Do you let your children watch a lot of TV?
By naseeha
@naseeha (1382)
July 3, 2008 7:54pm CST
I do not let my kid watch tv a lot. I just read about the hazards of letting kids watch tv. I wanted to share it with you all .
Children are mainly exposed to television, television violence and television culture at home. Thus parents play a vital role in helping children to make sense of what they see on the television. These days television influences the lives of young children and it is only going to get worst with each passing year. It is very challenging for young children to make choices of what programs they should watch. Because of the lack of experience they need more help from adults. Pulling children away from television programs is a challenge. Children's media are designed to get attention and keep it.
Some Horrifying facts about media violence in children's lives: * By the end of elementary school, the average child will have seen 8,000 murders and 100,000 other violent acts in the media.
* Children's cartoons and action programs average more than 20 acts of violence per hour, compared with 5 acts per hour during prime-time hours.
* The sale of Mighty Morphin Power Ranger products (based on the extremely violent TV show) surpassed $1 billion in 1994.
* More than $3 billion of products related to the Star Wars movie have been sold worldwide.
* In one survey, more than 90% of teachers thought the Power Rangers led to increased violence among the children they taught.
Some Action Ideas:First of all as a parent, take charge. Develop guidelines for your child as to how much television she/he can watch. The less the television time the better it is. Since young children do not have the concept of time, deciding on the number of shows they can watch can be an option. Select programs that are designed to promote positive development and learning. Some experts suggest no more than an hour a day for young children. Experts have suggested a simple chart that parents can use with their children, for example: Plan for TV viewing for ____________________________
Day of week Picture of Show #1 Picture of Show #2
_________ Time: Time:
_________ Time: Time:Children as young as three years old can plan by drawing pictures of the show they plan to watch.
You can develop TV rules for home. Please make sure that as a parent you follow them as well and be consistent. You can come up with some rules as for example, TV only on weekends, no TV before school, no TV after dinner, no violent shows, etc. This plan of action will be more effective if you develop these rules with your child because she/he will feel that her/his voice is heard. The more meaningful and understandable a rule is for a child, the more likely it will work.
Keep television out of your child's bedroom. The best place is the family room. Watch television together as a family when you can. Talk about what your child sees on the television.
Parents are role models for their children. So refrain from making television your prime source of recreation. This will encourage your child to look for other options rather than watch television for recreation. Inculcate healthy habits like enjoying outdoor activities or help she/he develop a hobby like stamp collection, painting, star gazing, learning to play a musical instrument, etc.
Try not to buy products which may include clothes, backpacks, shoes, besides toys--that are directly linked to violent television shows or are advertised during violent programs. Remember, choose toys that promote creativity.
Help your child understand a true meaning of hero-that the real heroes are those who work hard and make a world a better place for example, parents, teachers, doctors, firefighters, etc. are real heroes.
Interact with your child's teacher. Ask her as to what is her plan of action if some children in the class constantly talk about violent television programs and exhibit violent behavior as a result of watching such programs. Network with other parents and your child's teacher to reduce the negative aspects of the media culture in the wider society. Express your opinions and your concerns to the local TV stations.
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7 responses
@nadams80 (77)
4 Jul 08
My daughter is not yet 2 years old so she doesn't really watch tv for any extended time as her concentration span is not that long, for tv anyway.
The only thing that can keep her still for more that 15 minutes is Barney. She enjoys Barney and as it is not violent and teaches some good lessions, like exercise and being clean I don't mind letting her watch that.
As young as she is she imitates her favouite character Barney. She does execises that Barney does and brushes her teeth like Barney does.
But I think it's easy to fall into the trap of letting your kids watch just anything. When my husband and I watch tv my daughter is usually around. Sometimes I force my husband to change the channel if there is alot of vulgar language. And when you are busy and the kids are troubling tv is an easy distraction.
So currently my daughter doesn't really watch too much tv, but as she grows older I'm sure that will change. I hope I will be able to limit or control what she watches as I agree that there is too much violence on tv and it does influence the behavior of children. If Barney can influence a child under 2 years, I can only imagine the influence of Power Ranges and other violent characters on older children.
@Mainframeguy (200)
4 Jul 08
there's a clasic send up of the barney song out there on the intrawebs - something like "I hate you you hate me we're a dysfunctional family...." it goes on and the first time someone sang it to me I found it hilarious!
@naseeha (1382)
• India
5 Jul 08
Yes what you have said is very true. I am trying to control what my kid watches but as we live in a big family the tv is on most of the time and he gets to watch tv whenever it is on. ANd one person or the other is watching tv throughout the day. So it is difficult for me to regulate what he watches.
@marzac (17)
• Moldova
5 Jul 08
I do not have children yet, but I don't think I would let my children watch all the trash they put on TV. Unfortunately, children's character is very vulnerable and very much influenced by what they see on TV.
That is why, when I will have a child, I will pay a lot of attention at what s/he is watching ! :)
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
4 Jul 08
I don't agree with this at all. Watching TV, with all its nearly unacceptable fare, is not what I would want my children to do. They are much better off reading books or playing games or just doing work around the house.
Research has shown that TV encourages violence and false values among children.
I myself don't watch some of the TV shows because of this.
Its so bad I think a good idea is to ban your children from the TV altogether.
They might grow up better that way.
@agihcam (1914)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
Before schooling, my kids is so addicted in watching televisions. They started at 8 in the morning until in the evening. But when the classes started, we refrain them from watching that much. They love to watch cartoons and drama series. They can only watch TV right now after they arrived from school and good only for an hour, then the home tutorials will start. After the lessons and assignments, they will be go to bed after dinner.
They can have more time to watch TV during Saturday and Sunday only but that was depend if their homeworks has been completed already, if not then they need to complete it first.
We are pulling out the antenna cable from back of the TV sets so that they cannot watch, it is difficult to attach by the kids since it needs to screw at the back.
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@victorwrede (2)
• Argentina
4 Jul 08
Hola amigos, EL problema de la televisiòn no es la television, en si, es un aparato viejo, y casi es como un mueble en la casa, el promebla que representa la televisiòn, no es mas que el problema que la sociedad mundial tiene, programas mediocres de concursos de preeguntas y respuesta, los programas eròticos en cualquier horario, la mala programaciòn mundial es en si el problema, cuado mayor es dicho problema si se trata denuestros hijos, pero mas alla de eso, los principales consumidores somos los mayores, los niños son un producto de nuestras actitudes, la violencia que se ve en la TV es la violencia de guerra y muerte, que se ve en el mundo, por que el ser humano ha tomado una cruzada contra si mismo, nos degradamos al maximo solo en busca de una poco de fama, no es prudente que los chicos miren tanta tlevision basura, pero en tal caso nosotros que somos los mayores mas alla de prohibir que la vean creo que debemos hacer un analisis y pensar cuando y cuanto nosotros influimos en desde la posiciòn de televidente hacemos el producto mediocre que hoy en dia se ve, y que tantoadolescente como niños, por logica tambien tienen delante de sus ojos, el ser humano se recrea a si mismo en todos los actos. saludos hasta la proxima