My son... is now a..Girl!
By Odamashin
@Odamashin (434)
51 responses
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
27 Jun 08
First of all, my son is gay. He's still a man. That title is very insulting. Gay people don't change gender, they are simply attracted to their own gender. Most gay men are just as masculine as straight men. Even the effeminant gay men are still men. Please do some research and educate yourself.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Where does the bible say that gay people choose to be gay?? I am a Christian also. I follow the teachings of Christ. Where did jesus say that gay people in committed monogamous relationships were wrong? Nowhere is the answer. If it was a big thing to Him, would he not have metioned it??
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Well of course your initial reaction would be shocked and awe.
Maybe for some ppl but I know I woudlnt be shocked...but I also REALLY know my kids so I'd know pretty quick
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
26 Jun 08
I agree with Raven. A lot of people would be shocked but those parents who were really in tune with their children would probably know long before the child was able to know and understand. And then there wouldn't really be some big, dramatic announcement about it. How many teenagers come home one day and say, "Mom, I heterosexual." Not too many I'm sure because it's usually pretty obvious. I would hope that a gay child of mine would have the same comfort to just be who they are without anyone thinking it needed a big announcement.
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@letsrock2001 (200)
• United States
27 Jun 08
ya know its easy to have hurt feelings. But, its hard to swallow the pillow of life that says to you as parents. My life is my own choice your child states in many ways to you. Depends on if your willing to listen and look for the signs. I personally don't care if either of my sons decide to be gay or etc. I just want them happy healthy and living thier lives to the fullest. Restrictions are for drunks who kill others, street signs that keep you from wrecking. Out of control children who like to fight or curse at thier parents..NOT for people who are trying to find thier way on their own and experience who they are. Ya know its scary enough its like stepping out onto a plank and hoping that something connects to the end of it before you walk that far. Then when you get their some1 is their usually to explain and help you..Yes, its usually a stranger to them, but a stranger whose already walked the path that they are seeking. Makes them feel normal or turns them in the right direction. But unless they swallow their fear and take that walk, they feel like they are completely alone. Hopefully now that you understand a little better now, you can help. But only if your willing!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Jun 08
This would hurt me in the worse possible way because I do not approve of homosexuality and since I would wonder how he turned out that way. I would wonder if someone had hurt him and I would be disappointed,so I would not hug and be extremely happy for him. If he suddenly said he was one, there is evidence that someone turned him that way. If he was always wanting to wear girl clothes even as a toddler, I would wonder if maybe the doctor made a mistake.
I would believe my only son being one would be so horrible because that would mean that my husband and I had mostly girls and he might have been our youngest, our only son. I mean how would you feel if it happened to you? If there were two boys in the family, and only one became a homosexual, you would still have the other son, but only one?
I mean did you ask this to encourage people to only have daughters? I mean this is what the Tv shows do, they have shows where there is a family whose only son is a homosexual. This is so discouraging.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Bullsh!t, suspense. Gay men are still men. My goodness, how stupid you are. I always thought that with age comes wisdom. I guess there are exceptions to all rules.
I hate myself for hating you. Why must you be so ignorant? Many people on here who disagree with me, I can respect. They give me words to chew on. Your words are less than water; no substance. Educate yourself. Stop being stupid.
and if you insult my son one more time, I will chew you a new as$hole; you ignorant cow.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
27 Jun 08
I would be hurt devastated and fit to be tied. I am not yet a mother, but all of my children will be raised in the church. So if I had a son who turned out gay, it would be a major slap in the face.
Just because a person has these feelings, does not mean that they should act on them and I would encourage him not to. We all have temptations that we must overcome. At the end of the day, I know that with God in his life, he will be just fine.

@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
29 Jun 08
Cyntrow, I owe you an apology. I started the dicussion that I did on homosexuality because of this discussion. When you came over to my discussion, I did not remember that you were the same person who started this discussion. I was angry and a little hard on you.
I also did not know that you were speaking about your actual son. God can change his life if that is what he wants. The first thing that he needs to do is accept God as his personal savior and God can turn it all around.
I was wondering why you were taking things to heart, now I see. I ended up being overwhelmed by the anger from the Mylotters. I was thinking why are so many people so angry with me. I was simply attempting to make a point.
I am not God, I am not even running for the presidency, so what I say should not be so upsetting to people. If they really believe it is not true, why are they so upset about it. If it is not true, then it is just my opinion.

