Ever think about this?

United States
July 1, 2008 9:40pm CST
A lot of people do a lot of gum chewing. I know I go through about a pack a week. If you really think about it, this can be an expensive habit. Gum is like a dollar or so for a pack, but if you chew it every week of the year, it will end up costing you a whoping fifty two plus dollars! that's crazy to think about. All the little things really add up. Luckily, I buy my gum in bulk from costco :). It reduces the cost by a lot, although you get stuck chewing the same flavor for a while.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I know the price is just ridiculous for what you get. I can't believe it's a buck or more at lots of places. I haven't chewed gum in years, but my grandson does. So what I do is buy that huge bulk pack for filling one of those home bubble-gum machines. It's only $5.00 for this huge amount of gum. I got the machine years ago, and now when he wants gum he puts his penny in and when it's full he gets to put it into his bigger bank. If we're going somewhere, I just stick a few into a ziplock and keep it in my purse. (He's only 5) There's lots of different flavors in it, and it sure is a lot cheaper!!
• United States
2 Jul 08
awww, what a great idea! And how cute! Maybe your grandson will learn the value of money froma young age :)