when a teen gets pregnant, whose fault is it, hers or the parents?

July 4, 2008 3:46am CST
i see that many teens are getting pregnant today, it's like a trend. i don't want to judge them, everyone makes mistakes right? but i wonder why some kids grow up well, get good grades and besuccessful, while others get pregnant, this doesn't mean that they'll not be successful but the babies of this teenage moms are most affected especially if the father doesn't acknowledge them. sometimes parents are blaming schools and i just laugh, i mean what happens at home is more important than blaming the school. should we blame the youngsters? because it was their choice in the first place?
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20 responses
• United States
4 Jul 08
pregnant teen - Photo mathcing this discussion,about teen pregnancy, whos fault is it?
Hi soheavenlyme,In my opinnion, It could be either one. I think some parents work veary hard to instill good morals and values in their childrens head,and i think it works for some kids.. I think somtimes no matter how much time a parents puts into instilling the morals and values, the kids still make the choice to rebell. And then there are some of thoes cases were the parents really just dont care,dont wathc w hat there kids do,and allow them to have these boyfirend knowing what they are doing... Anyways, I dont think that If my daughter got pregnant i would be taking the time to blame anyone for it, i would be more worried about getting my daughter mentally ready to take care of a child,And show her all i know, If my daughter gets pregnant young, I will be disapointed,because i want so much for her,but im not ganna sit around and blame her and make her feel like crap all day...
• Philippines
5 Jul 08
you are a good parent, yeah, since you can't do anything about it, why not just accept it?
@msedge (4011)
• United States
16 Jul 08
It could be both fault.It might be lack of guidance and advices or the teen herself would not listen to their parents and stubbornly do what she wants.Regrets always comes at the end so teens should know that its not good for them to have early pregnancy.
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@amitpuri (457)
• India
4 Jul 08
I think it is both the parents and the school responsible for that, as the atmosphere that is given to a child starts from the home,so they need to provide a healthy enviornment and the proper knowledge and care to the child in this regard. Secondly schools proving very wrong of their part by putting all the responsibilities on the parents that ain't the right thing either.Parents send their children to the school so that they can let their children flourish with the proper knowledge.So what i think is both the parents and school must give the proper education to children so that they can come to know what is right for them,specially teens need to be given proper knowledge and concern in this regard.
@tschu8 (136)
• United States
5 Jul 08
A school and a parent can only do so much. I believe it is a parents job to teach about the facts of life and then you send your teenage child into the world and hope that they use all that you and the school has taught to them. But in the end, teenagers and adults alike make their final decisions in what they do. I was pregnant with my first child at 16 and will never blame the school or my parents. My father forbid me to date this guy but by trying to prevent this it made me see him more. Because I wanted to make my own decisions. And I did and I now have a 17 year old son that I till this day have a great relationship with. I do not ever regret the fact that I did get pregnant at 16. I DO believe that teenagers should definately wait but if this situation happens I do not think that anyone should be pointing fingers. There are more important things to deal with if and when a situation like this occurs. A parent can only do so much and the child needs to make the final decision. And if you ever find yourself in this situation with your children, it is ok to let them know that this is not what you wanted for them, but it is more important to let them know that you are still there for them and stand by their side. My mother was a great mother before my pregnancy and she stood by myside afer and right on till this day 17 years and 2 more kids later. She is amazing.
• Philippines
5 Jul 08
If my daughter, a teenager got pregnant, I will blame myself. Maybe I'm too confident that it would not happen to her. Like the case of my friend. She allows her daughter to have a boyfriend at an early age, 15., now at 17, she's pregnant. As parent we should impose limitations to these teenagers. But first, we should teach them to have fear with God. They should be with us attending bible meetings. This should be done at an early age. They should be trained to bible principles and be selective in having friends, those who have fear with Jehovah God.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I think the parents need to talk more with their children on this subject. Instead they ae all imbarrissed. The child needs to know what could happen and about birth control. They will do what they will do anyway. But at least if they know how to use birth control its may help them to not become pg. You can not blame the parents. Even children who have been taufht about birth control somtimes end up pg.
