When did your child get their first haircut?
By liquorice
@liquorice (3887)
June 29, 2008 5:04pm CST
I'm having constant battles about this with certain people who think that at two and a half my daughter is well over-due for a trip to the hairdressers, where she should get her hair cut, shaped and generally tidied up !!
I'm more a fan of the natural look, especially for a two-year old, (who doesn't need to worry about her image, lol!), and anyway, to me her hair looks gorgeous. It's in perfect condition, it doesn't go in her eyes as I trim her fringe when it grows too long, and she has the loveliest curls at the ends, which would disappear if it was cut. Also, her hair seems to have grown naturally in layers (lucky thing!), and it suits her really well.
I'm not a great salon-going person myself, as you'll see from another discussion I've started(!), and I think that going for regular hair cuts at a hairdressers is unnecessary and much too frivalous a thing at such a young age.
What do you think?
When did your child have their first hair cut?
(Probably mainly applies to little girls, as most people like to keep boys' hair short - although I don't want to generalise).

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25 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Jun 08
My daughter is the same age as your daughter and she had her first haircut the other week! And it was not even a hair cut it was a tiny snippet! Basically I took her because she could not see out of the front of it and so I got her fringe sorted out and that was about it.
Her hair too is wild and gorgeous, again same as your daughter with a curl at the end which I agree with a proper cut would just disappear and go straight, her hair too is in layers. I am also not a hairdresser going person and indeed I had my first trim myself with my daughter for the first time in 8 or 9 years! I only had it done because I wanted a style instead of just a mop. I have been cutting mine myself for years but it has just become too long for me to be able to control properly!

@gemini_rose (16264)
5 Jul 08
I dont blame you, their hair is gorgeous until it is cut! I had mine cut first and let her see me having it done, once she realised it did not hurt she was fine.
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jul 08
It sounds like we have daughters with similar hair! So far I've managed to do the fringe myself, but because of the different layers I think even that might get confusing soon, as I think I've been cutting some of the layers thinking they are fringe, lol!
It's nice that you and your daughter went together. I suppose it might make it easier for the child if they see their mum having it done first. I think I will avoid going for as long as I can, and see if I can manage to do it myself when it becomes unavoidable!!

@pearlsychiu (91)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
When my eldest son had his haircut at one it was a total nightmare. My mother had to hold him to keep him still while he was shouting the whole time while his hair was being cut. The barber was really having a hard time, and he was a bit irritated at having to cut a baby's hair. If I had my way I wouldn't have consented to have his hair cut but unfortunately I was at work and my mom took care of my baby so, she took it upon herself to have my son's hair cut. Anyway, it won't happen again since my son is learning to use the scissors and he's cutting his own hair now. lol..
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
30 Jun 08
A decent barber would have refused to cut it.
I would never even think of doing something with my grandchild without my daughter's permission.
The self done hair cuts. Oh my, do I remember those. Like when my son cut his hair with my kitchen sheers. He did the front and his sister did the back. LOL
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jul 08
Oh dear, how horrible! That's one reason why I don't want to do the whole hairdresser thing. I agree, if the barber didn't wan to cut a baby's hair then he shouldn't have done it, rather than subjecting the baby to it.
Hmm, I would've been a bit annoyed with my mum for making the decision without consulting me that baby's hair had to be cut 

