However, most people would automatically stop doing things for those same people, but I am the kind of the person that does things for people that I don't even really like. Just a good hearted person and have a hard time telling people no, unless of course I don't have it to help or it's going to take something away from my children; and of course if it's something illegal. If you feel comfortable enough to tell me what your problems are I would have no problems offering my help. If I don't have it to just give to you than I will probably know a way for you to get the help you need. Just ask and you will recieve what I can give. If you want just send me a personal message and I will see what I can do for you and your family. Good luck I am sure that if you are a good hearted person like you sound that the Lord will get you through this rough spot.
@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I think this is the reason as a nation we need to stand up and call BS on all of it. I'm raising my son to be a gentleman, I've spanked his behind when he needed and I'm not afraid to do it again. No one will tell me how to be when they're all mired in greed and selfishness. Hard work and an honest living seem to be a long lost memory. This is a rant I've had many times on my myspace blog. It disgusts me the shape our country is in, there are times when I have hope and there are times when like you I could just hang my head for all the morals lost. We the people need to rise up and say enough. I'm doing my part starting at the polls.
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I hang my head down because I don't believe in giving up on people because I do feel that people can change. I believe this because of the simple fact that I am one of those people that have changed. I also hang my head because I am a single mom of 28 years old and have been a single mom for 10 years and no matter how good I am to someone I still get treated badly. When I confront someone about it, all they give me is a bunch of excuses of how this person did such and such to them and I have to look at them and laugh because obviously I have been through quite a bit, but I am still treating people with the utmost love and caring. Misery loves company, but I would rather be happy than miserable like the person that treated me wrongly.
@anglblues (54)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I think FEAR took over the world. Everyone is afraid they will be hurt. Can you imagine if Jesus had been afraid? Where would our salvation be. He even knew we would hurt him but he also knew there were still those who would be hurt by him being hurt. Just dont give up, there are more caring people whom just have to get past their fear.
Great topic daughter,
@kristyadrikaleb (29)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Thanks mom!! I thought I would have more responses, but I guess I was right and all the good people in this world are gone. Maybe it is out of fear and if that's the case than they are seriously going to loose out on a lot of things.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
5 Nov 06
There are still a lot of good people in this world. They may be hard to find,but they are out there. Faith in humanity is a tough thing to have anymore with the way this world is,but if you look hard enough you'll find that people really do care for one another.