5 Jul 08
Maybe it can be the fathers fault too - just a thought. Also fault implies it is a bad thing which is horrible - I'd prefer it were soemthing to be celebrated. Just because they are in their teens does not make it wrong, not at all.
5 Jul 08
Celebrated like any pregnancy should be celebrated, just the same as a mother of any age has the right. If you mean underage prgnancy then SAY SO. I know of two women in my family (and anyone pregnant is to my mind a woman and not a girl by definition). They were both nineteen, one was my sister and the other her daughter, and in both cases it was simply a happy time for the family. If you want to criticize that then I think you are wrong.
• Philippines
5 Jul 08
celebrated? so it's like we are glorifying teen pregnancy? i have known so many teen age moms, they said they dont regret it because they don't want to hurt their child,but they always say that they'd rather had a child later.
@qhwater (392)
• China
4 Jul 08
every time i saw this kind of news, i feel awlfully sorry, for the child, for the teenage mom, for her parents and for the whole society. i think all of those parts should take the responsibility. anyway, parents should educate their children quite well. make sure they have right attitude to the world and life. never make bad samples for the children.
• Philippines
6 Jul 08
I agree with you qhwater, all of us in the society should take the responsibility. Specially nowadays, we are living in the last days that's hard to deal with. As parent let's exercise our authority by having family rules and enforced them promptly. If the rules are broken, enforce the consequences quickly, in a calm manner before we administer any discipline.
@navtech (1773)
• India
4 Jul 08
Dear soheavenlyme, Teens are getting pregnant today. Who should be blamed. 1. Definitely, school is not responsible because school teaches the teens how to make progress in life and educate them on different fields, improve their knowledge. Nowhere school teaches the teens to get pregnant before marriage. 2. Parents never want their children to get pregnant before marriage. But certain family adopt progressive outlook and without their knowledge, they infuse the feeling in teens mind that getting pregnant before marriage is O.K. Such a situation teens go out of control because they consider that their family would not mind. They do not care about the society and consequences of getting pregnant. On the whole no parents want their children to get pregnant before marriage. Therefore parents cannot be blamed. 3. Teens go out of control and get pregnant because of their own outlook and character and their family atmoshper. Therefore teens should be wholly and fully responsible for their actions, neither parents nor school.
• Philippines
5 Jul 08
family is very influential in a growing child, i think if a child turns into something, the family has a little responsibility in that. but there are some teens that grow well even if they come from a broken family, so i guess it's just good decision making for the teens right?
• Australia
9 Aug 08
While I don't think teens should be aiming to become parents while still a teenager, there is no real place for the blame to lie. No matter how well our kids are educated about something, they are still going to be curious about it and have to make their own mistakes before they can really learn what life is about. I was 18 when I first got pregnant, but lost that baby, and there was no way I was ready to be a mum. I would've gotten ready though because even when I did have a baby at 22, I had to, but it would have been so hard. I would have had very little support from family, and none from friends, and basically would have been going it alone. I now have 4 kids (#5 on the way) and I still feel as though I'm not ready for being a mother, but I know that I am ready for it, and that I am getting better at it with each passing day. Even after 5 years (since my first was born), there are still tricks and lessons I have to learn, but they are easier for me to learn because I found who I was before having kids. Teens don't realise what a responsibility being a parent is. They think that it is easy, but it isn't. They are too young to really know how the world works, and becoming a parent is a big shock to them. There are some great teen mums out there, but I still believe in experiencing life for yourself before bringing a new life into the world.
@focjop20 (232)
• Puerto Rico
8 Jul 08
Teens get on those bussiness, ones for been stupids; and get pregnans; the others don't care, they won support any one; plus was just a good time. And parents because they really don't give a Danm. So if you are a girl, or now some one else, think about what I just said. If you or any body else think is fun, go ahead.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
Hi there! A person becomes who he/she is, whether be it good or bad would still depend on oneself. If a teenager gets pregnant I think its more of her fault than the parents. Everyone is responsible for his or her own actions. Parents are just here to guide us. It is still us who makes our own decisions. It is just a matter of choosing between good and bad decisions. Even if one is bred properly, if you still choose the wrong things then most probably you'll end up in trouble. I think teenagers now lacks sense of responsibilities and more of curiosity. Maybe thats why most teenage girls get pregnant - too much curiosity.
