Why is it alright for Christians to say Paganism is evil..........
By Magikrose
@magikrose (5429)
United States
July 5, 2008 10:43am CST
when they are ones following a Bible where there God tells them to build an ark because he is going to wipe out the world and KILL all but those in the ark, or when there God tells a man to kill his son to prove his faith. I dont get it at all.
Yet Pagans and Wiccans get a bad rep because they chose to follow not one but many Gods and Goddesses and they choose to worship the earth we live on, the air we breath, the fire that warmes our homes, and the water we drink.
Now that I think about it I dont ever remember hearing in thenews a Pagan or wiccan sayingthey murdered someone because there Goddess told them to do it because that person was evil.
Honestly I dont care what anyone says a truly LOVING God would NEVER tell someone to kill another to prove there faith to them. That is just barbaric.
So tell me why is it ok for Christians to say Pagans and Wiccans are evil when we dont harm anyone?
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26 responses
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I typically don't get into these type discussions, andyet I find myself for the second time in a week joining in. lol
Now I have seen it from both sides, and most christians do seem to see pagans as "evil" lets just say. Now part of that does come from the bible "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". However it just isn't christian to call someone evil or belittle thme or make them feel bad for what they believe in (in my opinion anyway).
We all have pur own beliefs, and I don't think that it is right for anyone to push their beliefs onto another person. I don't see why we can't all discuss them in a civil manner. Just because someone does not believe the same as someone else does not give them the right to say you are wrong and I am right.
After all the basic truth of the matter is that we can't know who is right and who is wrong. My fiance was studing to be a minister and told someone once after being asked about his beliefs, "I would rather have faith and be wrong than to not have faith and be right". All the different religons have differnt views, and they constantly fight over who is right. More atrocities have been commited in the name of God than anything else in the world.
Now by saying that, let me just add I am christian, and not once would I ever say someone was "Evil" due to what they believe in. I think more people need to open there eyes and see there are differences in people. I think too often people are blinded by what they hear and don't stop and think for themselves.
Thats my 2 cents anyway.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Wonderful comment! Sounds like a TRUE CHRISTIAN to MEE!! I am glad to hear that there are others out there that think for themselves.
Following the example set by Yahshua, it is not the people that are Evil, but rather the actions!
Have a great day! Enjoy your OOMPA LOOMPAS!!

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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I completely agree. See I was raised in a strictly religious family. I always asked questions and sought out the answers. I was not content with what “Christianity” taught so I sought out other religions. In my searches I found “Occultism” which has a bad taste in most people’s mouths as “Evil” when really what it is is the study of the hidden (Esoteric Study). When I took my Esoteric Studying and applied it to the Bible then the words of II Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” came to life for me. Not only am I to “Study to shew myself approved unto God” but also “rightly dividing the word of truth”. What this says to MEE is not to take things at face value but to break it down as everything has a reason. To sum my views up perfectly I must quote William Blake ”Tho both read Bible day and night, where you read Black I read White.”
Thank you for the response and HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!

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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Thank you! The oompa loompa thing was based off a discussion i had started lol. I do believe though that people need to stop for a moment and think for themselves and not blindly follow or listen to what they are just told. Not just religion but news as well. Most people I have run into durning my life are what I like to call Sheeple. They don't ask questions just believe what ever they are told to believe. I was kicked out of Catholic school for asking too many questions. I still believe in God, I don't push my beliefs onto others but am able to discuss them without belitting others for their beliefs. we may disagree, but as long as we can discuss our different views and talk about them there is no reason that people of different beliefs can't be friends.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I personally try not to judge anyone of any religion. Harm none can relate to harming them with words or deeds or actions as well. But, I guess it doesn't stop us from having our opinions does it?
In any religion there can be bad and evil. Many of us Pagans know we have heard of some who choose to only practice the dark side of the craft. That to me would fall under the evil side. Then there is the Catholic religion where so many priests have been found guilty of molesting small children. That as well would be following an evil way. Then there are other religions who require an animal sacrifice. How can that be anything but evil?
