How can I convince my granddaughter to lose weight? She's obese!
By Morning Girl
@salonga (27775)
July 4, 2008 1:59am CST
My first granddaughter was so beautiful when she was born. She was our princes and so many people admire her angelic look, however, as years go by the once angelic baby becomes plump and obese and we can't encourage her to cut down on her food no matter how hard we tried. I have already promised so many rewards to her but to no avail. Could you give me an effective way to convince her? I'm worried about her health!!!
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14 responses
@ynigz1 (472)
• China
5 Jul 08
Maybe you can give some soup to her before her have meal. And can lead her to do some activities like swimming, runing, then to lose her weight. Give some soup to her, is that let her stomach full before the meal, then she won't each very much at the meal. Doing so exercis can make her healthy. I hope this can help you, and hope you can get more and more good advise here, wish your granddaughter will be a beautifull and healthy child again.
• United States
4 Jul 08
the more you say to her the worse it will be. my mother rode me all my life about my weight & if anything it made m more rebelious. you shouldn't compare the two girls i'm sure the one who u think needs to lose weight resents that to. u may not do it in front of her but she can tell. it's all up to her to change. she will when she makes her mind to.
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I can definitely tell that you are concerned and worried for her. But what you can't/shouldn't do is make her feel worse about herself. She is still that innocent lovely child, no matter what her weight is, and no matter what she looks like. I can speak from experience, when people, including family pressure me, or say things that are hurtful, it only makes me feel worse about myself. I end up starving myself, and eventually when I eat normal again I gain the weight back plus some. So it is so very important to be tactful, because if you aren't you might make her feel so hopeless and depressed that you will have much more serious problems with her than her weight.
So my advice I guess is, you can't convince someone to lose weight, it really is a losing battle. The times I have had the most success have been when people weren't making me feel bad about myself and pressuring me to lose weight. The fact is, if talk did any good nobody would have weight problems. Look at how much the media talks about it, yet people are still gaining weight everyday. This is a much bigger issue than weight. It is the result of low self esteem, social stigma, etc.
I know to you this is a health issue, but to your granddaughter, it is her reality, she probably deals more with the social consequences than the health consequences at this point, and if she is anything like me, she would like nothing more than to lose weight. But that is not as easy as people try to make it sound.
I am not at all trying to be disrespectful, I am simply stating some of the things that I have never been able to voice to people in my life.
If you have the opportunity, maybe you could sit down and talk to her, on a deeper level, about how she feels. With no judgement, no asking what she eats or how much she eats. Just sit down and have an honest talk, listen to what she has to say, ask her to open up, and let her know that you love her no matter what. Definitely tell her that you are concerned with her health, but also let her know that you want her to be happy. What she needs at this point is to know that she has unconditional love and support.
And also, try not to send mixed signals, I know in my experience I have been told to not eat something and then they will bring it in the house. Nothing is worse than being told not to do something, then have it put in front of your face, it is humiliating in a way. And I have known many people who have faced this kind of situation.
Again, this is not coming from a judgemental place, it's coming from personal experience, I certainly can't tell you what your granddaughter is feeling, because I don't know her, but I can give you a glimpse into some of what she could be feeling. Scared. Uncomfortable. Self Conscious. Hopeless. Out of Control. Rejected.
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@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I am so glad that you take note of my view. I was so worried that I was going to come off really hypersensitive or offensive. Sometimes I feel like screaming at people around me, but I am a nice person, and try to keep to myself. But I really was trying to speak from experience, but not come off as mean, because I do understand that you must love her so much and just want to best for her. Then there is that part of me that wishes someone would have told my family 10-11 years ago that some of the things they said and did would only make matters worse, but I can't even get them to understand this even now. So if I even gave you a little insight I am happy. You should do what you think is right though, we all should, and I would never tell someone otherwise. I just give people the knowledge I have from experience and education.
I really do sincerely hope that you can help her, because I wish I could be 14 again, and do things differently, knowing what I know now. She deserves to be happy and healthy, there is no question about that.

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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
15 Jul 08
OK so you feel that your 14 yr old grandaughter has become obese correct ?
Have you taken her to a pediatrician and made sure that there are no metabolism issues or other issues that could effect her weight.
If so and she checks out fine and the pediatrician says she needs to lose weight then at that point you change the whole diet of the house hold. Don't buy the soda switch to diet and bottled flavored water. Stop buying chips and dip and cookies and candies. Only buy healthly food for the house and stop eating out if you all do that alot.
If she is not interested in doing exercise trick her into something that is fun but exercise. The playstations 2 has a game called Dance Dance Revolution and it's exercise but fun .. If you have a ps2 get it for her but say I got this game and didn't want to look stupid could you help me out here make sure to get two mats and then do it side by side..
What ever you do with a teenager you have to make it fun and not work or else it won't work ...
