When You Go Out Without Your Mobile Phone.....
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
June 29, 2008 7:04pm CST
... do you feel lost, without it? Do you feel as though you've lost contact with the world, or would you just pop into a phone box and make your calls, instead of texting on your mobile?
I feel quite lost without mine, because I send text messages, rather than phoning, and I don't need loose change to do so. My mobile is a "pay as you go" one, so I do have to limit myself, but I don't have to carry a pile of loose change around with me. I forgot mine today when I went out and I felt quite lost without it. However, when I got home, I had no messages, and hadn't found a real need to send any, so all was well.
How do you cope when you find you've left your mobile phone at home?
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54 responses
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
6 Jul 08
If me and my fiance go out of the house without the cell phone it does not usually bother,except for the fact,that I worry about how we would get a hold of someone if the blazer broke down,that is the main reason I like having the cell phone,seeing as I do not call that many people,and neither does my fiance.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Yeah that is a good point my friend,and though it is very rare that we go out without the other,but when we do I do feel like I am not in contact with her unless I have the cell phone,or unless I am with someone that has a cell phone.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
5 Jul 08
Though everyone around me...including drivers and people who collect the garbage have cell phones...I still don't have one. I don't even have a cordless because my husband won't get one. So, I'm quite used to moving out without a cell phone. And to think I was the tech savvy one who figured out all the new gadgets as soon as it entered the market....before I was married!
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Jul 08
I think it must be nice to have the freedom of being without a mobile phone, but I still think they're a great security asset, and invaluable if somebody in your family needs to get hold of you urgently. Nevertheless, we all have a choice my friend, and your choice is as good as anybody else's.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
6 Jul 08
I wouldn't call it freedom. I certainly do need a mobile. With a child in school (the younger one comes with me) and my husband in a travelling job and my parents staying in another continent, it's hard to rely only on a landline especially when I am not at home. When I'm out, I'm always worried that someone is trying to get in touch with me for some emergency.
When my older son fell down and fractured his leg at school at few months back, we were lucky it happened right around the time he was coming home and I was home to recieve the call....I can't imagine if it had happened earlier on in the day and they wouldn't be able to get to me because I was out of the house. There's no point calling my husband because he travels to work far away and wouldn't be able to get home on time to take him to the hospital. I'll be getting my mobile as soon as I get my first pay check.
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Jul 08
I make very few calls also, but when I'm out walking or travelling alone, I always like to have it with me in case of mishaps. I also need to be "live" in case of family problems or in case somebody needs to contact me about darts, but sometimes I can go for days, even weeks, with nothing on my mobile phone.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xxx

@2wicelot (2945)
30 Jun 08
I used to really get worried when I don't have my mobile phone with me. But these days I am not so worried. I copied out all the numbers to a diary and I keep every entry in the diary. I guess that is what has taken the worry away because I know whatever happens to the phone I would always have a back up.
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Jul 08
A very sensible move, I might add, which also gives you the chance to charge your phone whilst you're out, and obtain your freedom from needless calls. There are always phone boxes and pay phones you can use whilst out, as long as you have the numbers with you.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@2wicelot (2945)
2 Jul 08
You know I do use those phone boxes once in a while. I remember there was a time when you didn't want to take too long in the box because someone may be waiting to use the phone. These days it seems I can take as long as I like without worrying about that. Times have changed.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
1 Jul 08
Hi Darkwing! I used to feel so restless when I forgot my mobile phone. I felt, I am always missing out a call or a text message from my family, a friend or a client..but now, I am more relaxed. i really am not that antsy anymore when I forgot my mobile phone and there are times that I really don;t bring it anymore when I go out but my husband is the one who gets really pi$$ed when I don't bring my mobile phgone with me when I go out. haha..I think he doesn't like missing me when I am away for a few minutes and want to hear my voice everytime. haha..
Take care and God Bless!
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Jul 08
Awwwww... how sweet! Keep him baying at the door my friend, and if you want to go out without your mobile, do so. It can be a comfort to have it with you though, in case of emergency, or mishap, even if you don't switch it on.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xxx
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@alpha7 (1910)
• France
9 Jul 08
Well for security reasons,why not but remember almost all the victims in the 9/11 had mobile phones. So, know where you put your trust.I'm not saying it's not good but what i am saying is that another safer and better invention will soon be introduced.
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Oh wow..my cell phone is attached to my hand 24-7..hehehe.
I even sometimes sleep with it by my bed, I use it for my alarm clock everyday....I wake up to it better then an alarm clock..lol..I am very lost with out my phone..But manageing the trailer court like I do and deal with 19 renters some days my phone goes non stop..and then got the kids call all hours of the day and night...and then of course my boyfriends calls me everyday when he is on lunch break at work...So I know what ya mean being lost with out your phone...heck I even have to take mine to the bathroom with me because sure enough as soon as I close the bathroom door the phone will ring...hahaha..XXOO
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Jul 08
Lol... I think we can safely say that you are one hundred per cent reliant on your cell phone, my friend. That's not strange, because I put mine right by my pillow at night, on my bed, in case anybody needs to contact me urgently.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xx
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Hi Darkwing, Sorry been MIA for a while but am back. Will catch up on your discussions soon.
I rarely use my cell phone and when I do it's to talk with my hubby at work. It does come in handy when I need to check the time and if I need to catch a taxi instead of the bus, then I can call one right away.
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@Darkwing (21583)
23 Jul 08
No problem my friend. I haven't been here a lot as you can see by the age of my discussions. lol. Yes, I think it becomes a security thing to at least have your phone with you, even if you don't switch it on.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution. xx
@meleshia (624)
• Philippines
6 Jul 08
Hello Darkwing,I noticed that it's actually depends on who I'm with. If I go out and I'm with my partner, I don't mind not having my mobile phone with me. Because I would say there's no one more important who can call me. haha! If my mom needs us or something, she'll call my boyfriend's phone.
But otherwise, I always bring my phone with me. I don't mind losing contact to the world though. Sometimes I prefer it that way. 