Christianity in itself is a strange concept to me I must admit. I was raised Christian but never could understand why any God would ask his child to sacrifice himself for others. You are right in saying this would suggest a more evil side than many of us Pagans have. We do believe in harming none, and most Pagans/Wiccans are gentle souls at heart.
Another poster here said she had never heard anyone Christian say anything bad about Pagans. Either they never read/watch the news or they try to overlook it. The most recent example I can think of is where Kathly Lee Gifford referred to us as "those bad nasty pagans." She is just one example of many who choose to judge without trying to understand first.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
5 Jul 08
You are exactly right with the “Harm None” as that can be in word, action, or deed. But opinions are like a$$holes as everyone has one but simply because we have one does not mean that we have to show it!!
Yes there is good and bad in ALL RELIGIONS, but as a esotericist, we all know that it is pure intent that causes an action to be good or evil. Those that step out of the bounds of their “religion” are the evil doers… the Pagans that purposely harm, Priests that molest, Christians that hate, etc… When you go against your ascribed beliefs/code of ethics you step into a realm of evil. As for the Animal Sacrifice religions…. If that animal sacrifice is part of their code of ethics then it would not be EVIL as their intention is for good. The intention is the cause of it all and your comment about Animal Sacrifice could be placed among the Christians that say Paganism is EVIL since you are condemning something that does not fit into your beliefs. Do not get MEE wrong as this is not an attack only drawing attention as to how easy it is to condemn.
As for God asking his son to sacrifice himself…. That was an act to fill the gap of the Old Testament as NOONE can live up to the Laws given by God so Yahshua came to bridge that gap and gave himself so that all can be acceptable. See God never changes (or so it is said) so in order to fulfill the Law there had to be a perfect sacrifice thus allowing forgiveness to all, Jew and Gentile alike, thus a God of FORGIVNESS rather than the RACE GOD of the past. Looking at it from a Esoteric prospective… Yahshua allowed himself to go through the horror he did to teach us tolerance. See he did not die for just the Saints but sinners as well, not just his people but for all people… it was the perfect act of altruism …… SETTING AN EXAMPLE!!

@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
5 Jul 08
The action of the sacrifice TO YOU is evil but to them it is what is called for to appease their God/Godess. So therefore it is the action that is evil TO YOU as I have said up ^^^ there not the people nor the religion as that sacrifice is only one aspect of their religion. I do not believe in harming anyone nor anything and I try to live by that rule but just because I do not believe in their ways… it does not make them EVIL. So we are in essence in agreement.
Discussions like this remind me of a quote from the movie Ever After, actually a quote of Thomas More:
“If you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners corrupted from infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded, sire, but that you first make thieves and then punish them?”
See they know nothing but Animal Sacrifice so that is what they do and it is not their fault as they are trying to follow the ethics they were taught, thus they are doing good. They are doing righteous actions according to what they were taught, sure the action may be wrong in our eyes but it is being done by those that know no better. It is like condemning a child for touching themselves not knowing what they are doing and that it is wrong.
Anyways, thank you for your response and have a great day!!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
5 Jul 08
In this instance we will have to agree to disagree. I'm sorry, but I do not (and refuse to) believe that any religion that requires a sacrifice of a living being is practicing good by doing so. I'm not saying the individual or their entire religious concept is evil. I'm just saying that I do not believe that we have the right to sacrifice anything for a religious ritual.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
5 Jul 08
I am a Christian and I have not heard any Christian say that Pagans are evil. I am not denying that there may be Christians who have said that. But if Christians say such things to others I won't defend that.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
6 Jul 08
just a thought, isnt there something in your book about suffering not ye a witch to live?
@mynameismine (771)
• United States
7 Jul 08
Darn it if I can't cut and paste. I thought Christians were supposed to read their Bibles? These verses, and many others, were drilled into my head by time I was 5. I'm a lifelong witch and went to church cause my parents choose to send me there so I have know the persecution for many, many years.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
7 Jul 08
Esk, it is there. But it was during the time of Old Testament. Nobody follows that now, at least not those who follow the teaching of the New Testament. Blessings!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Do you really think it's fair to lump all Christians into one big pile as you have? I don't know any Pagans but I have a friend who is Wiccan and I will tell you this much, she would never mock or insult my religious beliefs in order to make a point about hers. I believe that's called respect. Some Christians will say things about Pagans, Wiccans, Jews, and those who follow the doctrines of many other religions but that does not mean that all Christians believe as they do.
