Home Alone

@p1kef1sh (45681)
July 5, 2008 4:34am CST
Here I am, it's Saturday and I'm home alone for at least the next 8 hours. My wife has gone to see her brother 100 miles away and my daughter's working all day. The sun is shining in between the rain showers and I can do exactly what I want. But what am I going to do? Any suggestions please?
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35 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
5 Jul 08
Lucky you! Do something that would surprise your wife, like finishing off some pending job or doing the chores for her. But if you are not in a mood to run errands just go for a haircut, completely different from what you have presently...she would be damn surprised, I am sure!!! Or else ring the Devonshire Beauty and give her some gardening tips. Right now she's exuberant with lady luck.....
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I'll keep my wife happy by vacuuming, bed making and ironing. So what shall I do with the 5 minutes left before she gets home? LOL.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I've been e mailing the Devonshire Beauty all morning. She's on a well desrved high right now.
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@ellie333 (21016)
5 Jul 08
Hi mimpi, I am in and out of the garden today as there have been quite a few rain showers. Pi1kef1shs garden has hippos and crocs in it so I don't think I'll take any gardening tips,(if you missed that discussion he started, it was hilarious) the two cats I have are fine for now. LOL. Ellie :D
5 Jul 08
Hey p1key, why not go completely mad and listen to your fav songs and danced around the room and enjoy the time to yourself?? If you do get lonely, why not pop down to mylot town and visit your friends?? I often have the house to myself due to boyfriend working nights!! I tend to spend my time watching tv, reading books or on the computer!!!!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I'd like you to imagine a walrus dancing. That's what it would be like if I danced. LOL. But I did have a good time. I cleaned the house, washed dishes and clothes and myLotted. A good time. Thanks Cinders.
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6 Jul 08
Glad you had fun p1key, next time your home alone, you can come round for a cuppa and we can do cleaning, tidying and washing!! Take care x
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Well you can get oiled up and Sunbathe in between the rain storms, read a book,go for a long drive and relax,visit friends,have a spur of the moment poker game that is come as hyou are. You could catch up on things that need fixing around the house since you won't have interruptions to do this and that, there are lots of things you could do. Well it was my birthday the other day and I spent it at a church cookout and swimming and for my troubles I got a sunburned nose..lol just call me Rudolph.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Well the cookout was held at my moms pastors house. He has a huge pool. Well they were about 6 baptisms that were also done while we were at the pool. My niece and nephew two of the 6 that were baptised.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Jul 08
Hello Rudolph! Seeing some sun here would be nice. It has rained solidly for two days now and I'm bored with it. I did housework and myLot. I've never been to a swimming church. Must make baptisms easier!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
26 Jul 08
That sounds like a good day. Big font though that pool! How's your sister and niece now? Doing better I hope.
• United States
5 Jul 08
Pop in a couple of movies and some laundry! Entertin while the washer and dryer do most of the work! If you haev to ..pop the dishes into the dishwasher and put them away later. Relax..it's YOUR day! (Go get a magazine ot read and hang out! The possibilities are as far reaching as your imaginaion! TAKE A NAP!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I did a load of housework and laundry. My wife's back now. I've bought supper!
• United States
5 Jul 08
well you could take a nice nap, or read, or you could maybe do some cleaning. maybe you could watch some movies or watch the sports channel and catch a game. it is all on you, whatever you want to do you can you have no one to stop you or bother you. as for me i can barely be on mylot, i have my 4 year old son, my 2 month old son, and my 2 year old niece and they are just so noisy every time i look up they are getting into something else and if i could get my 4 yr old to be good it would be ok cause my niece only does whatever he is doing. but have a good day. you could even try to do a little mylotting and earn some extra cash.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I had a lovely day, but caught up with housework! Still, I got a gold star from my wife when she got back. I have done quite a lot of myLotting too.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jul 08
wow your wife must have been really happy with you Pikey. a gold star. great,
@successlog (3172)
• China
5 Jul 08
hehe,I think you just have done your choice onmot, if not, you would not write here.isn't right? If i were you,i will be pleasure to talk some interesting things online with my friends.I think it is very wonderful free time without any disturbing.I think you can do a lot on internet without lone feeling. Have a good day
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I did quite a lot of things Sucesslog and now I'm relaxing.
