My goal : a blue star

United States
June 29, 2008 3:56am CST
I want to pose a question to all of you mylotters out there who have a blue star as their rating,How long did it take you to get a blue star on mylot?At what percent do you have to be at to get a blue star?How many discussions do you start each day?How many responses do you do each day?How many friends do you have on mylot?I am currently working as hard as I can on mylot to make money for me and my fiance,and also so I can try to reach my goal of a blue star,I have been on mylot for a little over two months I think,and though I do not start many discussions,when I do start one I try to make it as long as I can,and I do try to do at least twenty responses a day,and I make them as long as I possibly can,and I check discussions I have responded to at least once a day,so I can re respond to any that I need to re respond too,I am currently at a red star with a rating of 94,so if anyone can give me advice on how to reach my goal I would greatly appreciate it,and I would also greatly appreciate if anyone who responds take this discussion seriously because I really want to know what else I need to do in order to reach my goal.
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3 responses
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
29 Jun 08
I would be also keen to know. I have reached a yellow in 4 days since I started. But this has involved me being online for about 4-5 hours. I suppose the ratings would decrease if you stop posting for sometime,as people would then start going above you in the ratings.
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• United States
29 Jun 08
Thanks for responding,yeah I agree I have a red star, and I spend at least four or five hours a day on mylot, and you might have a point if you do not post anything for a while,then people might go ahead of you in the ratings,and it might take longer to get a high rating, but I do not think the rating would decrease,because I only think it decreases if you get rated negatively and maybe if you posts get deleted but I am not sure if that is true or not.
1 person likes this
• China
17 Jul 08
it's my goal too...but i don't know how to get a there anyone can teach me?
• United States
17 Jul 08
Well after a while I finally got my blue star so I will give you advice,do as many responses as you can,and make them as long as you can,and make as many discussions as you can,and try to get to a hundred posts as quickly as you can so that way you can get a star,thanks for responding,have a great day,good luck in your life,and Happy Posting.
• United States
18 Jul 08
Your are very welcome,and I am glad that my response helped you,and I know it is a very hard process,but as long as you work hard and keep trying you can make it to the blue star like I did,thanks for responding,have a great day,good luck in your life, and Happy Posting.
• China
18 Jul 08
thanks a lot!I think I get the answer after reading your response:).seems hard to me, but i will do my best.
@naseeha (1382)
• India
18 Jul 08
wow you got your blue star after starting this discussion. My goal is also the blue star but it is evading me. I am trying as much as i can wish me luck
• United States
18 Jul 08
Yeah I have been able to reach my goal because of working my butt of at making discussions and posting responses,and I am glad to hear that your goal is to get a blue star and do not worry,just do your best,and make your responses and discussions the best they can be,and you will reach a blue star,thanks for responding,have a great day,good luck with this goal and any other goal you set for yourself,and Happy Posting.