@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
5 Jul 08
Actually Wicca is under the umbrella of Paganism, so you do know a Pagan.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Jul 08
Thanks for the info, DarkDancer, I guess I do know a Pagan, too.
Lavender_Breeze, I appreciate your comments but it's not as simple as not lumping myself in with the posters this discussion is directed at. Just because someone calls Pagans evil does not make it okay for my sacred book to be mocked or for my God to be referred to as barbaric. I did not view the post as an attempt at understanding but as an attack upon my beliefs, which is exactly how it started. Perhaps those comments should have stayed in the discussion where the dispute started so that only those participating, and who would have better understood the context, would have read it.

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@Lavender_Breeze (373)
• United States
5 Jul 08
No, it's not 'all' Christians. I agree with you. Don't lump yourself in with those she is speaking of if you're not one of them.
I believe that what she's trying to convey is that in a recent post a Christian flat out called Pagans 'evil' in a discussion about the events described in the first part of her post. I don't believe she was 'mocking', but simply trying to understand the mindset of certain people.
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@Lavender_Breeze (373)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I agree with you magikrose. I think it's fear. They are afraid of what they don't know, so they call it 'evil' rather than educating themselves on the religion they are condemning.
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@dowhatyewill (15)
• Australia
6 Jul 08
I agree, and I am doing something about it. I have put up this story on what happened on my web homepage, along with the NBC email address and a link to a petition to make NBC apologise for the NASTY PAGANS comment. Have a look at http://www.dowhatyewill.com and sign the petition.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
6 Jul 08
but that is simply tyranny of the majority. If it is secure in its own belief then it can tollerate diversity, yet if it is scared and unsure then it will prevent debate and attack
blessed be
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Jul 08
For the same reason it's ok for you to beleive that Christianity is evil.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Jul 08
I never said Christanity was evil at all. I just dont understand why the majority of Christians are so quick to judge a religion they know nothing about. I was raised under the Christian religion and had a very hard time understanding it. I could never understand why Christians say there God is so loving and just yet he decided to flood the earth killing people, plants and animals with the exception of the few in a darn boat. How is that Loving and Just?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Jul 08
You sure sound like you think Christianity is evil to me.
The only thing I find 'evil' about pagan religions is that they teach that Jesus was not the messiah. Now, if Christ is the messiah then don't you think it's pretty evil to talk people out of accepting their only opportunity for salvation?
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Magikrose, first let me say that I am sorry you were treated and hurt in such a manner. I confess that the umbrella term "christian" encompasses people that are very un Christ like. It is never okay to make generalizations about a group of people or a faith. I am not even going to justify that type of behavior. I just hope that sometime in your travels you will meet someone who does hold a Christ like attitude, not to change you but just that you can befriend and share ideas one with another.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Jul 08
Thank you angel your words are very comforting. I have been fortunate enough to meet one or 2 who were and still are open minded enough to educate themselvs so that they know the truth. That is the one thing I ever aask of people is if you truly dont know about something and "THINK" it may be evil or bad just because someone else says so then the smart thing to do is pick up a book and learn something about it before passing judgement.
Again thank you.
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
6 Jul 08
What makes it alright magikrose is the basic fact that we all have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and we all have an opinion.
What makes it alright is the same rule that makes it okay for (some) people in Paganism to say that Christians are ignorant and stupid for blindly following such babarism.
It's a conundrum......
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Jul 08
I have personally ever heard a Pagan call a Christian ignorant but the problem I have is that some not all Christians do choose to pass judgement on a religion they know nothing about. If they would just educate themselves on what they dont know then they would not be passing judgement based on hear-say but based on actual education.
@thepiddler (133)
• United States
6 Jul 08
God has told His believers what He expect us to follow in order for us to be a child of God and one of the main thing is not to follow after other gods. Does this make you an evil person I would say not. Us Christians only want to help you see the truth and save from the devils grips.
