does god exist really?
By Balozi
@Balozi (243)
July 5, 2008 10:33am CST
I sorry I have to pose this question. Is God an imagination of the mind or does He really exist? If He ndoes exist why are people dying like flies all over. Why should other people be richer than you? Why does He allow to be servant of another human being. Diseases all over, why? Where does He live, and if it is some place up there, why can't He do something about the sufferings on this earth? He is just watching what we are doing. Which father will let his children suffer when he can give them relief. YOU TELL ME!!!!
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16 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I don't pretend to have all of the answers to why God does this or that but, look at the world around you and then you tell me that all of this is just a big cosmic accident. The oceans, the atmosphere, the seasons, the rain, the life in so many forms...animal, human, plant, insect...that so many things that are so dependent upon each other just *happen* to exist. We learn from struggle, we become strong by overcoming adversity, we become kind by helping those who are suffering, we become wise by learing from the mistakes and successes of others. God lives in your heart. He may not step in at every corner you turn but He is there.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
8 Jul 08
I'm not a Christian BUT IMO it really doesnt matter if any god REALLY exists or not...Fact of the matter is many ppl in the world find comfort in believing in a higher power (whether its the Christian god or another god/goddess etc)..Many ppl are kindhearted, loving ppl who live properly because they beleive in a higher power and so on...So TO ME, its completely irrelivent whether or not any god really exists...
As for suffering in life....well its a necessary thing..How can a person know happiness or comfort if they've never experienced sorrow and discomfort...Our trials in life make us stronger and wiser (if we let them but of course not everyone does)
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
6 Jul 08
I am sure there is a God. I can see Him work in my life and the life of others. Sin has caused our suffering, not God. I don't claim to know everything about God. God's ways are not our ways.What about all the beauty and the amazing wonderful things that happen in this life. I don't believe for a second that "everything just fell into place". Someone much wiser than us created this universe.
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
6 Jul 08
It is a good question. I confess as a Christian, sometimes I ask the same question about existance and the suffering. My answer is this: if there is no God, then how did the world and everything in it get created. I know there are lots of theories, like the Big Bang, etc., but when you get right down to it, even if you believe in the Big Bang, then what caused that? And how did the creation result in such an orderly fashion? Science will tell you that almost everything is mathematically proved or unproved and there is nothing more orderly than math. Then you have the delicate, complex balance of the ecosystems, the complexity and wonder of the human body. When I think about all the good things in the world I have to believe they were created by a Highter Power of some sort.
As to the horrors of the world...well we bring a lot of it onto ourselves. You have to admit, we haven't done a very good job of taking care of the world's resources, including our own bodies. God doesn't make people greedy, or hate-filled, or selfish. He doesn't make us abuse ourselves or each other. Most of the world's problems are caused by humans, not God. He did give us free choice and we do suffer the consequences when we mess up. Innocents also suffer for the bad people do.
Finally, I chose to believe God exists because it gives me hope. I don't like to think of the world, or life without the hope that someone, somewhere, has some kind of plan and this isn't all there is!
@Balozi (243)
• Kenya
6 Jul 08
This is soothing. Thank, your approach is wonderful, it is not a sermon. I cant reply to all, but thro' you I want to say thank u to everyone who has contributed. I value your opinions. I am a staunch Christian but that does not make me a know it all. It is in this that we learn the travel
@stellaray (83)
• United States
5 Jul 08
oh this is a discussion, that I love, and one that I too have searched for all my life. I have come to believe that god is the SUN.and The Stars, our Angels, The weather, or rather mother Nature, our decider. Our minds have minds of their own and beliefs stem from what is handed down....good or bad we all IMAGINE and FEEL.
I believe that the truth is...
When humans were Cave people...(imagine being naked in a Cave if you will) They had no where to look but up!
Up to the Sky...they would sit in their caves and in the development of language, invent bed-time stories to their offspring about Things that they couldn't see,or tell each other stories about how the sky; could, and, or would bring on unimaginable change; such as drought, floods, and earthquakes... how the rain came, or the snow, or the heat. They would have innate feelings of jealousy that caused wars and innate feelings of Love and begin families, and on and on, and the stories would spread.