@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
30 Jun 08
Omg.... I got my daughters first haircut at age 4!
She didn't need it at age 2... like your daughter she had curls and her bangs were never a problem.
I don't think you should cut your daughters hair, unless you really feel she needs it. It's all in your hands mommmy... :)
As for my son, he got his first haircut when he turned 2, but he really didn't have curls or anything and it did get into his face or I would of waited as well... :)
@RLongislander (42)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I had my son's haircut when he was about a year and 2 months. He was so good and sat like a pro.
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
I just cut my child's bangs regularly. Both my kids were bald and even after a year, their hair is still short to be cut. Some people here in the Philippines believe that babies should be balded by age 1 so that their baby hair would be changed. I don't believe in this since my babies were already bald and I don't wanna wait for a long time just to regrow it.
I don't think you must listen to people telling you what to do with your child's appearance or your own appearance as it is never a measure if they will or you will look really good or you'll feel better.
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jul 08
Thanks for your reply. It sounds such a shame to shave kids heads at the age of one. I've heard about this before, and it was for religious reasons, which I suppose is fair enough, but I'm glad I didn't have to do that! I don't blame you for not doing this, and your kids look very beautiful :0)
Yes, thanks for your advice. I agree that other people shouldn't have a say in how my child looks, (and they should mind their own business!)
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
30 Jun 08
Both my sons were born with full heads of black hair and my younger son's was so long that it was over his ears.
I trimmed around his ears the day I took him home!
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jul 08
Ah, that's sweet! My daughter didn't have much hair when she was born so I didn't need to do that. Thanks for your answer.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Jun 08
Really now? I did not even trim my daughter's hair until she was already 4. The only reason I did it at all was to get the ends unragged, and I snipped off about half an inch from the bottom when it was wet. She does not have any bangs (or fringe), her hair is long and all one length. She has curls in the ends too, if I put hair product in it and scrunch it, it's even better.
I am afraid to take her to a salon anyway because some stylists do not listen when you say 'trim half an inch'. I have seen too many people either butcher their little girl's hair themselves or allow a stylist to do it and then PAY them. I believe in the natural look too, which is more or less a non-style. Sometimes I use hair pretties in her hair but most of the time I just leave it down. She has volume and texture, two things *I* do not have LOL!
When she gets older, I will probably take her to a stylist, but that's only because I do not trust my hand doing any more that a tiny straight across trim. I go see a stylist myself, but I tend to go to places like Supercuts or Fantastic Sams. I don't get a new cut and style or anything, just trims now and then.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I used to always ask for the stylist who was good at working with a moving target. They seem to get it right for some reason.
@ambkeb (782)
• United States
30 Jun 08
We took both our kids on their first birthday. My sons hair was so long and curling around his ears...so it needed done. Now we just shave his head and call it good. My dad takes him every once in a while when he goes to get his done and they do it together.
My daughters hair was so long when she was born (we could put it up in a small pony tail the day she was born..no exageration) by the time she was a year old her hair was so long...to her little but and constantly in her eyes. We left it long...but had the ends trimmed and her bangs and cut so it wouldnt be in her face constantly. She will be 2 month and is time for another haircut. LOL its back to her little but and we need to have her bangs fixed LOL. Im not very good at triming (she moves to much)and so it looks like she might have done it herself LOL.
But I say...if you arent having a problem keeping it clean and it isnt in her face all the time then keep it long. You and your daughter are the ones dealing with it...not them.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
29 Jun 08
I just have one child, a little boy, and I've been cutting his hair since he was tiny. I've never taken him anywhere to get it done, but I'm a licensed cosmetologist. I cut his hair for the first time, right after he got home from the hospital! He had this crazy long hair that covered his ears and when I brushed it down, it came down to his nose! I just trimmed off all the crazy ends. I game him his first complete haircut when he was about 3 months old, I think. I kept it really short when he was a baby, but lately, he's decided he likes it longer. He's 2.5 now. I'm not really sure why he likes it long, but it looks good on him, so we let it go. It's a bit shorter now than it is in my avatar picture, but that's basically the cut we keep now. I know it looks kind of like a bowl cut in that picture, but it's not! :)
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jul 08
It's nice that you're able to do it yourself, and it sounds like he needed it if it was so long and in his face!
It's nice that you let him choose now how to have his hair, and long hair can look really sweet on a boy. He looks very cute in his photo!