The reason why God flooded the world to wipe out mankind was because of mans desire to disobey God and live the life of sin. Much like today.
God decides to execute judgement on mankind simply because they refuse to seek Him.
God wants mankind to worship Him and justly so, after all He did create us and those other gods you worship. He doesnt want mankind to jump through hoops all He want us to do is worship HIM and to seek His will for us.
God ask's mankind to put their trust in Jesus Christ and mankind refuses to do this one thing.
Now think about this, we all follow rules designed from our government. When we fail to follow these rules we have to pay the price. God has one rule, Trust and obey Him or pay the price.
If we refuse to follow the rules then why should God let us into His Kingdom?
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Jul 08
"Us Christians only want to help you see the truth and save from the devils grips."
How can I be saved from a creature I dont believe in? How is to say that what YOU see to be true is the only truth out there. To be quite honest I think there are truths in every religion, the thing is there are some false things in every religion as well. It is up to us to see the real from the fake.
@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
5 Jul 08
Hi magikrose very interesting post though. Can you please explain me about the words pagans and wiccans. As per your post i understand they worship elements of the universe and follow (worship) many gods and goddesses.
Interesting though many religions are formed in centuries and the scriptures were written in those days. It has to do with people and situations of that age. There do exist people in shells who cannot understand the true meaning of god. They blindly follow the path which is written.
A true believer of god never sees the bad side of things he never sees truth in scriptures all he know is to worship and love god in his own way which is unconditional love and love towards nature (god created), animals (god created), Humans (god created), ocean (god created), etc. He can see god in everything because he loves god and his creation. Mind you god never asks anyone to hurt or destroy his creation.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
5 Jul 08
darkjedi has a point (look at that a pagan and a christian getting along lol) The Old Testament of the bible gives examples of just that very thing. After all it was God that Destryoed the earth in a flood, and look what he did to Jonah to prove his faith was unshakeable. Not everyone believes the same as you choudhary. Look at the crusades, all the atroicites that were committed in the name of God. those people thought themselves to be true believers also. THe inquisitions, you name it and you can see what "true believers" did under the name of God.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Great Discussion! We got the Pagans attacking the Christians who attack the Pagans. Now we got the "true christians" also attaching the Catholics!
Glad to see so much "religious tollerance" going around.
I just also want to point out that to me, it looked like the person at the top of this reply was advocating more a "personal relationship" with God and not so much following a Bible, which may or may not be the word of God with the footprints of man and man's agenda all over it.
So, quoting a Bible that you don't believe in as a rebuttal against someone who believes in God but not necessarily in "the Bible" kind of misses the point.
@focjop20 (232)
• Puerto Rico
8 Jul 08
Those things that you and other say, aren't the Lord ways; !His laws are just and to be follows always, as they were written¡ There are some people who claim to be homosexuals and other ways of life; and said, thet were born that way; Thats not true, the Lord created every body the same way, but placed a little one, called the devil, with two little horns. This one is the cause of all that sickness; !And people say they were born that way¡ Is because he is alone; and need some other kind of people; since he is that way. He's homosexual and want to have, some of them for company in the last days. !Because the Lord said¡ on the last days those who want to be saved, come back to me, and they will be saved. Those who want to stay will have all of nothing, that's what will be left, Nothings, nothings, nothings.......................Nothings.....Will be Left.., The Lord said, nothing will be left behind, So what the devil will give you, of nothing, "It's the Lords Ways" or "Nothing" !Convince yourself or nothing for you; are the Lord ways¡ The lord its looking for soldiers, to save them, this is his ways. And his say.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
8 Jul 08
"placed a little one, called the devil, with two little horns"
Hmmm the Devil you say? I would like to know how God placed in me something I dont believe in. How can I get nothing from a "saposid" creature that dosnt exist in my religion at all. To me the devil is a creatur created by man to make shure that the people of that time follow there rules and there church. The "Devil" is not real there are enough evil things going on in the world that we dont need a devil.