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@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
6 Jul 08
I think you have already enjoyed this rather rare opportunities - 'Home Alone' is a great please, if you get this after a long gap. I usually listen to music that I LIKE, watch TV channels that I LIKE, call my friends, whom I LIKE, experiment with something new and strange during these days. I find it great if I'm allowed to stay alone at home for a period of one week but after that I just feel bored.
• India
6 Jul 08
Oh! Sure! Enjoy the freedom, the next time your are in alone.
• India
6 Jul 08
Sorry! Typos. Enjoy it the next time you are alone at home.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Jul 08
I don't get bored and I'm home quite a lot. But it is not often that I get a Saturday to myself. Thanks for the advice I shall be doing some of that next time I get a day to myself.
@balasri (26537)
• India
6 Jul 08
Own the day to yourself and freak out buddy.It is not everyday you get opportunities like this.I envy you.
@balasri (26537)
• India
6 Jul 08
Like a good boy.That's great.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Jul 08
I had a good day thank you Bala. I even found time to come to myLot!
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@nannacroc (4049)
5 Jul 08
The same as I do when I'm on my own. Sit at your computer doing stuff, then playing games and thinking about what you should or could have done with the time if you hadn't been on the computer. Last time I was on my own I did manage to finish writing a story and a poem so try that.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I've been quite industrious. Washing, clothes (hung them out as well) and dishes, cleaned the kitchen and washed the kitchen floor, tidied the lounge, vacuumed (emptied the bag thing too) and am about to clean the bathroom. Then I shall collapse. In between times I have been here. Funnily enough someone here sent me to another website and who and what should I find but Nanna? Even a story. Don't worry I'm not going to stalk you to there. I can't remember what it was, something answers I think, and I can't cope with one site let alone two. I enjoyed the story though. I'm looking forward to reading the next one.
@nannacroc (4049)
5 Jul 08
You can come and clean for me if you want. It must have been on Advise and Answers. I'm glad you liked the story. There are a couple of poems on the blog there as well.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
Just call me Cinders. Although the sisters are far from ugly. Just don't let them be beastly to me. That's the site. I shall have to go back and find your blog then.
• United States
5 Jul 08
Oh boy I suppose I would or should be sleeping in... but I woke early kind of stiff and sore, had to get up and take some Excedrin, by the time I moved around some I was wide awake... LMAO of course I find myself catching up in mylot the conversations I missed over night :))) I imagine you sitting there doing the same :)) So I have no constructive suggestions for you as I know all to well what you are going to do despite good intentions :)))
• United States
5 Jul 08
Aww Pikey :))) just a happy house husband :)) You have enough women here in mylot to keep you in line not to mention the women in your home life. Now that I am caught up with discussions in my email I think I am going to go back to bed, maybe cuddle a bit with my old man and return to dreams... I am tired, we got so much accomplished yesterday on the home front here, but I have muscles screaming from use that have not been used in awhile... Still have much to do once the grounds have dried from the rain last night. I think sleep while sleeping is good is called for!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
Once upon a time I'd have turned the music up loud and just hang out. Nowadays I enjoy the peace and quiet. I'm doing some washing, about to vacuum and wondering whether it's worth having another go at steam cleaning the horrible stain in our lounge carpet. I've walked round the garden and discovered an overgrown patch with what resembles a tree growing out of it and caught up with the Grand Prix (Formula 1). I am turning sad in my old age.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
Sleep tight Angel.
@mummymo (23706)
6 Jul 08
Well I am very late in getting here (what else is new?) and it seems like i am too late to make any suggestions! Why did the Boss choose a day I was so busy getting a 14 year old off to the airport to go away - I could have talked you deaf otherwise! In fact that might be my new challenge to myself! lol What did you get up to? xxx
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Jul 08
Your challenge is to talk me deaf?!! I did housework and myLotted. Guess which one was fun? I hope that after all that fuss about the passport Niall got off OK. Not too many tears from his forlorn abandoned mummy!