Interesting too, if you think about it, most wars are started in climates that are HOT! or Severe.
There is a great documentary all about this, it is called "Zeitgeist" (you can find it at;and it is well worth the hour or so, in telling the theory of how God and Religion were brought about. what is God? to me, he is you and me.He/she is the evolution of our forefathers, our ancestral blood line....our tribes.
Anyway it makes the most sense to me. I also believe we are in a very bad place right now. Brought about by the few delusional men, who see themselves as a 'ruling GOD' of some sort, and have the balls, to gather millions of other weaker minds into believing/following them!
all the technology we have at our fingertips. And The way we humans think right now, is the culmination of millions of years of our brain, growing thru evolution; of being able to reason and construct.!
If only others would think like you, and me, we would all live harmoniously in the world; and equally share food,medicine,knowledge and love, instead of the man made "FEAR" of each other.
At the end of the day we all want the same things: Love, family, Health care, Shelter, Food, Happiness and Peace.
Why is it so hard to find? The God in me, tells me that if I stay peaceful, that is what I will find.That,There is enough for everyone. The truth is there are some crappy Gods out there that don't think like me.
No need to worry about what God is doing, or what he/she will bring, if you pray hard enough...YOU ARE GOD! MAKE IT HAPPEN!
my best to you,
health, wealth, love and happiness!
@stellaray (83)
• United States
5 Jul 08
confused by what i wrote? sorry if it was my STREAM of Consciousness...I tend to write that way.
what i meant the only God is God inside yourself.your soul, your mental state.
when you pray (if you do)
do you see an old man at the desk with millions of names entered in the BIG BOOK?
all hogwash.
To me God was 'man made', thru stories, and passed on, thru time, by other men.
that is why there are so many religions. A way to keep the masses in check.
let's say You have a town, of a million people, and you are the tell them that GOD is watching and they better be careful. you give them a book called the Bible in which hundreds of different versions are written, and some become believers....even going so far as to :"DIE in the Name of so and so GOD"
but who wrote those books?
Man. A man wrote those books...and he was
channeling his own personal take on the God inside of him.
I only makes sense that there are rules such as: the ten commandments.
Otherwise we would all be crazy and run amok!
Get it?
Nature is the only God i believe in.
the sun being God. To me without the sun, nothing grows. You have no light.
the moon, The Mother so to speak: lighting your night, as she nurtures you to sleep,and to rest.and to bring about tides and cycles.
the stars are the guide the course of the Ships at sea, and also are there to wish upon and keep your heart safe and to dream of a better tomorrow.
I wish you well my friend,
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
9 Jul 08
The discussion about the existence of God is probably one of the oldest ones in human history. Human kind has spent nearly a millennium having absolute faith (which meant they had different arguments about God) and then when the scientist started explaining things scientifically, mankind spent the next millennium debating God's existence.
The problem with God's existence is that its very hard to prove in quantitative scientific terms - something which seems almost necessary in this world of short term cynical expectations. For example, we talk about the creation of the world - and suddenly we have the "Big Bang" and "Theory of Evolution." We ask how we got here and there is biological reproduction.
But I think there is a strong philosophical case for the existence of God or rather a more emotional case for the existence of God. For example, how can you explain the depths of joy that we sometimes go through. Perhaps its chemical reactions in your brain - but why do these chemical reactions take place.
For me, I think that yes, many things can be explained by scientific and logical means. We know how we have fingers and toes. We know how flowers are shaped the way they are. But do we know why certain things in nature are built the way that they are. Perhaps we look the way we do because of a certain set of genetics. But how and why did we get our genetics and how did our genetics come about in the first place?
Perhaps this question seems simplistic and perhaps this is not conclusive proof that the being beyond is Yahweh/Allah of the Abrahamic faiths - but I am certain that all this has to be signs that there is a being out there who is greater than us.

