If Obama is be elected president, would that be the end of affirmative action?
By jonesy123
@jonesy123 (3948)
United States
June 28, 2008 8:13am CST
If Obama would be elected president, wouldn't Americans proof that there are now no limits for minorities? Wouldn't it show that racial prejudice has been diminished and minorities can succeed on their own merits rather than being given priority just because quotas have to be met based on affirmative action laws? What do you think? Would Obama as president mean the death of affirmative action?
I saw this interesting article about it: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080628/ap_on_el_pr/obama_affirmative_action;_ylt=Ard8.hFcd6qnjcaIsEvyIN.s0NUE
Personally, I think we'll probably still need affirmative action rules for a while. Maybe not as strict anymore as they used to be (especially if it comes to shuttling kids across town just to have the required quotas in schools), but personally I think they are still needed, even with Obama as president. What do you think?
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8 responses
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Let me preface what I am about to say with the fact that you will probably not agree with me! Also, what I am about to write is in no way intended to be racist or prejudicial! That said;
Affirmative action has never and never will work! There are two main reasons for this (there are quite a few more than two but these are at the top)and number one is; affirmative action, in its entirety, tells the minority that they are less than their majority counter-part! By its very being it is saying, "you are less smart, have less qualifications and without this law wouldn't or couldn't get this job!"
Number two and this one is probably the worst; It breeds racism to the max! It causes animosity in the work-place because a well deserving employee is passed over by affirmative action saying we have to give this job to a minority!
Now don't get me wrong, I know there are still "good ole boy" bosses out there who would give their "good buddy" white employee a job over a just as, or even better qualified black man. There needs to be a system in place to address this but affirmative action and "quotas" just isn't the solution!
Do I believe affirmative action will end with the election of Barack Obama(heaven forbid)?
Absolutely and possitively NOT! If anything it will get
redominatly bigger because after all, it is the democrats baby!
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Actually, I'm not offended at all, lol. Personally, I think it did not really work either, because it has been grossly misused. On paper, if you have two people apply for the job, both with the same qualifications and such, all equal except for race, then the minority was supposed to get the job. But they introduced quotas and punishments for non-compliance and companies afraid of lawsuits decided to hire the less qualified person just to fill quotas. Believe me, I have seen it happening. But it did a lot of good, too, by giving kids a chance to achieve their potential, allowing them to get into programs they otherwise would not have been in. It allowed for people to mix in the school environment and workplace and to start to put aside racial prejudice. Unfortunately, racial prejudice is still very much an issue, less with those of African heritage, but more with those of like Hispanic heritage. I think the type is shifting. It will take us quite some time to really overcome it.
All in all, affirmative action needs to be toned down and back to the basics, but I don't think it's the time yet to completely put away with it.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
29 Jul 08
affirmative action, in its entirety, tells the minority that they are less than their majority counter-part! By its very being it is saying, "you are less smart, have less qualifications and without this law wouldn't or couldn't get this job!"
Rodney850 I could not agree with you more on this statement, and so many times Obama's speeches seem to me to talk down to minorities and woman trying to convince them even more that they need a handout.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Well I'm not a fan of affirmative action policies anyway so I'd hope people could realize they are past their expiration date. Black people can get the jobs they are qualified for without quotas and preferential treatment to help them.
We all know it won't end though because affirmative action is what keeps jerks like Jesse Jackson in business. He'll just keep teaching black Americans that they shouldn't work hard to get what they want. He wants to keep them ignorant and teaches them to be dependent on the affirmative action system instead of earning jobs based on hard work.
Has anyone noticed how Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been rather quiet on Barrack Obama? It's because his accomplishments will take away from their rhetoric.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Interesting point of view. You are right about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Their whole business is about racial inequality and mistreatment and poor us. It wouldn't exactly make them rich, if that would not be present anymore. I'm not a fan of theirs. They are in the business of hatemongering and stirring up problems and blowing them out of proportion. Sometimes I think they are aiming for black supremacy. They are not in the peace business although they claim to be, lol. They can't endorse Obama as they never would like the racial devide to go away....
But I have of late noticed that they are getting less press, and less minorities, especially African-Americans, are willing to listen to them. The younger generation seems to be ready to move on and to embrace people for who they are not what race they are...
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Affirmative action also has negative impacts on majorities. There are cases that with companies required to hire a certain percent of these groups that some white male with a much stronger background. Seriously Affirmative action had it's place at one time but I think that there needs to be a day that all American's have to believe we all have the ability to get ahead on our own. It's getting closer. Yes it would show a lot if there was a black president... but there are far better black Americans with more experience for the job.
I'd love to see a woman be president but I'm glad it isn't going to be Hillary.
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
28 Jun 08
When/if Obama is elected... it should be abolished. It proves that if you work hard enough you can make something of yourself. That is the way it is and should be.
