Man released from jail..after 10 years ....and was sent to jail within minutes..

July 3, 2008 9:17am CST
Indian national Ram Prakash,51 years.. was released from the Pakistani Jail..after 10 years.. held in the captive on the grounds of spying charges.. When he was brought to the border by the jail authorities, the Indian authorities did not allow him to cross the border citing reasons as “lack of identification and other requisite travelling documents”. He was therefore again sent to the jail from where he was released.. The Indian High commission says that they have not been informed by the Pakistani High commission on his release before hand. And what the officials blame each other, is the lack of communication..amongst themselves.. forms the rest of the article But has any one cared about the feelings of the man.. what thoughts would have run his mind.. when he learnt about his release.. his pleasent day with family members.. children.. his village..people.. For me, this is really absurd thing.. why to serve jail again even for a second..when he is not at fault.. What is your opinion on this kind of reluctant attitude by the officials.. Do still reconcile it, your fate.. or will you stand up to the officials and fight?
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4 responses
@arddi2007 (202)
• Albania
3 Jul 08
this is so unfair. there is injustice going on! if i was that person, once i got out of the jail, i would totally sue people who kept him in jail!
• India
3 Jul 08
Courageous you are.. and what you say is correct. Why to unnecessarily serve in jail... because of the fault of the authorities..
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Jul 08
not really keen on fighting but i guess i can say that he was really having a bad day that day when he was relased without no proper documents to support for..i understand what he feels its just that sometimes officials commits mistakes.. which i guess should not be the case here..what about hiring some lawyer on this??
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
4 Jul 08
I would attempt to fight but you can't fight this type of stupidity.. This again goes to the government officials and their lack of any kind of common sense.. I would not want to be a part of this kind of idiosy..
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
3 Jul 08
hrmmm. I really don't know what to say about this. It seems crazy, but also it seems good that they watch for these types of things. Now I don't agree with him going back to jail they should have gotten to the point and got it fixed. He might get lost in the system now or something. i would be really worried if i was him.