Letting It All Out

United States
June 27, 2008 4:44pm CST
Writing is a time when you can just "let it all out". All of your anger, joy, envy, hatred can be vented through just writing something down. I love writing poetry and I was pleased to find out that one of my poems would be published. But, I find it so hard to find something to write about or to find the right words when there isn't something good or bad happening in my life or they lives of those around me. Does anyone have suggestions to cure or help with writers' block?
2 responses
@Agent89 (91)
• India
28 Jun 08
Congratulations for the publishing. thats really awesome. I writemyself ... but eh .. just as a hobby. Anyways, when i get that dreaded writers block ... i listen to the music i love (not that i ever stop, but i pay more sttention) ... try and see everything with a new perspective and talk to a few good friends about it. Mostly, these things do help in my case. Good Luck.
@Wizzywig (7847)
27 Jun 08
Congratulations on getting your poem published!! I think all good poetry comes from the heart and that true creativity cannot be 'manufactured' so why not just 'go with the flow' and only write when you feel moved/inspired to do so?