I know it happens but most of what I have seen where a minority thought something was discrimination was their own ignorance. I worked at a suit store near Washington, DC. 35% or more of the employees were minorities. A girl with tattoos and piercings who talked like a ghetto thug came into the store saying that we were racists because we wouldn't hire her. At the time there was 2 white males, a black male, a South American male, an Indonesian girl and a black male from Gana. I am pointing out that it was ignorance on her part. 1/3 were white and actually the minority when she decided to show her ignorance. You can't call a store racist if 2/3 of the employees are minorities at the time and in fact the majority. But this is just an example.
I know discrimination goes on. But does a minority really want to work where they will face discrimination? Personally if I knew I would be treated like crap I wouldn't want to work there.
As an employer you can say that I discriminate. But not because of color. If I had 2 equally qualified candidates I would hire the one that I would want to be around 10 hours a day. It would create a more positive environment. I could care less what color they were.
The day that I have to hire someone because of the color of their skin is the day I will lay someone off. I will and have given almost anyone a chance. I invested the time and money to start the company. I am the one who built it to what it is. Therefore no one is going to tell me who I am going to hire. When the law makers come and work for me for 14 hours a day in 90 degree heat, sweating their tail off with the sun beating down on them... then I might consider letting them tell me who to hire. Only because they are working with that person too.
There is a kid who picks up cans. I see him all of the time early in the morning. I figured if he is ambitious enough to get up at day break to pick up cans I could find something for him to do a couple of days a week. It would be more money than he made collecting cans. I offered him a job. He seemed skittish and very slow. He never called me about the job. I found out later that his parents were cousins and that is what is wrong with him. This guy is black. He is doing all that he can do and I wanted to make it easier for him. Maybe even teach him something so he can make more money than the cans. That was 4 years ago. If he wanted to work on Monday I would find something for him to do. If it was nothing more than cleaning out the truck while we worked.
There a lot of people who are able to work and live with their parents and do not work. I would hire a less qualified ambitious person before I hire a more qualified lazy person. I can teach someone with a willingness to learn. The lazy person will be nothing more than lazy. Which means I would rather have an ambitious minority than a lazy white person.
Affirmative action is a joke. It discriminates and does not work. If a person doesn't want to hire a minority they will not. It is as simple as that regardless of what the law states.
I understand why they have it but people will hire who they want to hire.
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@pickanameyourself (78)
• United States
29 Jun 08
This is assuming that the presidency is the greatest job to have. Lets face it, we gave that job to George W. Bush... TWICE! And I wouldn't have hired him as a fry cook, so it can't be considered THAT high of an office.
That said- affirmative action is out of date, at least where I live.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
30 Jun 08
If Obhama wins, I think it would be a good sign that race relations in America have reached a stage where one would call them mature. I think it would be even better if Obhama made it a point not to campaign as a "Black" candidate just as Tiger Woods does not play golf as a "Black" golfer.
Should affirmative action be abolished. Yes, definately. The idea is past its prime and although it may have been necessary back in the 1960s when ethnic minorities really had to campaign hard to make sure they were not shut out because of their ethnicity, the time has come for America to free itself of such constraints and allow people to succeed based purely on merit.
Having said that, racial prejudice still runs deep and let's face it, people do lose jobs because they are the wrong colour or the wrong religion. HOwever, instead of making employers and college admissions tutors hire based on being nice to minorities, we should probably make it easier for people to sue if they can prove they were discriminated against. There's a subtle difference. In the firt instance, I have to hire you because you are a certain colour and I need to fill certain quotas. In the second instance, you can sue if you can prove that I did not hire you specifically because I was a racist or against your religion. Let's make the prejudice the thing we combat and let people fight for jobs based on merit.
Personally, I think in the USA, White Liberals and Black Radicals have done Black people a great diservice by comming up with all sorts of ideas about government entitlement and how black people who succeed have become "race traitors." I read somewhere that Bill Cosby was considered a "Sell Out" because he plays a black family where he's a doctor and his wife is a lawyer. How is portraying black people as being professional and successful a sell out? Stopping this type of thinking is the route of making things better not forcing employers to hire based on colour.
@hoopgurl333 (67)
• United States
29 Jun 08
Affirmative action was put into affect during a time where many minority groups had little or no rights. The primary purpose was to get these minorities (the majority being women) to have access to employment and education opportunities. In the past, affirmative action was needed to ensure that minorities had a fair chance, today, however, it is reverse discrimination and Obama having a shot at becoming president is a perfect reason to end it. Unfortunately, racism and sexism will always exist with or without affirmative action. Denying more qualified people entry to a college or a job position based on skin color is just as racist as not allowing someone a position because of their skin color.