Can I Borrow Your Ears For A Moment?

United States
June 29, 2008 11:37am CST
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I really need a good set of ears right now. I'm going through a lot of problems right now and I really don't have no one to just sit and listen, or stand and listen, whatever works for you. I'm always tired, weak and just run down and sluggish all the time. I forget things all day long and everyday. Oh my gosh the list goes on and on. I don't have any friends, I never want to get out of the bed, and at the same time I keep waking up all through the night. Can I get some feedback somebody, anybody?
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17 responses
@bdugas (3577)
• United States
29 Jun 08
When we go through a lot of problems, one right after the other it seems to stress us out, sometimes to the point of not being able to handle what faces us each day, you go to bed at night and as soon as you lay down all of the days problems start running through your head. It takes all I have in me sometimes after a day of fighting social security, the doctors my husband goes to, our problems in Louisiana where we lost our home to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, that is a nightmare that will never end for some of us. You should go to your doctor and tell her what is happening and she can give you something for the stress, she gave me doxepin so i could sleep at night. Stress will lead to more health problems, like the massive heart attack I had fighting all these people. He*ll half the time I don't even know what day it is, don't be afraid to ask for help, it is out there and we all need it sometimes as life suck if you let it. Do you really not have friends or is it that you think they don't care, maybe they dont' understand what you are going through. Like I said get help don't let the stress control your life.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
1 Jul 08
This might sound too simple, but try taking some B won't make a group of friends appear but it might give you the boost of energy you need. I work long hours at a very physically and mentally challeneging job and when i come home I basically do the same kinda thing at I get burnt out easily and I sometimes do not want to even deal with other people even though I know it might make me feel better....well when I notice I am getting so physically exhausted where I do not care about almost anything I take some B-12 or the B-complex vitamins and it helps. And I know what it is like feeling isolated. I used to have a million friends when I was younger, but they were the wrong I only have one good friend. It took awhile to find her but she is a great person. And I hope you find one just like her. What is keeping you from meeting anyone friendwise?
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@Juduka (118)
• Finland
30 Jun 08
What do you like to do? Meeting new people is easy at hobbies and functions when you at least have one sure subject to talk about. I noticed you're a member of Freebieforce. I haven't given it good consideration, but it is some sort of Network-Marketing company? Maybe some one upline would be interested in building a better relationship, business, team with you. After all Network Marketing is a business of appointments and relationships. What do you want from life? You have my ears.
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
1 Jul 08
I sometimes feel like that specially when i am being pressurize by something.I would just do things normally but my mind is somewhere.I got to use of it because thats what really i am when i am on stress.So i tried to deal with it by keeping myself busy and diverting whatever in my mind to something else.I guess you are just worried of something.Help yourself by doing stuff that would cheer you up.
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@nurseia (40)
• United States
30 Jun 08
You might have a thyroid condition which can be associated with weakness and depression. First,try going to your Dr. for help. In the meantime, try taking a multivitamin along with eating healthier foods. Get some fresh air and try a few exercises. I hope this helps.
• Philippines
1 Jul 08
have a hobby. walk in the park with fresh air. change your look. few inch of hair won't hurt. a fresh new you is the best. works very fine for me. keep away from things that makes you sad. whatever your religion is, always have faith. unload your stress by doing something worth. accomplishing little things helps a lot. forget thinking much. it doesn't help at all. write down your thoughts. your dreams, fantasies, heartaches, everything, anything. it's one way of releasing. look in the mirror and smile at yourself. do silly faces in front of it it's fun. do fun things. it's not bad to getaway from the world for a while. it is what we call searching for one's self.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Hi miracle, I suggest listen to any inspirational music, they are very uplifting, I do know if you believed it but just try it, they are soothing and very encouraging..DOn't feel that way, we are given trials because we know how to handle it...How about reaching our with old friends? or just write whatever you feel deep inside, if you want to cry, cry to relieved you! I hope by this time, you feel better! I am a month late!
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
30 Jun 08
it sounds like depression. for starters, wake up, eat a healthy breakfast, take ur vitamin, drink a cup of coffee, and go for a walk and smell the fresh air..get out of the house and do something. try to meet people and socialize in a cafe or coffee shop...or while walking say hi to the first person u run into...
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Jun 08
Sounds like hypothyroidism symptoms? But check it out with the doctor. An easy fix! (A pill in the morning with your vitamin to raise your thyroid hormone!)
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Jun 08
Try goin on myspace, add local people and become friends with them.. join a group like whats your favorite hobby? join a group that has that.. oyu know you can meet knew people
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• United States
29 Jun 08
What seems to be the problem?
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7 Aug 08
try seeking medical help, maybe it would help you. Or maybe you've done something not so good pulling you from getting a good night sleep.
@fearie (153)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
Hi, im fearie 21 from Philippines.. we're kind of alike. I dont really have friends too. Would you like to be my friend?
@Tom728 (175)
• United States
12 Oct 09
Try drinking tea. I love that stuff when I'm feeling out of it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jul 08
miracle you are showing the classic signs of depression. get to your primary care doctor and get a reference to a depression specialist who can help you lift yourself out of the depression. You sound like you should have a medical checkup also so do this for yourself. tired, sluggish, weak could be signs,early signs, of diabetes, believe me been there done that and your doctor can check for that and clear you if you do not have diabetes. something is making you tired and weak.But you do need to seek medical help now, do not wait, you can be helped.
@patms1 (521)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time of it. I know how hard it can be. I am sure many people will give you good advice but it seems to me you should try to find professional help. Would your doctor know of a person you can talk to? people mean well but from the sound of it you need some one who can not only listen to you but help you with your problems. please don't ashamed of needing some one to talk to. I have and I believe she saved my life. If you don't want any one to know look in telephone directory and find a medical help number and it may not cost you to much if any thing. Good Luck and God Bless
24 Jul 08
well what you need to do first is have a good attitude towards yourself....then you need to think to yourself you dont really need friends im not going to lie it wouldnt hurt to have one but you dont need them there nt mandatory.....then if you dont have a job get one that way you are occupied and get a pet that way you have some type of love and all you have to do is focus and you wont forget most of the time and the sleep in the night just go to sleep with a good meal and a good attitude and a goood thought