Have you experienced getting separated from your loved one?

@meleshia (624)
June 27, 2008 1:20am CST
I have been given a work assignment in the US for 6 months since January. So for almost 6 months now, I've been separated from my boyfriend. We were supposed to tie the knot this year but the plans were pushed back because of this work assignment. I'm really homesick and want to go home but it's still a few weeks left before I can see him again. Have you experienced this in your relationship? Was your relationship ever the same after you come back?
3 responses
• Indonesia
27 Jun 08
my girlfriend lives far from my place. it's about 750 miles. well, we can do the normal relationship. we're just communicating through phone or text messages. even it's not an ideal situation, i feel pretty happy. at least i have her
• Indonesia
27 Jun 08
sorry, i mean at least i have a girlfriend though we can't meet every time we want.
@meleshia (624)
• Philippines
27 Jun 08
That would be difficult to have a long distance relationship. =( But at least there's technology to help bridge the gap, although nothing still beats being with your loved one, right? I wish you and your girlfriend a successful relationship ;)
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
27 Jun 08
last year, i was in the same situation as yours. i went to costa rica to study. i left my (ex) girlfriend in the philippines. we were also planning to tie a knot this year. then, something came up. she decided to break up with me while i was in costa rica. i tried to talk with her about her decision, but she was firm about it. so when i got back after two months of the break-up, things were never the same. i am simply hsaring to you my story. yours will be tottaly up to you. best wishes!
@meleshia (624)
• Philippines
27 Jun 08
Yes things don't always go well for long distance relationships. Yours is not the first time I heard of it and there are a lot of others with the same story as yours. I would definitely want to have a different ending to my story, please pray for me. haha ^_^ Thanks for sharing your experience, and I hope you'll find a girl who will make you happy again. =)
@sirfsuraz (468)
• Nepal
3 Jul 08
yeah, distance may be the cause for break up. It all happens when you start to doubt upon him/her. If you completely and have broad-broadminded trust between each other then this sort of problem never happens. Some kind of pain and burning sensation in heart is felt. Some kind of serious question arises. Like what he is doing, who is his/her close friend at that region, is he much more closer than me? something like that. This is what i'll feel, but i have never experienced such a think.If i experience it, I'll think the same way i wrote above. Well best of luck and meet your person.