I am a Teacher and i am proud my profession
By mariaglenda
@mariaglenda (482)
15 responses
@fortknox75 (842)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
Hi mariaglenda, I commend you for choosing a very noble profession. Of course, you should be proud of it. You mold your students to become good citizens. I admire a lot of my teachers for dedicating their time to their professions and help us students learn.
Both my parents are teachers too, and I'm very proud of them.
Good luck on your profession, I know you enjoy it and I hope the government will provide more benefits to you. You, our teachers are our heroes...
Have a great day and have fun posting!

@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
wow really ... its true that being a teacher is not easy job we need more patient especially to our low learner student we have to know them well in order for us to adjust especially in academic.
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
29 Jun 08
Teachers make sure the next generation gets well educated and sociolized, so it is indeed noble and hard work. I admire teachers and am still pondering about becoming one after I finish this studies as I could get my grade within a year after this studies. It seems very fullfilling and great work.
Good for you and keep up te good work!
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
29 Jun 08
i think all jobs that are not illegal are noble. i am a pharmacist and i believe it's a noble profession. a doctor, and engineer... even a little boy who shines shoes in the streets just to make money in a decent way is noble the way i see it.
anyway, my boyfriend, just like you, is a teacher for handicaps. i really admire him for not just being a teacher to them but being a friend as well.
that's good to know that you are proud of your profession. you should be! the students' future is mostly based on people like you. what you teach and what they learn from you will help them determine who and what they wanna become in the future.
as for me, when i was still a student, i always respect my teachers even when they are the "terror" types. i admire their sincerity in their profession.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
wow gud to hear that you were proud to your profession and all kinds of job are descent expect illegal job ... and i admire your boyfriend for being a handicap teacher its not really easy than teaching highschool student.
@vrahulan (114)
• India
29 Jun 08
It was nice to hear that you have atmost respect for your profession. But in my view Teaching with total commitment can't be compared with anything in this world. I salute your boyfriend for being a teacher for Handicaps as it requires even more attention and patience than for normal students.
@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
I am salute to all teachers because I know that without them there would be no doctors, nurses, engineers, etc. Teachers are very important in our society especially in education.. I admire those teachers who are willing to sacrifice their selves especially those teachers here in the Philippines.. They don't get a high salary and big benefits but still they choose to stay here and teach.. In our university when I was in my college days, those who are taking up education as their course, they are seems not important in the universities.. It is because most who are education students are scholars and coming from the province.. Since, our school is the most popular school in our city then most students who are enrolled there are coming from a wealthy family.. The school also don't give much importance to the education students.. The school is in favor for other courses especially from the medical and nursing courses...
I just don't get it why there is bias in our school. They don't give importance to those who are in the education courses.. Maybe,the reason behind this is because the school are the one who is supporting their studies and the school don't get any benefits from them.. In the other hand, the other courses don't treat well to those in the education courses.. They don't value the course of education.. They think that all education students are nerd and ignorant.. I admit that when it comes to sport they are a loser because they never win.. But when it comes to academic they can never be beaten.. They always won in academic tournament.. That what makes the school proud because they always won..
I know the feeling of those education students because I am one of them.. I graduated this year on march 29.. During the graduation ceremony, we were at the back and during calling of the names of graduates we are at the last.. It is very hot at the back and boring waiting for your turn to be called.. But during the graduation, even we are sited at the back at least we feels that we are at the top because all the highest honors we the education students got them..All educations students got an honor during the graduation ceremony.. Any ways, even though that is how they treated us I still have so many happy memories in my college days.. Since, I have joined so many organizations I have so many friends in different courses.. We have a good relationship with each other.. I think it is up with us on how we would like other people will treat us..
Anyways, sad to say even though I am salute to all teachers in this world and even that I am an education graduate, still I am not decided to be a teacher.. Even though I had trained to be a professional teacher... I hate making lesson plans because it makes my head ache, I hate making exams because I know the students will failed, I hate giving an assignment because I know the students will not make it at home but rather copy from their classmates, I hate giving lectures because I know the students will just sleep and get bored, I hate making grades because I know I need to failed some of my students,and most of all I hate to say goodbye to my students after the end of the school year... I have experience all those things during my practicum.. It's hard to say goodbye to those students who gives you headache, those who makes you smile, and became your friends... Maybe, I am not yet ready to be a teacher..
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
thank you anyway .. all you need to do is to adjust slowly then love your job so everything is easy for you no matter how hard and risky the work is.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
29 Jun 08
My husband is a high school teacher, and in Australia this job is very undervalued. The general public here tends to think teachers are overpaid and have too many holidays - and yet the Department of Education is finding it really difficult to have enough new teachers trained, as young people tend to want a more lucrative profession, and don't wish to have a job where their authority has been taken from them and there is little control now in the classroom. Parents are expecting teachers to take on more and more responsibility, on top of teaching the curriculum - and a lot of teachers are burning out and unhappy. Many of them are now reaching retirement age, and there are not enough new teachers to fill the positions. Unless our government works out problems with staffing regulations, etc., I fear there will be a drastic teacher shortage in this country within the next five or ten years. As it is, there are very few male teachers now to be role models in primary schools - which is very sad, as so many children don't have good male role models in their lives.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
I am so sorry to hear it from you .... i hope i can be one of the teacher there in your country... i am a teacher in highschool too.

@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
2 Jul 08
you should be proud of what you are doing. With teachers like you, who would train and impart knowledge to the young children. From where I come from, there are those that teach in rural areas where they are paid less than the minimum wage and yet they remain there because they love and are proud of what they do. I admire and I am proud to have them in our country.
In general, we should all be proud of our chosen profession, no matter what we do as long as it is not illegal.:)

@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
2 Jul 08
Of course i am not one who are underpaid i do my work with dignity.. i am not using my prefeesion for my own benefits but i am molding a youth for the near future.