Little note of advice
I remember when I was a size six my mom was a size 0 to 1.. She felt that I should be able to get down to a zero even though I was 5'2" and 125lbs I could never get down any further and that is due to my body structure. I have spoken with my family doctor now that I'm older and say that I should stay between 130-145lbs becuase of my body build and bone structure. So while I was a size 6 she was trying to make me a size 0 or 1 and I couldn't do it she literally starved me buy making me drink only slimfast every day except for when I was in school also little did everyone know I had a metabolism issue but wasn't affected by it that much because I was constitently on the go. I worked hard everyday ... My mom forced weight loss on my when I didn't need it and I resented her for it and purposely would try and sabotage it. You can't force a teen to do something that she doesn't want you have to try and get her to realize that she wants to do it and make it fun and most of all don't harp on her weight. Becuase that will just make things worse than what they are along with give lower self esteem issues.
In my opinion the best thing to do is change everyone's diet. It will be rough and there will be moaning and groaning but that is where the start is and instead of eating three meals break it into five small meals. Your body them is able to break it down better because your not having spikes of sugar in your body your having a even platue of it.
I have been a gestational diabetic and I have a metabolism problem that has gotten worse the older I have gotten and I have a lot of experience with dieticians and there advice .. If your going to have a pasta night or pasta in general for that matter make sure to use whole wheat pasta it's better for you .. change your bread to whole wheat or grians, increase your veggies in the house. Like I the first place to start is with what you eat and it's a life style change not just a minor while I am losing weight. Now mind you, your can't completely remove the foods that you love like pizza. But you can limit that I will have a slice of cake on sat and sun those will be my free days that I can indulge but with limitation. Because when you refuse yourself something that you love when you get a chance to eat it then you binge on it and end up eating more of it than that is good. So start that food change over and see where it goes and try getting video games for the system she has if she has one that are interactive and have her exercising. Also you can try enrolling her into an activity of her choice. Try horse back riding it's great for the inner and outer thighs.. I did that for many years.
Take care and good luck with your grandaughter.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
You have posted a lot of helpful information and I appreciate it really! I've noted them and will do as advised. Thanks a lot.
@fafinette79 (943)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Every good mother is worried about their children and their grandchildren, so I can understand how you feel. Being overweight is not just about how someone looks, but it also affects a person's health. You're worried that she would have problems and you wouldn't want to see her go through that. Even though I understand how you feel, you must understand your granddaughter. Most overweight people eat because they are unhappy with themselves or how others treat them. The more you show your diapproval, the more she will probably eat. The best way to approach this is to leave it alone. Believe me, I've been there. She knows that she's overweight and she knows that it's unhealthy for her to be this way. She probably is more concerned about her weight than you are. Just support her in all that she does, and if she needs your help then she will ask. Say positive things about her and her looks. Compliment her on the things you like the best about her and leave negative remarks out. You'll be surprised what she would do. By the way I lost 50 pounds.
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@fafinette79 (943)
• United States
5 Jul 08
No problem. All the women in my family are overweight and all of them continue to struggle with weight. I'm the smallest of them all and they still say negative comments if they notice I have gained a little weight when they haven't seen me for a while. I lost weight because both my mom and dad suffered from high blood pressure and I didn't want that to be me. All the doctors that I have seen compliment me on how overly normal my blood pressure is now. They say they know people who are the perfect weight for their height (by study standards) and still have high blood pressure and cholesterol. It's all about treating your body right and releasing stress.
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@marielagordita (76)
• United States
4 Jul 08
Hi Salonga(if thats your name, if not, sorry)
No offense to you, but i didnt get a good feeling when you said "she was so beautiful and she was our princess". do you mean just because she is obese/overweight she's not beautiful? she's not your princess. Maybe i took it wrong, if i did, im sorry. But look she's never going to lose weight. okay now that you've read that, first thing she needs to do before loosing weight; she needs to love herself! my guess is she's probably somewhat depressed or just loves fatty foods. Look life is short, you can only do so much. it's her life, you can show her facts, take her to museams of obesity or something show her everything, promise her great rewards. none of that will stick in her mind no matter how good, bad it sounds. she needs to love herself and WANT to change. you cannot force her because with obese people some of them are depressed and when they get or are depressed they eat more. In the meanwhile, you can let her eat how much ever she wants. Do this.. Buy Reduced fat milk or Soymilk.. it's so good! lol Subsititute fatty foods for low-fat foods. Put more fruits & veggies in her house She can make her own fruit smoothies with ice cream or just fat free milk. Instead of fried chicken/foods. Bake foods or boil. Try weight watchers food if shes over 18. She can have chips, pizza, burgers, this and that. it's mostly about the proportions. for example, if she wants to eat a double cheeseburger with fries and a large sprite. how about you get her a regular cheese burger with or without cheese, no fries and a small sprite.
Exersize is key. you cant really expect her to loose weight by just eating right and sitting on her butt
So lets take a 5 day week assuming she has school or work in that week.
First choose a cheat date. a cheat date she can eat anything she wants but work out an extra 10-15 minutes or more! the next day when she exersizes! on the cheat day you can relax.
Lets say Wednesday is her cheat day.
