Would you get rid of him?

@relundad (2310)
United States
June 25, 2008 10:05pm CST
If you had a dog or cat that was destroying your personal items or furnishings would you get rid of him? If so would you give to a shelter or rescue home?
3 responses
17 Jul 08
i think i would seek help and professional dog training to try and sort things out i would be extremely hesitant about getting rid after all its how we train them in the early days that reflects their behaviour later on
1 person likes this
@alpha7 (1910)
• France
17 Jul 08
I will chain such pet down or cage him as long as i won't be with him or monitor him.
@selece (2357)
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
In my case, I don't... I had a dog that usually destroys our plants and bite off our sandals and shoes. So all I did was tie him up in a secure place. I didn't get rid of him, even if I did tie him up, it was for his own good. We never stopped taking care of the dog even if he got tied up. Hehe. It's against my nature to drive away a pet, I value them.