@lrglara (1334)
• Philippines
6 Jul 08
i always believe in God... for others it may not be God but we believe in something... what do you believe in?
i know that God exists... our faith to a power beyond and higher than us gives us hope and hope makes us stronger and long for something... to make things better, make life better, healing, problem solving... people suffer because of their own inequities and bad decisions coz God gave us free will...
I can't say i know all the answers... i just tell you want i know and understand about God and how i feel about it...
in the family, every person is different.. there are blacksheeps, favorites, intelligent, wiseguys, etc. but all of them are part of the family... sometimes it is pride that drives us away from our family... they don't help us because we don't ask for help and we don't want to be helped...
there's this saying "i would rather lives as if God existed and then die knowing that there is none... than live without God and die finding out that there is one..."
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
6 Jul 08
Dear friend,
It is like this as we do not like to go to bad places were there is bad smell, may be dirty places we keep a distance form those places we things it is bad to go. Hence I feel God is also with the good places were good things are done. May god likes to be the good one who do good things. I had inexperienced this when good things happened to me and I hope same will be others too.

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Whenever I see a squirrel romping from tree to tree or hear a songbird, I know there is a God. I love watching God's artistry - in the early morning sky. Each painted sunrise is different than the last.
When I realize how intricate the workings of our bodies are, I know there is a God.
God has given us the choice to follow Him or not. He has given each of us free will.
If God were directing each and every aspect of our lives, we would be mere puppets and not really living our lives. Not many of us would want that.
He doesn't cause bad things to happen. But they do happen - to believers and non-belivers - because (often) of choices someone has made. He also can and does make good come of the bad.
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 08
I believe He exists, but I usually don't question all these whys, because I guess no one will be able to give me a satisfactory answer. There must be a Supreme Being, as I am constantly amazed by our universe, our human bodies and creation.
@nujoomva (111)
• India
6 Jul 08
ya i believe ......god really exist in this world.....he is watching us at every movement ...its our life is like a long road that we are just a travelers ......i saw many miracles in my life....even its imposble 2 explane it scientifically. ..god want us 2 travel that long way of life..if u feel all that pain and and help other ..will will be rewarded in heaven.
@ldeooh (35)
• China
6 Jul 08
whether he exist or not doesn't matter.
maybe someday we will easily creat some worlds like this one we are living in,and we may then forget one or two of them,then what will happen?what will the people living in them could say?
i think God is likely forget us.
in China,it's not a question. we are taught there is no God or ~~ in the world.
but you never know.
@mohammedi98 (80)
• India
6 Jul 08
yea god in the world. if he is not there how rain can come and many thing happening which i can explain just i can tell that much can god is in the world and we belive in him .
@mycorp (22)
• Indonesia
6 Jul 08
ok look at this idioms from me :
are you belive that anyone who created the computer has a face like its creation, i mean the computer it's self.?
are you believe that the t-shirt you've wearing is made by somebody else and he or she has similar face or form like the t-shirt.?
so who creates you , i mean who creates human being? is god face like you ? or like human ? answer yourself ?
if humanbeing is powerfully , ok now control your age never getting old always young forever and control yourself please don't die can you ?
@pes7md (9)
• Nigeria
6 Jul 08
The serpent caused it all. From the moment the serpent deceived the woman to eat of the fruit that God disallowed, everything about the world changed drastically. Rather than living for ever and ever as he designed it, sin turned everything upside down. It is just like a white cloth that is stained with black oil, which can never gain its whiteness again. After Adam & Eve sinned, the world was stained and could not be clean again. So, then God has to wipe off all elements that makes it stained so that the second world will emerge. The world where everything will be as pure as snow. This is my opinion.
@rpegan (596)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Does god exist? I have my own beliefs and spirituality, but this is the question that every religion around the world is trying to answer. I don't think there is a right answer, otherwise we'd have figured it out by now, and everyone would be able to agree on an answer. Like that will ever happen.
If we didn't have suffering, we wouldn't have happiness. Suffering, in a strange little way, creates beauty, happiness, and all that is good. Suffering creates poetry and character. I'm not saying that it's right for there to be such gaps between classes or for people to rot and boil from the inside out. Like the first question, I don't think there's a "right" answer.