Do you like comic books?

@DizzyGrl (194)
United States
November 3, 2006 7:50am CST
I started reading comic books 3 years ago and have quite the collection now. Do you think that children reading comic books is legitimate reading material?
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13 responses
• United States
4 Nov 06
I used to like Archie's.
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@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I've actually never read an Archie's comic book. I have read the comic strip in the Sunday newspaper and it is enjoyable. I see them all the time in the comic book store and it's nice to see that they have lasted so long.
@jasmin19 (219)
• India
4 Nov 06
Its a famous brand with good quality enjoy .
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• Philippines
9 Nov 06
Of course I do! Some are good reads for kids, most aren't.
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@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I completely agree. Parents can't assume that all comic books are kid friendly. Some discretion has to be used.
@all_n_one (2003)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I have always loved comic books and still do to this day. I loved the spider-man comics the most growing up though. The fantastic 4 was second best though and love the movie more.
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@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I loved the Spiderman movies. I didn't see the Fantastic 4 movie but didn't hear great things about it. Those people didn't read comic books though. So does it hold true to the comic book or does Hollywood take a lot of artistic liscense with it.
• India
4 Nov 06
yes i do, coz its make me so light after hard working.
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@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Thanks for your input!
@anushri (961)
• India
4 Nov 06
i like comic books like spiderman and batman
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@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
4 Nov 06
How do you think the movies compare to the comic books? I've never read Spiderman fan but I have read a lot of Batman comic books and I think that Batman Begins with Christian Bale is the best Batman movie ever and really holds true to the comic books.
@jasmin19 (219)
• India
4 Nov 06
Thriller comics are more enjoyable
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@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
4 Nov 06
What are some titles of thriller comics? I have heard of the genre but I am unfamiliar with actual titles. I know back the 60s there were some pulp titles that are very fun to read.
@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
9 Nov 06
Comic books aregood for relaxation.I like them.
@R3fl3XioN (3187)
• France
4 Nov 06
I dont like comic books !! I prefer watch TV ^^
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@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
4 Nov 06
What don't you like about comics? I know some people have a hard time reading them because it doesn't always flow left to right and the panel structure can change page to page. I honestly had a hard time at first until I learned how to read a comic book.
@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
21 Nov 06
my brother use to have them all the time, i m not sure if he still has his collection.
• United States
4 Nov 06
I started reading comic books as a child and still love reading them. There are so many kinds, you can always find some you like. I think any reading helps encourage more reading. I know reading Classics Illustrated comics led me to read the original books. I have a friend who taught himself to read at age 4 by trying to read the Sunday comics. Also, comic books are now a hot collectable market. I had two crates of comics in 1971 when I got married. My spouse said they were not something for a grown married person to have and I ended up loaning them to a friend. After a while he gave them to a couple that wanted them. They had the collection evaluated and they were told it was worth $5000 USD, and that was in 1975! Now I'm told It's worth over $2500 USD!
@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I think that is awesome that you know people that were prompted to read because of comics. I completely disagree that comic books aren't something for a grown married person. Reading is not age specific. There are comic books for young children and there are comic books for mature adults with adult type material. Collecting comic books for the value, today, though, is not sucha a valid hobby anymore because the comic books are massed produced and so many people ARE trying to make money off of them.
@mariamcj (575)
• India
21 Nov 06
yes i love comic books favorite character is phantom
@neofelis (145)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I think that if you can get kids to read anything, that's great. Comic books can often be a jump start to other kinds of literature, but they are really good in their own rights. There are a lot of elements of classical literature embedded in comic books, especially the really good ones.
@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
4 Nov 06
This is especially true since a lot of classics are being converted into comic book format in order to attract younger readers to the classics. I've seen Sherlock Holmes novels, the Hobbit, and the Lord of The Rings in comic book form.
@kdb411 (6)
• Guatemala
5 Jan 07
I think any reading material is good for kids. Anything that will make a child read is a plus. I started reading comics when I was 7 years old. It made me want to read everything. I used to deliver papers in my neighborhood and when I got money that what it went to...comic books. I would ride my bike and read comic books at the same time. I now read constantly. Not comic books so much. Boy have they gotten exxpensive. But I read 2 to 3 books a week. I love to read and put it down to reading comics.