• Philippines
5 Jul 08
a teen is still considered a child right? so children makes wrong decisions, it really depends on the person, i just pity some that makes bad decisions, like children.
@tschu8 (136)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I just have to comment on this one because I was pregnant at 16. My son is now 17 years old. I do not feel that it has affected my son because I was young. Maybe he could have had more when he was younger if I was older but I do not feel that he has ever lacked anything. I did my best to give him what he wanted and needed and most of all he had my love. I could not have loved him any more if I was older when I had him. And no, his father was not a part of his life. But I did meet a wonderful man when my son was a few years old and he has raised him as his own and loves him just as much as he loves our other two sons. Nothing was going on in my home to when I became a teenage mother and I do not blame the schools either. All a parent can do is to teach the children about life, but a child/teenager makes their own decision in the end. I do not believe it is bad parenting that causes teenagers to become pregnant. I do not think that teenagers should be having children but I do have to say from my own personal experience, I have never regretted that I was pregnant at 16 because I love my son very much and know that I have done the best that I could. We have had our ups and downs but he has always had the best life I could give him and we have a very good relationship. He has been very open and honest with me and we can talk about just about anything. I do not try to be his friend as I hear of many young mothers do and I have done my best to teach him right from wrong and taught him that there are concequences for your actions.
• China
6 Jul 08
i think hoth of them has
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
Well it's really hard to say whose fault it is when a teenager gets pregnant maybe the better thing to say is that we should stop blaming and start acting to make things easier for the pregnant teen. I mean instead of judging her and all I guess it would be better if the people around her would support her all the way especially now that she feels so bad about herself.
5 Jul 08
as per the topic in the preganacy of the teenager the whole responsibility of that is of parents if they will care their parents then how it can be possible if parental eduacation is correct than it can not be happened in the future.
@dfollin (25610)
• United States
4 Jul 08
Most of whatever the teenagers do or when they are young adults is what they have been influenced by.But,then again that is not always true.Take for example Jeffrey Domner.His father was a christian pastor.
@rsa101 (38328)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
Sometimes its the parent's fault but there are times its the child's fault what really happened. There are many factor that could make this things happen. But every situation is different in every family situation. I think we should not judge every family that its the fault of the child or the parents. We should always determine by knowing more how the family function as well.
@therd27 (31)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
i don't think that they should blame it all to the schools. we can't also blame the parents because they are not always with their kids. If teenagers become pregnant, it's because of their wrong judgement... teenagers nowadays tend to become so curious that even if they are not at the right age, they do things that is not proper. they become too careless for their actions... so, i do think that it's the youngsters that should be blamed.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Some of it could because of the homelife but not always at all. Sometimes it is peer pressure or these kids really do think they are in love. Kids are growing up faster these days and it is quite common for little 13 and 14 year olds to be sexually active. Girls look much older and attract older boys. I'm sure there are many reasons why it is happening. Thing is now they can get birthcontrol for free and without parental notice and they are not obviously. Back in my day, you could not buy it until you were 18 and if you wanted to get on the pill, you needed parents consent as if that was about to happen. I've been lucky so far. 3 of 4 of my girls are grown and none got pregnant under age 18. And the only one that has children, married and is still married to the father and doing well.
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Jul 08
It is hard to say, if a child has been brought up to understand that having a relationship leads to babies then they are to blame. My parents did not explain much to me but we were taught about reproduction and we had a talk when I was about 14, the rest I learnt from friends. I became pregnant at 17, I cannot blame my parents even though they never spoke to me much about it, my Mum had put me on the pill so it was my fault. I knew what I was doing, although in my defense I was not told by my Doctor that taking antibiotics causes the pill to be non functioning and so technically it is her fault. I did not know that the pill would not work while on antibiotics so did not use anything else.
5 Jul 08
i think it's their parents' mistake. but theare wrong too. it total, i think it is not right