Good product for unblocking/unclogging pores...??

@DeniseH (130)
July 3, 2008 5:09pm CST
Hi all. I'm currently teking antobiotics to helo clear up my acne which seems to be doing the trick. But i still have constantly blocked up pores, its doesnt matter how much i wash they are always blocked. Anybody know any good products that really do unblock the pores?
3 responses
• United States
3 Jul 08
try proactive. I got some and it works great. It's about $20. Go to there site and order. My teen loves it to!
@DeniseH (130)
3 Jul 08
Thanks i'l go take a look at the webpage :)
@DeniseH (130)
4 Jul 08
I had a look at the website but it looked like they were over $50.. Looking for something cheaper at the moment :)
@realgem1 (260)
• India
9 Jul 08
There are lots of ways to avoid acne. I afree that you are taking antibiotics for that, yes id does work but i have a question, how long you keep taking it,once you stop it you will get it back. so again you will start taking phils which makes you spend money again and with lots of sideeffects. I have found this natural way that has worked for me and i am happy for that , so if you want to be like me that i would suggest you to act now and check this link right away,
@Nadura (44)
8 Jul 08
I always use Clean and Clear face wash and cleanser. Its the only product I've found that actually really helps my blocked pores and blackheads!