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@mummymo (23706)
6 Jul 08
Yes it is ! How long do you think it will take? lol I think you enjoyed the housework - we all know you are a bit weird like that! lol Niall got away fine and Mum didn't cry but I probably will in the next 2 weeks and be so relieved to have him home for about half an hour before he drives me batty again! xxx
• United States
6 Jul 08
Oo oOo oO I GOT ONE!!:) eat some lunch and drink a brew with it:P.... feel sleepy and go to bed Hhahahaa:P ;)
• United States
6 Jul 08
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Jul 08
LOL. I deliberately didn't do that!
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@ellie333 (21016)
5 Jul 08
Hi P1kef1sh, Is there something the girls really aren't interested in at all that today you can go do, whether it be watch a western or to go off to an airshow, Yeovil is on today but it looks a bit cloudy now was brilliant sunshine earlier. If you want to stay arounf the house though maybe potter for a bit in the garden between showers, have another boottle of bitter and have a kip. What ever you decide to do have a lovely day. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
5 Jul 08
What is it with girls Clares age and making chocolate brownies? My two make them all the time. I haven't a sweet tooth so am not tempted. You enjoy. Getting the chores done early will give you extra time at the beginning of the week for other things eh! Ellie :D
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
It's the little mothers in them I think. If I do the chores today then that gives me more time for myLot on Monday!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I shall do some housework I think. Maybe change the bed a couple of days early and get the washing machine on. Right now I am sitting here with a cup of coffee and a couple of brownies (not the dib dib dib kind) that Clare made (I've got my good teeth in, with reinforced cores), watching the rain and playing on the internet. Blissful. I went to Yeovil on Thursday so don't fancy driving down again today. There might be a good film on later. I'll have to see.
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@littleowl (7157)
11 Jul 08
Hi p1kef1sh-sorry this is late...but most saturdays I spend on my own not knowing what to do so just get on with the housework,taking the dogs out and on the computer ...I do meditate which is a really good way of relaxing too, apart from that it is just a normal day unless something does come up to do eg go out which isn't often!! your friend littleowl
@littleowl (7157)
11 Jul 08
Meditating takes practice as you know and concentrating on soft music is best if other thoughts come into your mind just let them go and listen to the music-but guess you must know that-it does help though to get through the day I hope you have a really good time at your friends 50th being there for him will give you an uplift-your friend littleowl
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Jul 08
I admire you for being able to meditate. Every time that I try something else enters my thoughts and I'm messed up. LOL. I'm going to my wife's best friend's 50th birthday this weekend. I'm not a party person, but will cope no doubt. LOL.
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Take a nap? or post on mylot?
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
5 Jul 08
plenty of time for both!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
Or both?!!
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@snowy22315 (186447)
• United States
9 Jul 08
If the sun is shining you could go out and hang out in a hammock or a lounge chair and read a good book. You could take a bike ride. You could take a long walk. there are a number of possibilities. I iwsh that I ould ahve a day that was totally free. I feel that i always need to be working to earn money.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Jul 08
I did housework and myLotted Snowy. I hope that you manage to get some free time to yourself soon too.
@jvyyuie (83)
• China
15 Jul 08
i didnt like it a year ago...it felt really creepy and i got scared. now i like being home alone. peace and quiet and i can listen to my music at full blast and sing along to it as loud as i want.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Jul 08
I'm pleased that you are feeling more confident now.
@focjop20 (232)
• Puerto Rico
8 Jul 08
Just lay down or seat under a tree shade, and have lemonade; and count + give thanks for your bleasings.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Jul 08
Too late now. But it was good whilst it lasted.
@calajane (1003)
• Poland
5 Jul 08
Well I would use that time to spend more time on mylot. And maybe writing more for my sites and blogs that I get money from. And if I didn't want to spend that time in any productive way I would simply settle on the couch with a book and read and read and read :) Of course I'd bring myself tea and biscuits from the kitchen so that I don't have to walk too much:) I love being lazy :) Ohhh... A day like this is perfect for breaking the diet. I'd order a pizza :P That would make the day perfect, oh yes.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jul 08
I wonder if I could get away with pizza. I might even make one. I''ve got all the ingredients. Good idea.
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@calajane (1003)
• Poland
5 Jul 08
Thanks Katesmama! :)
• India
9 Jul 08
generally we dont have time to spend at home in these busy days..if i found without my wife...just have a seat in front of internet and make new friends
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Jul 08
There are far worse ways to spend a day. Thank you.