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@Darkwing (21583)
6 Jul 08
Sensible reasoning, my friend. As long as one of you has a phone, people know where to find you, and if you find the need to contact others, you can.
Yes, there are times when you don't want to be available to the world, but at those times, you can always carry your phone with you and turn it off. Then if you need it, for whatever reason, all you have to do is go "live" again.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I used to never take a phone with me...but last year I started traveling more and needed it to contact my daughter who would meet me in different locations.....well now I have gotten used to it...and the sense of secutity it gives me....It's not that I need to talk on it all the time...for me it's a saftey factor and when I forget it I feel lost!
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@asawanialvin0611 (1877)
• Philippines
9 Jul 08
i feel like something is missing in my day
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@ellie333 (21016)
8 Jul 08
Hi Darkwing as all my numbers tend to be stored on my mobile phone even if I found a phonebox I wouldn't know the number to dial. I feel lost without it as I like to have on me in case of emergency. The last time I left it behind I was only gone half an hour to the school and in that time I had four missed calls so I always try to take with me when I can as the one time I don't I am needed. Ellie :D
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Jul 08
Wow... busy lady! Now, one of those calls may have been really urgent, so I can understand you feeling lost without it. Not only that, the person who is trying to contact you will be worrying about your well-being, such as I did when I was at yours.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xx

@mohammedi98 (80)
• India
8 Jul 08
i feel very much without my phone no one can disturb me and i fell very much free with out the cell phone. in the world now who dnt have an cell phone they the are lucky men beocz they can live there life in his own way. if dnt have an cellhopne they we can sleep very goodly beocz the cell will not ring. i feel very good without the cellphone
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Jul 08
Yes, that's all very true my friend, but if I don't want to be disturbed and yet want a feeling of security at the same time, I will take my mobile phone out with me, and keep it switched off until such time as I may need to make an emergency call. You don't have to be tied down, just because you have it with you.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
2 Jul 08
I go out with my phone all the time, I cant really separate myself from my phone for any minute-it is always here with me! Evn now a I post it is here!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
3 Jul 08
I don't have a mobile phone so I do not feel lost at all. I just have my house line and that is all I really want.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
5 Jul 08
Hi Pat,
I am one of those who seldom use my mobile phone. I basically keep it because I need some essential functions it provides.
Yet when I need to go without my mobile phone, I feel a little "lost" without it.
My world last time functioned normally without a mobile. But after so many years with a mobile, I am so used to having it around (even though I don't use it) that I feel uncomfortable when I need to go without it.
@mummymo (23706)
2 Jul 08
I panic - especially if my children aren't with me! It isn't just to make calls that I carry it but more so that I am always available if there are any problems with my kids or my Grandma! I have been on a contract for years but am changing to a pay as you go sim within the next couple of weeks as I cannot afford to keep paying the monthly bills - especially as I don't use all my minutes or texts! xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
3 Jul 08
I find pay as you go much easier and less costly my friend. You'll be making a good move to change. The phones cost more, but over time, they work out much less costly, and you only pay for what you need.
I agree that when you have young children and wish to know their whereabouts, a mobile phone is a must. It could save a lot of heartache. I think schools often use them now if your child is taken sick, or there's a problem of some kind, so you would need to have some sort of contact with them.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xxxx
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I use to have to carry two cells and a pager for work. Now I carry just a cell phone and sometimes not even that. I carry mine for the safety mainly. Mine is a family plan and we have loads of extra minutes. I do use mine most when I travel. That way I do not have to use someone else's long distance or call collect. I use my cell and talk all that I want because I have the extra minutes.
I do not even know how to text anyone. Can you believe that I am one of the few how do not text people.
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