Survivor of Late-Term Abortion Comments on Barack Obama
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
United States
June 26, 2008 11:38am CST
Read this and think about it!
The Audacity of Death
By Daniel Allott
Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2008
According to Barack Obama, Gianna Jessen shouldn't exist.
Miss Jessen is an exquisite example of what antiabortion advocates call a "survivor." Well into her third trimester of pregnancy, Gianna's biological mother was injected with a saline solution intended to induce a chemical abortion at a Los Angeles County abortion center. Eighteen hours later, and precious minutes before the abortionist's arrival, Gianna emerged. Premature and with severe injuries that resulted in cerebral palsy. But alive.
Had the abortionist been present at her birth, Gianna would have been killed, perhaps by suffocation. As it was, a startled nurse called an ambulance, and Gianna was rushed to a nearby hospital, where, weighing just two pounds, she was placed in an incubator, then, months later, in foster care.
Gianna survived then, and thrives now, because, as she told me recently with a laugh, "I guess I don't die easy." Which is what the abortionist might have thought as he signed his victim's birth certificate. Gianna's medical records state that she was "born during saline abortion."
As an Illinois state senator, Barack Obama twice opposed legislation to define as "persons" babies who survive late-term abortions. Babies like Gianna. Mr. Obama said in a speech on the Illinois Senate floor that he could not accept that babies wholly emerged from their mother's wombs are "persons," and thus deserving of equal protection under the Constitution's 14th Amendment.
A federal version on the same legislation passed the Senate unanimously and with the support of all but 15 members of the House. Gianna was present when President Bush signed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act in 2002.
When I asked Gianna to reflect on Mr. Obama's candidacy, she paused, then said, "I really hope the American people will have their eyes wide open and choose to be discerning. . . . He is extreme, extreme, extreme."
"Extreme" may not be the impression the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have bought Mr. Obama's autobiography have been left with. In "The Audacity of Hope," Mr. Obama's presidential manifesto, he calls abortion "undeniably difficult," "a very difficult issue," "never a good thing" and "a wrenching moral issue."
He laments his party's "litmus test" for "orthodoxy" on abortion and other issues, and even admits, "I do not presume to know the answer to that question." That question being the moral status of the fetus, who he nonetheless concedes has "moral weight."
Those statements are seriously made but, alas, cannot be taken at all seriously. Mr. Obama has compiled a 100% lifetime "pro-choice" voting record, including votes against any and all restrictions on late-term abortions and parental involvement in teenagers' abortions.
To Mr. Obama, abortion, or "reproductive justice," is "one of the most fundamental rights we possess." And he promises, "the first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act," which would overturn hundreds of federal and state laws limiting abortion, including the federal ban on partial-birth abortion and bans on public funding of abortion.
Then there's Mr. Obama's aforementioned opposition to laws that protect babies born-alive during botched abortions. If partial-birth abortion is, as Democratic icon Daniel Patrick Moynihan labeled it, "too close to infanticide," then what is killing fully-birthed babies?
To read the entire article, see .html
On a related note, here's a recent article about a woman whose son was born last year after surviving an abortion.
Please join me in praying for the unborn and for this upcoming election, that the American people will, as Gianna says, "have their eyes wide open and choose to be discerning."
Randy Alcorn
1 response
@gypsy_owl (88)
• United States
27 Jun 08
my personal opinion is women should have the right to an abortion if she is raped or birth control methods failed.... how ever i am VERY agains the fact that some women use abortion itself as birth control... i believe women should be limited to 2 abortions max... if for some reason she wants a 3rd abortion then i say she should be required to agree to be surgicly sterilized as soon as she has recovered from said 3rd abortion..... i also believe babies who survive an abortion should be allowed to live.... NOT killed if they come out alive.... but i am a firm believer that a woman should NOT be forced to have a baby if SHE can not support it.... i am also VERY strongly against anyone who has a baby and just says oh i'll give it up for adoption... every year there are THOUSANDS of children in the united states in foster care and government custoday who NEVER know what it is like to have a loving family and are stuck with familys that only take care of them because of the pay check they bring in..... i know... i was one of those children........ many states will not even put a child up for adoption if they are "too old for anyone to want to adopt" and in some states this applies to children as young as 4.....
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
27 Jun 08
"i also believe babies who survive an abortion should be allowed to live...."
If that is important to you...don't vote for Obama. He believes babies born alive should killed. Nice guy.