Ooh and God gave us such a thing as FREE WILL to make our own choices so IF someone is born Gay it is there choice to act upon it WITHOUT someone telling them they are a sinner. The people of this world have NO right judging others what so ever and saying theyare evil because they choose a DIFFRENT life style thant you.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
6 Jul 08
It sounds to me like someone making comments on a subject they only have partial information about. That is such an easy thing to do, especially in this time period. So much is taken out of context in all areas of life...television, news stories, everything. The Bible is no exception. If you really want to know the answers to your questions...and I mean if you really want to know, you have to read the entire Bible, and pray and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you to the Truth and what is really being said. Never go by what you hear others say because each person has their own ideas, especially if they, too, have not read and studied, prayed and asked. Once you do this, you really can understand, and you would find it makes so much more sense than anything you have ever known before.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Jul 08
Here is somethinmg you are not realising I was raised in a Christian home and in a Christian church and still NEVER understood it completely. I did pray on it and still never understood it fully. Ever since I decided to be Pagan everything made sence to me.
I am not saying ALL Christians think Pagans are evil all I am saying is that for those who DO think that pagans are evil they really should educate themselves a bit before passing judgement on us. I personally know a few Christians and even Catholics for that matter who know that Pagans are not evil but that is because they chose to be open minded and learn enough about the religion to realise that there original thoughts on the religion is not true.
@janardhan04 (117)
• India
5 Jul 08
A lot of christmas decorations that we put were pagan traditions as well.The christmas tree was orginally a pagan tradition,candy canes and holly wreaths And not to mention there are so many religious freak parents out there who will tell there children to stay away from the witchcraft and paganisam but yet at the same time they themselves will tell their kids celebrate halloween and we all know that halloween is an evil holiday all the way.The name Easter was named after the pagan goddess Isthar.The food she ate to keep her mortal was the egg and the animal that was associated with her was the rabbit and even today we will have easter egg hunts and little do realize that they are celebrating an old pagan tradition
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
5 Jul 08
"and we all know that halloween is an evil holiday all the way."
Huh? In what religion is All Hallows Eve considered evil? I'm not starting anything, I'm just very curious as to where you got this concept/idea? Where did you find this information?
In the Wiccan religion Halloween (we also call it Samhain) is not an evil holiday at all! Look up the word Samhain and see for yourself what the holiday involves. Thank you.
@urbandekay (18278)
18 Aug 11
Pagans persecuted and killed Christians for a long time
(Strictly speaking a pagan is not a follower of any religion but means one that lives in a pagous, that is an area without a specific boundary, a country dweller. It is used as the name of a religion only by the ignorant)
all the best urban
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
7 Jul 08
I think it goes without saying that not all christians do this. Furthermore, everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, like any opinion, it can and will be judged by your peers. Those who are not included in the Pagan hating group will judge these people as bigots and hypocrites, and they are by society's standards, at least.
I don't think anyone but that group of people thinks it's okay to do this. Much as it's not okay to lump an entire group of people together by one common trait and judge them as a whole.
@Gargoyle0134 (1257)
• United States
15 Jul 08
It isn't OK to be disrespectful to others' beliefs or to say one way is evil , but one way is the only right one.
Hope this helps. (But you knew this before or would not have asked, am I correct? This is wrong for Christians or anyone to say. It offends.)
@Gargoyle0134 (1257)
• United States
5 Jul 08
According to the 10 Commandments..it isn't. Thou shall not judge....
@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
5 Jul 08
That's not one of the 10 commandments. I think what you were shooting for was Matt 7:1 "Judge not lest ye be judged."
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@agustincl (6)
• Argentina
1 Dec 09
Belief is one of the most problematic issue. One is able to believe whatever he wants. To follow an ideal blindy is just obsession. Believe what you have to become a better person, not to argue you are 'gods #1' fan. It is not ok to say someone is evil. It's just a moral issue.
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Religions are the reasons why we have so many conflicts these days. People don't get it. NO RELIGION IS RIGHT OR WRONG. You make your religion whatever you want it to be. Christians call everything evil because according to them, we worship what god created and is wrong to have many false gods. Pretty much everything that is not written in the bible is evil to them.