can anybody think of a selfless good deed??

@nut_nut (251)
June 27, 2008 2:12pm CST
a good deed is selfless i hear you cry lol. well actually not only does it make the other person happy but we feel happy about it to!!! so, can anybody give any suggestions on a selfless good deed? =) i can wait for your answers
1 response
• United States
27 Jun 08
That's easy. Being made happy by making someone else happy is selfless. There is no loss of virtue from feeling good because you've helped someone else. When you do a work of charity or compassion, you do so because the other person needs your help, charity, compassion, or good deeds. You don't do it to feel better afterwards. If you feel good about yourself afterwards, it is irrelevant as to determining the selflessness of the act. But, if you want to be even more cold hearted about it. People will do good deeds for people because they believe they should, not for some emotional high. Anything you do which puts you out of your way is a selfless good deed. For example, my sister came up to visit us for a week because she needed a break from her living situation. I love my sister and there were things I enjoyed about the visit. However, I gave her a place to stay because she needed one and I sacrificed my own privacy. The selfish thing would have been to keep my privacy for a week and stay outside her troubles. The selfless thing is to invite her into my home and give her a brief sanctuary. If, at some point in the week, my sister did something nice or we had pleasant conversation, that is irrelevant.
@nut_nut (251)
27 Jun 08
thats an excellent answer i look forward to one beating that if possible. this is true but there are people that do things for others just to feel good, not particularly to help the other person. or in some case just to look good. theres alot of ways of looking at it i guess and depends on what situation is.