Heaven & hell

@alokn99 (5717)
June 30, 2008 1:14pm CST
We have all our own visualisations of heaven and hell or how we have for a large part of our life imagined it be . Care to share some of these ?
2 responses
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Well as far as I can tell hell will be a never ending place of torment,heat,gnashing of teeth, fire,heat.And heaven will be pure bliss. Everything will be beautiful, everyone will live in harmony, no more pain, sorrow,heartache,crying.The Streets will be paved in gold.
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@tarachand (3895)
• India
29 Jul 08
Heaven and hell are here on terra firma itsef-rooted in the human mind, these are man made concepts as well as the concepts of God and Religion. I firmly believe that there is a creator, but why should he have made us in his own image? Maybe some other superior intelligence has been created in the image of God? Religion and God are too human punishment and are the result of human attributes of reward and punishment. In our lives we face good and bad experiences - many people appreciate and learn even from the bad experiences, many don't learn at all - and suffer the consequences, physically as well as mentally - this is their hell, those who learn to take the good and bad in their stride and live on their lives probably experience heaven in their minds..... Metaphysics and Theology are subjects that can't really be spoken of and understood in detail without exchange of views and opinions of the other person.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
29 Jul 08
Thanks for your insightful response and do agree on your views of Metaphysics and theology. The subjects have greatly interested me , but have very littl knowledge of them as a subject. My interest has been limited to theories and views but based on my own interpretations and experiences.