AM workout(situps leg stretches, side crunches,touch your toes and if she wants a brisk walk around the block 2 times maybe even a run), PM workout(walking, or running on a tredmill) situps, side crunches, touch your toes, leg stretches)
Wednesday: Cheat day
Thats just a feel of how she should start off. Also for walking, running. dont overdo it start off walking pace yourself then for running dont run for more than an hour. at least have her work out an hour a day maybe once or twice a day.
and try getting some good healthy food from healthy choice. or low calories foods... and substitute foods like regular mayo to low fat.. instead of ordering pizza make your own with veggies or low fat cheese ect ect..
I like this website she has moving images of the workouts and i think videos too.
hope it helps! if anything just PM me.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
5 Jul 08
Well I would admit, to me, she no longer looks as beautiful as before though her face still is angelic but a plumpy angel I should say. But she is still a princess to me and this is the reason I am so concern not just because of the outside beauty that has been affected but her health more than anything else. Obesity could kill and I'm afraid of that.
Well, you've given so many tips and I thank you so much for these. I believe these are very helpful.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Show her all of the health problems she will have if she does not lose that weight. When I gained weight, I was having so many health problems. I had acid reflex, bad knees, and the heals of my feet dropped. I tell you, getting heavy was the worse thing ever. My Asthma was also bad when I was fat. Once I began losing weight, my health improved. I lost at least 40 pounds in 3 or 4 months.
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@spyjob (214)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
My daughter who is 9 years old weighs 51kls or 112lbs and her pediatrician says she's overweight but the height of 5 ft. is just enough if we compute height versus weight but her age suggests she's overweight. I am constantly reminding her to choose the food she's eating and I think we cannot persuade them but it has to be their own will to shed some pounds. I remember she was considered to be a school muse, she's worried about her big tummy and that makes her began thinking of going on diet. She's now indulge on badminton and must be the reason she's losing weight gradually.
Obesity if left untreated can led to some health problems, and we are very aware of that. Sometimes it became the reason of low self-esteem for teenagers as they become the laughing stock of their peers. There must be one good reason for her to have the will to lose weight.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
Yes, that is my very concern. The health implication more than the looks. I hope I could find one good reason that could convince her. Thank you for your good views.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jul 08
first off health is one issue but she should stillbe your princess or did she lose that right because she gained weight. she is fourteen and started in teen years, she is full of
hormones, she probablyhates how she looks and is angry because she thinks you no longer love her as the princess, look at this'
from her viewpoint and have a little symp;athy. i was a plump kid at fourteen and being called nasty names and being made fun of by my folks did not do one thing to help me lose weight, but my gym teache clued me in that I was not ugly and that all I needed to do was lose a few p;ounds and she taught me exercises and how to eat healthy foods and praised me so I wanted to please her and myself. I lost the weight because of her help; and she did not look down on me or call me obese. that word itself could make or break the relationship between you and your granddaughter. tell her she is pretty and should lose weight because of her health, do not belittle her, it does not work believe me, it does not work.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
5 Jul 08
She is still my princes, definitely! Thank you for those good tips.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
4 Jul 08
You don't say how old your granddaughter is but the most important thing is that you don't want to hurt her feelings. She's aware that she is overweight but she is going to have to want to make changes before she'll be successful.
Suggestions for ways to convince her? Well, since you've already offered rewards that's not working very well so maybe you could volunteer to be her diet and/or exercise buddy. Would she agree to meeting with you a few times each week to do something fun? Or try a new diet plan with you? It may be that now is not the time but eventually she will have the desire to make a change and, with that desire, will come determination.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
She just turned 14 last June 10 and am really worried coz she does not seem to care. I've already tried getting her join me in my jogging but she's too lazy to wake up very early. Maybe I should try making a new diet plan. Thanks for your suggestions.
@superrrcreep (214)
• United States
4 Jul 08
let me tell you. you cant convince her. I'm overweight myself. i'm 5'5 and i weigh 170 pounds. my mom has tried every trick in a book. she used to try and bribe me. but it doesnt work unless you want it for you. I have always been comfortable with myself, and i couldnt understand why my mother was trying to change me. and it hurt our relationship. if you want to help your granddaughter. and keep a loving relationship. you have to just support her. go for walks. offer to join a gym together. if she wants to. dont force anything. sometimes i would eat just to spite my mother. clearly that didnt help either of us.
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@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
11 Jul 08
She "was" so beautiful when she was born? She "was" your princess? Reread your comments; the answer to why you can't bribe your granddaughter to thinness is there.
@trishasantos (1297)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
I'm a little obese too.. But I get into sports.. and I started losing weight...
try to make her get involve into sports, in tennis you sweat a lot... or dancing... if you like indoor activities... Nintendo Wii... then ask her to play, I think Nintendo Wii have this game like it was an aerobic class, don't know what it's called... get that game then join her... you even lose some weight too and have bonding moments with her...
hope that could help... :)
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
I hope I could convince her to go into sports... yes, you are right sweating a lot could really help. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!