Do you have a neighbor(s) that plays music too loud?

@gicarlo (131)
June 26, 2008 12:43pm CST
Most teenagers are on to music these days. Sometimes, listening to it helps them express what they feel inside. There are also those who would maximize the volume of their players so they would hear the music wherever they are in their house. The problem is, the music reaches your house too. Are you annoyed? or disturbed? why? What do you do when you hear them? Well, I am one of those who play music loud here in our place. The truth is, I really don't know what my neighbors are saying. But it seems they don't care. I heard no complains until now ^_^
10 responses
27 Jun 08
Omg I don't mind hearing music as long as it's decent music. Omg one of my neighbors is always having parties and the music they play is HORRIBLE. I don't what the heck kind of music it is. It's almost like Reggaeton but not really because it sucks. When I have people over they are just like "What the heck is that" lol.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
27 Jun 08
oh yeah i had and i have. hehehe.. i had a neighbor who plays lud music especially on Sundays. they're married couple and every Sunday,it's their day-off so they stay at home and play their music so loud as if there's nobody nearby and sometimes they woke me up early in the morning. i hate it. i also have this student neighbor who sometimes play her music a little bit loud. she sometimes doesnt notice that she's playing it loud but its all good with me as long as not in the middle of the night.
• United States
27 Jun 08
The music isn't that loud, but repeating the same song over and over? Definitely. The house behind ours has two dudes that play a foreign song over and over. I don't know who or what the singer is saying because it's in another language. It's kind neat, though. But unfortunately they have it on a loud speaker on their back porch. They aren't being obnoxious with it, though. They usually play it in the afternoon. And it's not every day. So I'm not worried about it and neither is anyone else.
• United States
27 Jun 08
If its crappy music I'll complain. I remember stereo wars, those were fun.
@midautumn (219)
• China
27 Jun 08
no,I haven't. I love music,I love to listen to it.
• Malaysia
27 Jun 08
Well i my neigbour he tennager son sometime play the music very loud and is very disturb me a lot caouse i found it the music he use to listen is not my genre and sometime he play the music not only loud, he also sing togerthe with the music he listen, just imagine two disturb sound in a time. The most disturb part he play the music lound and sing togerthe untill late of morning. I also can hear this disturbing sound in my room, so sometime it really disturb my sleeping and rest time.
@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Yes. But I am not sure which one it is. they are on the street behind ours. Everynight till about 2am the music is blaring. I can feel the beat from my bedroom. It is most annoying. I am surprised no one has urned them in for it.
@rosema (1145)
• Philippines
26 Jun 08
hi, yes i have a neighbor who plays music too loud, but i sometimes do that also specially in the morning, i play dance music too loud to make me wakeup and to make my body move. thanks for the nice discussion.
• Indonesia
26 Jun 08
fortunately i don't have one. definitely i will get annoyed if my neighbor play music too loud, except he/she play classical music.
@petiksmode (2983)
• Philippines
26 Jun 08
yeah and it is really annoyiing esp when they do it morning wherein i am sleeping (im working at night) this person not only plays music so loud but she also does her videoke so loud!!!! grrr... i can stand the loud music but not her screams!!!!