@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
29 Jun 08
well technically my kids (ages 5,3 and almost 1) have never had their hair cut professionally. with my girls, the two oldest, i kept their bangs trimmed so they would stay out of their eyes and that was about it. when my oldest was 3 I cut her hair straight across in the back. when it got down past her sholder blades it was constantly getting tangled. my middle one i cut her hair across the bottom too when she was 3. her hair was shorter on the sides and longer right down the middle because she used to twirl her hair around her finger when she was tired. she would twill it so tight that i could barely get her finger out and then it would be in such a knot i had to cut the end off :( lol. so that is how it became so uneven. so i evened it out. my son is almost a month and his hair really isn't very long. but his daddy keeps his buzzed short so i'm sure we'll do it to our son too. i think its rediculous to pay $15 for someone to cut my childs hair at this age. I'll save it for when they are in school and mommy made hair cuts aren't cool anymore lol.
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jul 08
Thanks for your answer.
It's reassuring to know that your daughter was 3 before you cut her hair properly. I like the idea of your little boy getting a buzz cut! Sounds like he won't be needing it for a while though.
Yes I agree it's ridiculous to pay high prices for a children's cut. I like the idea of cutting it myself, I do my own but not sure if I'm brave enough to try someone else's! However, I might try to do this if it becomes too unruly, so far it's ok.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
29 Jun 08
your lucky to not have to get your kids hair cut ealry in life, my son had to have his first hair cut at 6 weeks old cause he was born with a lto of hair and it didn't fall out. my sister inlaw wouldn't cut it beofre then, but when i was born mum had to have my hair trimmed at only 3 days old cause it was getting in my eyes.
i don't see much point in going to the hair dressers every 6 weeks, for trims. i've not been since the end of january, and that was before school started. i mainly do my son and partners hair my self with the clippers. saves time and money.
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jul 08
Sounds like you have full heads of hair in your family, sweet!
It's good that you do both your son's and partner's hair, I hope that I'm brave enough to do that when I need to. I don't see the point of taking her to a salon. Thanks for your answer.
@latriciajones (846)
• United States
30 Jun 08
i got my son's hair cut as soon as he turned one, well not me exactly, my mother actually took him and then when they were done she came up to my job and surprised me. when i saw him walk in the door he looked so handsome and he was so little and looked like a little man. i cried cause i felt like he was growing away from me.
@meganparsons_4 (97)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I think is so funny how everyone in this world think they know what is best for everyone else. Everyone is always so quick to judge or to prove that they are right. The way I look at it is, if her hair needs cut then get it cut. If you are not ready to get it cut then don't. If someone has a problem with your decision then they need to keep their comments to theirselves.
@liquorice (3887)
5 Jul 08
Thanks for your supportive reply! I agree completely and I think that you're talking a lot of common sense
. I don't think it needs cutting yet as it looks beautiful, so I won't get it cut yet. I think people often think they're being helpful making these suggestions, but they should think a bit more before they speak!

@qhwater (392)
• China
5 Jul 08
oh, i make the haircut for my baby by myself when he was about 2 monthes old. his hair is so good that many moms and childrens admire his hair very much. i also do not want to cut it. but summer was coming and it was so hot. then i decided to make the first haircut for him by myself.
i did it when he was asleep and i just use a scissors and a comb.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
We usually have a tradition here to have the first cut done on the first birthday of a baby. I really don't remember exactly when I had my son's haircut. But it most likely be on his first year.
It was a struggle to have my son's first haircut.
We had to restrain him so the barber can have a good cut.
He was so strong, that almost 3 people held him.
The next hair cuts were done by me while he was pre-occupied playing.
I would snap his hair unknowingly while he would play, and when he turns his head I would hide the scissors.
Good thing, he was able to go to a barbershop without crying anymore whenever he saw his father go to one. It becomes a bonding time for both of them.

@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
30 Jun 08
My son was pretty much bald until he was a year old so his first haircut didn't come until almost two. On the other extreme, my daughter was born with a full head of hair. She actually needed a trim when she was five months old which I carefully did myself. I think it's up to the parents to make that decision and whatever works best for the child too.
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
30 Jun 08
My son had his first haircut when he was six months old. It was growing like a weed and in his eyes and it looked messy. However, if I had a girl who had hair like you describe, I would leave it alone- possibly trim the bangs to keep them out of her eyes as you said. I don't see why everyone thinks it is their business to tell other people when to do what. She is your daughter and if you don't want to cut her hair, don't. I agree that it is not necessary to focus on vanity with children. Teaching her to love what she has and who she is is a much better lesson than making her feel like she has to work hard to look good for the benefit of others.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
30 Jun 08
my son was about 14 months old but he had very curly and very unruly hair so i wanted to just get it trimmed and shaped. form that point on i only get it cut when it needs a shaping or it looks messy. i do alot of the trimming myself at home and i also have trimmers. granted i am not formally trained but i do a pretty good job and it is another way that i save money.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
30 Jun 08
We,the Muslims,are required to arrange haircut of our babies on the 7th day of their birth.This is for both males and females.We also slaughter goats to distribute meat among the poor on this day.