@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
I have high respect for them. I am a product of teachers both my parents are teachers in their profession and I think they both are proud to be one. Now they are retired and they are respected by many people as they have touched many young lives all their lives and many former students still connect with them and share their success stories with both my mother and father. Now I am adult I happen to be married to a teacher too. She teaches in an exclusive school though. But I have great respect and admiration for that profession.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
and you must be proud of them meaning to say they are already retired and people are respecting them during thieir days they treated student well as well as there co teacher and they are both gud teachers.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Jun 08
Hi mariaglenda, I admire you for choosing such a noble profession. If I had my life to live over now, I would want to be a teacher. You are educating young minds and molding future leaders, What job could be more important for young men and women alike. Blessings.
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
I am a teacher and though I am not teaching in a school I still consider myself one since I tutor kids, I teach my child and I am advocating responsible teaching.
Teaching is indeed a noble profession that is why I never think twice shifting to Education in college since I would want to teach anyway. I always believe in the adage that "There will be no engineers, doctors, lawyers or any other profession without a teacher" so in this case, we must be very careful with what and how we are teaching.
Let's face the truth that here in the Philippines, you will never get rich just by teaching so most of us seek employment abroad but other who are really resourceful write books, work as consultants and some put up their own schools. But then, teaching is basically not about money but in molding kids. I feel rewarded that even if I only get to see my tutees after their class or on weekends, they still love me so much that almost all of them recognize me everywhere we meet.
As for responsible teaching, we are molding kids to good human beings - we don't just teach them their grammar or their science and maths but we also set examples on how to be nice, how to be independent, etc.
For now, I am happy working in the backseat. There are a lot of teachers nowadays who doesn't deserve to be called as such but only remained in the profession because of the prestige and opportunity of being one. I've encountered a lot of teachers who are like these and I do hope they'll find it in their heart that they are corrupting the minds of their students and not really mentoring them into a better citizens that they must become.
@agihcam (1914)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
You have selected a nice profession. This work is a never ending studies. You need to remain competitive and study each day since student sometimes test their teacher's capability and you need to be ready for that. The future of kids depends on you, of course, as parents we do need to help you teaching our kids at home. Studying is a joint venture between parents and the teacher, yet you have much time for our kids since they are in the whole day with you, while only a few hours with us before they sleep. I proud of you being a teacher, keep it up and hope you can develop more and more strategies as to how to develop kids studies efficiently.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
thank you so much i hope so i can develop more and gain knowledge in order to share also to the students that i am teaching ... my profession is never ending studies and i am glad i am in this kind of profession that is why i am proud of my teaching profession.
@captainodie (95)
• China
29 Jun 08
My dream is being a university professor.I just passed the College Entrance Examination,and will be accepted by Liaoning Normal University.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
wow good to hear ... hope your dream come true as well as mine... i wanted to become a professor but ryt not i take up the highschool but still i can continue it when i pass teacher board examination sooner and thats the ryt time to continue my studies so i can master my major and i can mold my student well into a better person someday.
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
I have the highest regard to all teachers. My teachers have been good to me and I salute them.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
thats good to hear if you are proud for them continue what you are doing and blesssing will come after your way.
@djhybrid (94)
29 Jun 08
I am also a teacher and have worked in Asia and Europe. Teaching is a difficult job and teachers face a lot of pressure in their work from both the employer and from the students/parents' of students. I don't think teachers receive enough respect for the work they do but it's great when students thank me for the work I have done for them.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
actually teacher like us must understand sometimes situation between a lots of things especially dealing to our students , employer as well as the parents right? because usually they are also pressure by there work and our student get irritated so we have to analyze the both side in order for us to resolve the conflict or whatsoever.
@vrahulan (114)
• India
29 Jun 08
Madam I have greatest regard for my teachers. Both for their teaching and imparting values to us. One teacher who will be in my heart forever is my biology teacher. His name Mr. Thirumurugan. He used to wear only white pants and shirt everyday in School. We asked him why and the reply he gave us was out of this world. One day his teacher had said "Teaching and Nursing" are noble professions so white will be a good colour of Teaching also. So following his Guru's advice my Teacher used to wear White & White. And he kept his dress code even on the "School Day" celebrations when all other teachers dressed uniformly.I can say he is the one behind me having great respect for teachers. I always salute Teachers and most of all my MOM is a teacher too. So I hold them in high regard. Teachers shape the future of a kid and they are the most selfless persons in this world. After parents its the teachers who care for a kid's future. You can be proud of your Profession.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
wow gud to hear .. patient and virtue also with the teacher because its not really easy when you were talking and talking and nobody is listen to you but i believe that student listen to you if they find your topic is interested too and how do you handle them.
@paid2write (5201)
29 Jun 08
Yes I do admire people who are teachers. I think a teacher is a special sort of person, especially if you are a teacher of children. I know some teachers have a difficult job, when they work in poor communities or inner city areas where children and conditions may be more difficult.
There will always be some bad teachers, or ineffective ones, but I believe there will always be some who will influence the minds of those they teach and those who give hope and encouragement to their students, as well as knowledge.
@mariaglenda (482)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
i agree with you because i experience it already when i was in my elementary and highschool days during those time i hate to get inn to my room i usually stay out side then if it is important to take the quiz and oral then thats the time i m going to get inside. And now i dont want to happened it ,, i try to teach my student well and i itry to listen to both side if there are troubles to come.