@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
25 Jul 08
Well, I don't have sons, only daughters, but the principal is still the same.
No matter what,they are my children, and I would want them to be happy. There choice is theirs, and I would make sure they are as informed as possible about their choices.
I would never place judgement on them, because that would then mean having to place judgement on myself, which I do enough of any way. Life choices have to be made, and if my child wants to undergo gender reassignment, then who am I to stop them? It is their life after all, and they have to live with the choices they make.
Being open and honest and accepting of our children is highly important.
@michelyn (717)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I believe the answer to that is solely dependent on how you feel about homosexuality to begin with. Someone who is known to be a homophobe is not going to be accepting of their own child being involved in any way, shape or form in that lifestyle.
Then there are the people that aren't homophobes and claim that it doesn't really bother them, but once they find out that their child is homosexual, it's a totally different story. It's acceptable for other people's children, but not their own.
Thirdly, there are the people that wouldn't handle it very well in the beginning, but after some time and/or some therapy, they would come to accept it because their child is their child and you should love them regardless of what they do or who they are. You don't have to like them, but you do have to love them!
And lastly, there are people like my husband and myself who believe that children are born the way they are born and everyone deserves to be treated equally; even our own children!
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
Without any hurt feeling? I don't think so... You mentioned that if "you are the one and only beloved son" then it will turn out that you are gay, it will be very difficult to accept especially for a father who hopes that somebody will continue their seeds. Let's us face the truth that there will always be negative feelings involve and once you decide to come out, you had better prepare yourself for the worse.
I am not against gays but I am not a hypocrite. If my only son would one day come to me and tell me that he is a she, then I will be disappointed. It may take time before I'll get to accept him fully as he is but don't worry much because in due time, I will be able to accept him as he is. He will be forever loved as he is my son but his being homosexual is another issue.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
28 Jun 08
A gay man is not a she. He is still a man. God this pisses the crap out of me. Gay men are MEN. Gay women are WOMEN. What kind of idiocy is this? Furthermore, if your son was gay, he could still be the father of a kid with a surrogate. I think the question you need to ask yourself is do you wnt your kid to be happy, or are you just selfish.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
28 Jun 08
No, you need an education. Gay men are men. Gay women are women. He does not become she when we find they are attracted to their own gender.
I am greatly insulted when you insinuate that my son is less than a man because he wants to spend his life with another man. So, yeah, it angers me. You are insulting my child.
Think on that for a minute and educate yourself
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@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
I know what you mean but I am just answering his post honestly. Will I get hurt if my ONLY son is gay? If all my life I know I am raising a son and I am made to believe that I do have a son who is straight, then how would I feel? Will I be happy at the very first moment he will come out?
I don't need to be lectured whether they are gay women or gay men since I myself know that gays are of different type. I am only focusing on the question if "will i get hurt if my only son is a girl?" so therefore, the HE i used to raise as a HE eventually turns to a SHE.
I even asked my hubby how he will react if we ever get an only son and he said he'll be sad and disappointed but regardless of that, he is still our son but it will take time for us to accept that fact that he is gay or a girl already.
Please try to be more objective in understanding people's comment. We are entitled to our own emotions and opinions too.
Won't I want my son to be happy? Who doesn't? But give us time to accept it too. I haven;t experienced it yet but if you will ask me as a parent, I would surely get disappointed and sad but that doesn't mean that I would disown him or curse him or want him to be sad all his life but aren't parents entitled to such emotions too?
I hope I've made myself clear.

@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
30 Jun 08
there are going to be weird feelings. He is yours whether boy or girl. If he had a desease you would stand by him wouldn't you? Unconditional love or?
• United States
26 Jun 08
I also do not agree with homosexuality. Even if it is a natural feeling you are "wired" wrong (for lack of a better term).I would never reject my childre....ever..but I would try to convince them to try to overcome those feelings.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Sexuality does not change. I could not become gay any more than my son could become straight. It's bioloical. And it's not wrong. It would be wrong for them to lie to themselves and others and try to marry a person of the opposite gender. That is hurtful to all concerned.
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Yes i would accept it an if he brought his boyfiend home if he loved him I would try to show my suport for both of them
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Well first of all, I am a very open and easy parent to talk to so I would hope that it would not come to me as a total shock if this were to be the case. Second of all, all I want for my children is their happiness and well being. If I found out one of my children were gay, I would love them and support them just as much as if they were not. I would never ever want them to feel ashamed. Unfortunately there are plenty of people in this world that would make sure that maintaining a healthy self-image would be a major challenge for them. I have raised 4 very decent and responsible and respectful people and the mere thought of someone putting them down and ridiculing them makes my blood boil.
@16031981 (449)
• Jamaica
28 Jun 08
it hurts but their still our children all we av to do is keep praying for them. dnt judge them let them be there must be reasons y all of this is happening. its hard to a child that you hold in your arms few years ago jus change jus like that u may not understand but God knows everything. cheers
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
28 Jun 08
I think it's probably normal to be surprised when you first find out - but I know I would always love and accept my son (or daughter) if they happened to tell me they were gay. I know quite a few gay people, and they've all said they knew very early they were gay, and most of them say their parents actually suspected it, and were more relieved than anything when it came out into the open. Being gay doesn't make your son a girl, though. He's still a man - he just prefers to have loving relationships with men rather than women.
@qwedloki100 (103)
• United States
29 Jun 08
IF i have a son (which i doubt, because i do not like children) I would be a little surprise if he's homosexual, but i will accept it.