FASFA - Dependent vs. Independent

@newtondak (3946)
United States
June 26, 2008 11:32am CST
Have you dealt with the FASFA form and been as horrified as we have when the family contribution was determined? I think the way financial aid for college is determined is totally unfair. Even though a student is totally independent financially, they must still submit all the information regarding the parents' income and the amount of financial aid received is based on both the student and the parents' income. If you're a white male under the age of 25, who is not married, does not have children, or hasn't served in the military and either of our parents is still living, you are basically out of luck when it comes to receiving financial aid. In addition, their recommendations for how the family meets their determined contribution include the parents taking out home eqity loans to pay for college. I especially think that our country should be putting our children first when it comes to receiving assistance with college tuition and expenses as should our individual states. What is your take on this situation?
1 response
@shiri73 (38)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Ya this really sucks. FASFAs are annoying enough to fill out, and I feel like unless you're family makes absolutely no money a year, you will be expected to pay a lot. It's really hard for middle class families to pay because, in my opinion, they get stuck with the biggest burden. I am struggling with the same situation, so I have no idea what advice to give you except hope that the next administration offers financial aid in regards to obtaining an education.